Why is the amazon so ungodly ugly?

OG Diablo 2 Producer, Mark Kern’s comments about D2R are worth a read.

“Diablo 2: Resurrected is censored. Which is ridiculous. D2 was always about being adult, edgy, dark and, yes, even a little bit sexualized. It’s a raw fantasy setting. Gothic and extreme. To change it is to make a different game…”

“The Amazon was always revealing. In fact, we fought hard to keep it that way as part of the them, as there was some push to change it, even back then. Sucks to see something we fought for get erased in a souless, corporate remaster.”

Find more comments from Mark Kern on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Grummz/status/1382081007768064000

I came across these comments thanks to a recent video that popped up in my YT feed.

Alright, let’s make a quick summary:

  1. There is a new thread about how bad D2R characters are every day. And it’s the same on reddit too. Mods delete them all the time, but threads keep popping regardless. All popular votes show that D2R characters are bad. The majority of players don’t like the current D2R models. It is a fact.

  2. The original artwork doesn’t match how D2R character models look. VV completely redesigned character models for unknown reasons. Zero communication from devs on this issue so far. Another fact.

  3. Even the original creators of D2 are commenting on D2R censorship now. So it’s not just “crowd opinion”, people who created D2 art and characters are saying that D2R models are terrible and have nothing in common with the originals.

  4. People are complaining about granmazon just because she is the worst of them. But other characters are bad too, it’s just manazon is so terrible now, people are focused on her. If VV fixes her, there will be threads about other characters as well. So they must fix ALL of them, not just the trapazon. And yes, I’m calling her (or him?) like that because these names are very popular now - ama is now a meme, a clown character. Say thanks to VV for that. Or was it Blizz decision? We don’t know for sure now. Because… zero communication from devs so far, as I said.

What if… you have an image of how a woman shouldn’t look like?

It doesn’t get more obvious than this tbh. Mark Kern was a dev who worked on the game, so his words mean a lot. If he says this then it has a lot of weight. Now people blindly defending can quietly go back to their caves where they crawled out from.

Also, look at this official Diablo 2 art of the amazon:

The face is still miles better than the D2:R one. Do I need to mention the slimmer body and bigger breasts which are non existent on the D2:R? Please.

May13’s D2:R Amazon

I've packed plenty of Rejuvenation Potions and extra Leather Armor.

Vicarious Visions’s D2:R Amazon

I've packed plenty of Ensure® and extra Depends®.

I’m 38 actually. I bought both Diablo 1 and 2 when they first came out.

Excuse me here :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Face of disbelief

I’m in total disbelief that you actually think a game from 20 years ago has a large amount of people on the forums under 30 (I’m 48 BTW).

Diablo II is one of the best action games of all time kids play it too

Yes they did. Starting 20 years ago.

D2R version looks like some old dude is trying to roleplay an original ama from D2. Pathetic.

Here’s a recipe from Blizz/Activision on how to spread racism/homophobia/hate towards any group of people:

  1. Take a well established and popular character. An assasin, or an amazon from D2, maybe.
  2. Change their race/gender/sexual orientation/looks/whatever so they are now completely different.
  3. Do not explain your decision, just do it silently. Provide zero feedback. Ignore all the questions and pretend like nothing happened.
  4. Try to silence opposition by deleting new threads and discussions about the issue.
  5. Force everyone to play as new characters, provide no options to use original models.
  6. Enjoy all the hate and negativity you created.

it’s already confirmed they are working on it, please chill

And stiil do:man_facepalming:

Not exactly a clever comeback. The game is played mostly by adults. Adults who played it 15-20 years ago. The face palm emoji isn’t really appropriate here unless you mean to look foolish.

Yeah I expect most of the people playing D2R after a few years are in the 40-60 range like us…I don’t expect a lot of 16-30, though they’ll try it out no doubt the first or second ladder.

There are a lot of games out there today, I don’t think this type of game really has that appeal to young gamers these days. I could be wrong, but I expect most of the people in my travels on D2R will be 30+, at least.

Oh, we finally got some feedback from Blizz! They’ve made a post on Twitter. And even responded to some comments. Enjoy:

1. https://i.imgur.com/LKHG9te.png
2. https://i.imgur.com/1o1SaeY.png
3. https://i.imgur.com/wwlxxrV.png
4. https://i.imgur.com/FeZ89lY.png

Ama is totally okay according to Blizzard. They are not changing his/her/it/them.

Or perhaps your here to do what you accused me of earlier ? Because obviously #1 it is still worth playing which is why Buzzards delivering Diablo II Resurrected to an existing fan base. #2 Yes I do remember you from the Diablo III Forums and as I recall you were always saying Diablo II was a Dead or Dying Game

I don’t recall ever being on the D3 forums. I also find it painful to read text from someone who can’t form coherent sentences. I’ll have to stop replying to you.

Well, so it seems we will have to deal with granmazon.
For me and probably most others it wont be a deal breaker i think. we will get used to the look and accept it. Ingame we wont really see the face anyways. Im ok with it

You will see her/his face every time you play. There is an additional character screen added in D2R. Also, not that many helmets will fully cover it. Griffon’s, for example, won’t. For many people it means a refund. For me at least - I’m not going to pay them for destroying my favorite D2 characters. Back to plugy and private servers then. With such attitude D2R will die very quickly. Good riddance. (c)