Yo big respect to ceo Bobby Kotick

its not real diversity if everybody thinks the same way


Why is this a thing? They should be picked in terms of what they can do not in how they look nor what they think they are.

How do you keep a company running when you are only hiring on what they think they are and how they look but not on what they can do??


How is it any better to go from sexual harassment to a policy of purposeful discrimination by race and gender? That is terrible. Want respect? Hire those that deserve the job!


id rather hire a plumber thats a sexist, racist, homophobe, atheist that can actually do the job, than hire a non binary, pink haired, obese weirdo that got hired because of the DIE cult (diversity, inclusivity, equity)

Fight me!


Don’t agree with you here. Not the job market I worked for 55 years.

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Mostly what he said I liked.
The zero tolerance I did not like. It will have unintended consequences.

The company is a train wreck. Having the bright idea to invest in women and non-binary employees instead of talent is where the problem lies. Stop harassing women, keep your dongle in your pants. This isn’t about who you hire in the future, its about who you had in the past.



20 characters and such

I disagree to an extent. I have had many jobs that hired me based on my experience and qualifications. I ran my own business, and I can guarantee you that none of the positions with my company went to friends or family or buddies. My business was hard, and you needed to know what you were doing, So I hired based on qualifications. Interestingly enough I never had to worry about meeting standards, as I had pretty much everyone from every background, color, or sex. They just had to know how to do the job.

I’m sure there are places like that, but I haven’t seen it as a “standard” in my life. I have seen it, so I won’t say it doesn’t exist. I’ve worked at other places where Joe’s cousin got hired. And it usually ends up being just as bad as if they hired someone because they were a certain color, or had certain things not dangling between their legs.

I watched my son leave a job he loved because of horrible management. And that manager was the sister of the manager of another store who got her the job, and she got her friend the supervisor job. and it was a horrible experience for him, and he quit.

But 4 months later the store collapsed, and the regional manager had to come in and fire everyone. Smaller businesses do not survive long when someone is hired because they’re family, and they don’t survive long when they’re hired because of color or race or sex.

Big companies can trundle along with this silliness because they usually are big enough that they have someone along the way that knows what they are doing and keeps the company alive. Like Blizzard…big activision money allows them to make crap like current WoW and Warcrap rebroken and get away with it.

So…I suppose if a company is just going to be stupid, they might as well spread the stupidity equally and fairly. But it’s a bit generalizing to assume everyone who runs a business is stupid.


So basically stop hiring on merit altogether? Seems like a smart choice that’s worked for tons of companies. Reminds me of the GitHub conference they cancelled because it was overwhelmingly “white and male”.

Even though all the speakers were chosen in a blind “pick” solely based on how good their work was. What could go wrong

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Snowflake. :snowflake:

This forum is filled with easily triggered people who think equality means they are victims. It’s a sad mindset.

lol both of you so salty over swallowing bait whole. Just take the L you aren’t going to convince people that type of clown hiring is productive.

I’ve always found it hilarious that leftists always misuse this term because they do not understand what it implies. It’s mocking your “unique snowflake” mentality where everyone should get a trophy. That you deserve safe spaces from anybody that would tell you otherwise.


It is not misuse. It is intentional. It started with the right called those on the left who want equal opportunity or right to expression snowflakes. Then the right turned into a giant crying “victim” when help accountable for their own actions or when they are not welcome somewhere.

If you agree to rules and can’t handle being held accountable - that makes you someone who is a melty snowflake. What did you THINK was going to happen when you did X? Like a robber crying that they got arrested and had to go to jail.

You see a lot of drama and crying about people upset they have to be decent humans or respectful of others. Imagine crying because you got kicked off a plane for hitting the staff! Mean mean staff! It is a left conspiracy to hurt the right by getting them arrested for their actions!

I am exaggerating of course for effect, but really, the media is a bit nuts.

If someone looks at the rules and laws, then breaks them and is held accountable, then cries and screams “unfair” - I will think they are a snowflake. They are not special and outside the rules/law.

It does not matter who you are. You are not special. You are not outside the rules or laws. You don’t get a free pass. You don’t get to have things YOUR way all the time. You don’t get to do or say things without consequences.

I don’t mean “you” as in you personally by the way. I was just using it for explanatory purposes.

Snowflake is a widely and fairly used term these days.


It’s not a misuse, but I’d expect it would go over your head.

It’s called projection. The people most easily triggered are often those that claim others are easily offended.

People on this forum are literally triggered by the Amazon having masculine features. How insecure and sensitive do you have to be? Imagine grown adults being upset that a woman looks a way they don’t prefer in a video game.

Can you imagine a bunch of women coming here complaining that the Necro looks too old and should be hot like Brad Pitt? I mean it’s such a sad display I don’t even know what to say.

Triggered snowflakes essentially.

I don’t think you read what I said or even comprehended it. That’s hilarious. I don’t think everyone should get a trophy. I don’t think ideas or words should be forcibly censored because it disputes my special uniqueness that I think should be celebrated by everybody. You still think it means getting butthurt over things. It’s astounding how the basic definition of the term cannot be processed by a lot of people.

Likewise. Ta ta. :wave:t4:

Yeah I did. You just repeated that it essentially means getting butt hurt. Lol no

The English language is fluid babe. Words , especially slang terms, evolve over time.

See the word gaslight. Rarely used as it was originally intended. :kissing_heart:

Yeah, big respect to someone who:

  • Built a culture of censorship - Google “Blitzchung controversy”
  • , … more censorship - Google “Diablo players mock claims that Diablo 2 Resurrected “censored” content”
  • , … more - Google “hubris-1143 censorship”
  • , … more “Blizzard Reuploaded and unlisted their “Diablo Immortal Cinematic Trailer” to reset the dislike rating”
  • , … more “Diablo Immortal Dislikes Down to 355k.”
  • , … And thank God you weren’t at Diablo’s subreddit during certain times. See what EA did? “EA Rep Reportedly “Bribed” Reddit Mods to Remove Certain Star Wars Battlefront Posts”. That “megathread” behavior was mimmicked by /r/Diablo mods everytime there was a scandal, and there have been a handful of them. Draw your own conclussions.
  • … Lets go on with sexism “Activision Blizzard sexual harassment lawsuit: Everything we know”
  • , … Racism - “Blizzard chose the culturally “safe” option for China and removed dark skinned characters from Diablo Immortal”
  • , … Hypocrisy, pretending to be the champions of inclusion Google: “BlizzCon 2017 Opening Ceremony”
  • , … Also Google “Blizzcon 2017 floor plan” and pay attention to “Blizzard Diversity Meet-Up”
  • , … Or the 2018 version and its “Inclusion Nexus”
  • , … But hey, his priority is being a good guy and taking care of the victims and all his employees, not bashing them “Activision Blizzard has hired a legal firm known for union-busting to investigate sexual harassment claims”
  • … You’re talking about a dude who was overpaid for ages, and only cut his salary once he felt his position could be threaten by shareholders because of being public, notorious, and covered by media that was bordering intentional missmanagement “Activision’s Bobby Kotick, Gaming’s Most Overpaid CEO, Takes A 50% Pay Cut”
  • , … All this while he had people so wildly underpaid that couldn’t afford their basic bills - Google “WTB Recognition: A Gamer’s Blog - My Experiences at Blizzard Entertainment”
  • Denied respect and proper rewards to the people responsible of the success - “Bill Roper Reveals Why He and His Team Left Blizzard”.
  • , … caused depressions, people self-harming, people sleeping under their desks. Here how a baseless rumour turns into a trustworthy source after nailing it with all that was aired 2 years before the scandal - “Got fired from Blizzard, get your leaks here”
  • , … Induced people into alcoholism - “WTB Recognition: A Gamer’s Blog - My Experiences at Blizzard Entertainment”.
  • … Something proper of someone who has among his goals to make his employee’s life the most miserable possible - “Bobby Kotick Wants to Take the Fun Out of Making Games”.
  • Have you heard about Blizzard North? Do you know what happened to it?
  • What about Blizzard Entertainment, why was a legend and the king of the hill when he took charge and why do we have now rumours about a dissolution “Blizzard Entertainment will become Insight in 2022”
  • What about Vicarious Visions? Why a company that made success-after-success joins Blizzard and then suddenly start suddenly struggling with a massive failure?

In summary, we have a person who ruined the best company in history of videogames. " The Rise and Fall of Blizzard Entertainment"

Your choices of people to respect are fairly questionable.