Things like this, will make it okay to segregate again.
Reduce the role of the Federal Gov, like it is supposed to be.
Reallocate those funds back to the states.
Implement said agenda for educational opportunity.
Do woman and minority owned businesses not conduct themselves in the same way?
Yes, they do. It is rare a business hires strictly on best qualified applicant. They only go that route if they don’t have people they already know to fill the job. Most get filled by unqualified, or minimally qualified friends, family, school mates, alumni, etc. Not saying they can’t do the job at all, but if they had to compete they would not be the best candidate.
Job postings are crumbs of the job market. They are the leftovers that are not already filled. So then all the folks on the “outside” get to fight over the scraps.
Imagine if all jobs were required to be posted publicly, to accept open applications, and actually hire based on qualifications! Not just who knows who. Imagine they also can’t write the job description such that only one person fits the quals (very common for defense contractors to do to give favors to retiring military so they get a contractor job).
There are lots of jobs, they hand them out like cookies to their friends and associates “like minded folks”. They want you to hate the women, or minorities instead of hating the system that doles out crumbs of jobs that are usually filled without being public. It is always “who you know”.
Hate the system, not the others who are also fighting it with you.
I like the cartoon here but don’t know anything about the poster so this is not an endorsement.
I understand, and agree to an extent.
I just kind of worry about giving more consent for government involvement.
Our dear “leaders”, are primarily composed of those connected types.
Lobbyists, Corporate, Foreign Interests… You know the drill.
I don’t trust them to be able to run this country, and they certainly can’t maintain a budget.
The more we involve them, I think the worse it will get.
They don’t care, and Bobby certainly doesn’t either.
I think the poster is reflecting on the banking class, creating division.
Not at all. They care about one thing and on e thing only: profit. The 700 stupid genders and all that crap mean nothing to them (as well as the majority of consumers).
Then they fire them. It’s as simple as that. A reputable company follows that guide line. Blizzard lost their good name because they didn’t now we all see where they are now.
Putting quotas on hiring by identity rather than just hiring the best people (male or female) is how you end with garbage products .
Sorry, but I disagree.
I don’t know what bad experiences you had or which company you have been with but I am talking based on experience.
i wonder if he did it from the goodness of his heart or if it was more something like “do this or else…”
I don’t care about your inexperienced subjective opinion. I run a company. Granted, I don’t run my company as scum bag Blizzard does. I put my employees above me and my customers above all. You can speculate all you want but you don’t have anything to stand on.
People should be hired by best candidate.
Most are hired by who you know, not qualifications. Many jobs are not even posted for public applications.
You are already not competing against an even playing field.
EVERYONE should be even, but until companies post every job and don’t dole them out to connections, it won’t be that way.
Just making that change would, over time, diversify the talent pool with great qualified people. Instead of mediocre connections.
Why should you even be fighting over scraps instead of having access to the whole job pool fairly?
I hear ya on that.
In fact many people don’t know, but we run at a personal loss for quite some time before we really pay ourselves properly.
Well, it makes sense. Women don’t usually get into coding. Society says big companies have to hire more women. So men go to work in dresses and declare themselves women. Now they still have biological men in the workplace and they’re considered women. Biological women lose again.
But if you were to hire based on talent, none of this gender stuff would matter, and the powers that be wouldn’t have the ability to divide society on made up stuff. Careful there!
It kind of comes in-between personal liberty, and how you would like to run you business.
The scraps are how we plebs eat, unfortunate as it is.
We can’t trust the table masters to fix it for us.
We have to build businesses of our own, and act accordingly if we want to see something that invokes a personal want or need for change.
I find that there are many times where a “loss” becomes a “gain” simply to preserve your name in the game. That doesn’t mean to turn your belly to every “you guys suck” scenario. There is an equilibrium that needs to be attained and kept on a constant balance. People that don’t run a business or are in a higher position don’t understand that (and apparently, neither does Blizz). Constant communication keeps a “Karen” from going nuclear. Sure, they are going to be pissed off, but if my employees keep them up to date with events, they will be less likely to give a bad review or lambast who ever picks up the phone.
Speaking of, we got an update today on the Global Database issue.
Looks like they are changing the structure to focus more on local for second to second and separate the feed up to the Global? If I understand right.
There will be a PTR.
Personally, if this happens, no to D4.
I was skeptical anyways, since they make crap now.
But these virtue signalling rich a-holes, don’t deserve another penny.
Bobby is a clown, and the rest are not much better.
Blizzard as a company is in it’s death throws now.
Idc if they hire a shoe just fix the game ya nit wits
Yep keep living in ur fairytale, you don’t know how dumb u sound.
Like u have something to stand on?
When it comes to hiring, this is not the “universally” right thing, it is pacifying the pressure groups, the media who are out for blood and neutralise the speculators who try to make a killing. If that was your household, your company, your business, your family, you would not associate/recruit/promote on those terms (non binary, female, racial, religious etc) but on talent and preference. It does not matter who you are hiring, a plumber, a car mechanic, a surgeon to operate on you - you do it on merit and do not care about ticking boxes.
When it comes to harassment I have never seen it in my 35+ years of working in small and very large companies, tens of thousands employees in each building. You get more “harassed” with sh–ty bosses that behave horribly, but it’s got nothing to do with sex race or religion, it’s go to do with some manager being a complete tosser and needing to be fired once the subordinates speak up. Playing the race/religion/sex card smells of greed and speculation.