Yo big respect to ceo Bobby Kotick

So zero tolerance for sexual harassment means… prejudice and bigotry against Straight men in hiring practices. So much for EEO.

What a strange world view leftists and their minions have.


I wish people would keep their personal politics out of gaming forums.
You sound like the old man who starts yelling about the illegal immigrants when he can’t find a parking space.

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Oh, but it does, when you play the race/religion/sex card when it suits you.

That statement right there is so ageist!

Dogs bark - but the caravan moves on.
There’s no point in hating the future - it’s coming with or without your approval.

Great - when do you want to start?
Because it’s not like we ever did that before - “meritocracy” has never been anything but an abstract concept.
It certainly wasn’t what they did back in the “good old days”.

… are u said meritocracy does not exist? this is the way we have computers to write on, to connect with… if ppl 60 years ago would hiring ppl by sex with no talent just the appropiate sex or seaxual identity then we will be discussing this in paper or a congress… and not in the internet. The progress in the world is cuz meritocracy exist. Is why ppl that made good things get rich and ppl that does nothing of value got nothing. (ofc there are some cases out of the rule cuz life is not fair, but is the way to go in the majority of cases)

No - I did not say that the concept of “meritocracy” does not exist.
I just pointed out that actual, real world “meritocracies” (noun) have never existed in our society.
The idea that people were ever hired, promoted, or given privileges purely because of merit of ability in our society is quite false.
I can remember no such time, and I don’t believe anyone who says they do.
Just citing a bunch of new technology doesn’t even respond to what I said - let alone refute it.
I’m not sure you even understand what I am talking about.

A “meritocracy” does not mean simply that people can achieve thing through merit.
It implies a system under which people’s merit is equally rewarded - and we have never had that in our society.
Now, it might be realistic to claim that we have gone from one sort of unfairness to another - but you can’t base that on the argument that some existing system of “meritocracy” is being destroyed - because there never was one.

oh this def aged very good and well… bobby is chillin while employees stage a little walkout hahah how cute of them… fire em all… all hail Bobby big money Kotick and all he stands for and has done… big shoutout dont fold bobby… i stand by you… dont listen to the little whiners… the board stands by bobby so all the little cry baby employees can cry me a river big daddy bobby aint going nowhere! this is a blizzard forum correct? there for anything having to do with blizzard is relevant and isnt my personal politics… dont like it dont read move on or sit cry and report ya know like every other forum user with no spine… blizzard employees post more on their twitter accounts about their products and anger than they do work on their products… getting rid of bobby isnt going to bring back those days of 10m wow subs… it isnt going to make blizzard a happy rainbowy place… people just want something to cancel and be apart of something its sad… stop canceling people… get off twitter and do your jobs “employees”… they just want attention… hey listen to my view… hey check out my twitter… hey do ya job!

It doesnt matter to me who they hire as long as they develop GREAT GAMES.

What if they did get Diversed Employees but their games are horrible?

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Are you for real? This is standard corporate bull and will result in Blizzard’s employees having to take a bunch of useless “training” courses, nothing more. As far as diversity, give me a break. Opportunities should be given to those who merit them, regardless of color, sex and sexual orientation, not because of those. Otherwise, you have a company like Blizzard is today.

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Exactly. Instead of hiring people you know, or who are friends/relatives/college classmates, etc - hire EVERY position based on an open and honest group of candidates.

See that is the thing - hiring has almost NEVER been based on merit. It is mostly who you know - and they only have to be minimally qualified, if at all. Most (although not all) of the people who complain about “but they hire non qualified people” (untrue), realize they would not get the job if they had to compete instead of being given it.

The first thing I learned about “adult” life, is that it is not WHAT you know, it is WHO you know. It is not fair at all, but it is how it works. What that does though is create cliques within companies where people are friends, related, have very similar regional or educational backgrounds, etc. Further people feel they OWE someone loyalty for getting them a job. Much more willing to overlook something when you know you owe your standard of living to someone else who hired you not on merit, but based on associations.

It would be great if instead of going to your uncle and asking if he know someone with an opening everyone applied by number (no name, gender, race, etc.)

That won’t happen though. It costs way more money to post position descriptions, staff the application review process, conduct interviews, review candidates, make offers, etc. This is why most jobs are filled internally or by people refereed to the boss by someone they know.

The point of the labor lawsuits is to make it so that it is more financially beneficial to stop hiring people you know and hire on the open market fairly. Just doing that will, over time, change your ratios of staff makeups.

Now - again - imagine if ALL hiring were actually done by merit…

No this is quite true and the premise of many/most societies, except the communists.

No, it refers to a system where skill and talent gets rewarded and where failure is not. Not equally rewarded, but proportionally rewarded. You work 1 hour, you get paid 1 hour. You work all hours you get paid more. Your work is crap you get fired. Your work is a marvel you get a promotion. This is meritocracy. It is not a perfect system, because imperfect humans are called to implement it, and then there is a thing called nepotism, of course.

But positive discrimination is not a solution to our imperfectly implemented system. Our world is descending into chaos simply because we are very, very rich. We can afford to burn money, so meritocracy is seen as worth less. As long as players buy anything that comes out of Blizz, they can hire monkeys for developers and still make billions.

That’s odd. I would be under impression that it would be best if they hired based on skill and talent not gender or “binary representation”. This is kind of worrying


Yes please, make sure that you have at least one lesbian, gay, heterosexual man, heterosexual woman, transgender woman, transgender man, intersexual, asexual, bisexual and please one of each of these sexual orientation groups for every ethnical group you have in your country.

I need this to be happy spending my money in your products, just forget about quality, that is secondary, i dont need you to fix the problems in a brand new game that was released two monts ago and still has major bugs and broken mechanics, i just need you to be the most gender ideoligy correct corporation in the world. Dont care if your workers are the best in their area you can hire, no please, just care about filling the “quota” numbers. That is the way to success, Blizzard, you are doing it well, thank you.


Most people with a brain realize that any of this is simply pandering, and only serves to drive down the quality of the product. If you’re not hiring/ promoting people SOLELY based on merit, you’re a racist/ sexist.


In 1970, Russia was saying the Soviet Union was the future.

Yet here we are.

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Not a fan of the Soviet Union but I don’t think were doing too well lol
Polluted world, on the brink of a water crisis, an economy that is barely staying afloat and the biggest levels of income inequality since the era of pharaohs in ancient egypt.

I feel like we’re losing our bragging rights lol

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well this thread hasn’t aged well lol.

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right? hahahaha that’s almost sad how the guy tried to find something positive and now it’s just hilariously wrong.