Why is the amazon so ungodly ugly?

Bonus points for this amazing reference.

Monster Max knows what’s up!

I don’t like how the pally looks, but at least he doesn’t look 65.

At least with the Paladin, all they had to design was his head.

The old retorts again? That’s getting… well, old…

It’s an oldie but a goodie.

The amazon’s voice does not match her age, I couldn’t care less that she and pally have what I find to be “less attractive” features, though I do feel that way.

The amazon originally sounded like a kinky femdom.
She’s got the leather already. She just needs a whip.

A 30 year old, kinky femdom. Not one nearing a nursing home,
trying to scratch out a living and buying extra pudding from the nurses.

The amazon doesn’t even have wrinkles.
Not sure where you see this old factor.

I see wrinkles. Near the eyes, on the neck, on the jaw…
I don’t see how you don’t see them.

I’ll agree the Din is bad too, but …Amazon is terrible for how her voice acting is.

[quote=“StormReaver-1628, post:395, topic:27024, full:true”]

Actually, I did pre-purchase the game.

The money wasn’t the reason I said she was fine.
I personally think the new design looks good.
[/quote] Talking about Stocks not Pre-Purchasing, If your posting here of course you Pre-Purchased that’s the only way you get posting privileges🤦‍♂️

Your quotes still don’t work properly.

Actually, I don’t own stocks in anything.

Congrats on quoting yourself correctly Shadowcat. Now if you can only figure out the rest of them.

I see the facial features athletic woman without much fat.

Maybe a skin texture effect, probably done with Zbrush or Substance Painter. But there doesn’t seem to be any crows feet, apparent age lines or weak looking skin. Her skin also looks pretty good overall, there’s no bad discoloration ether.

I just see wrinkles, lots of wrinkles.

I also can’t imagine a woman that age saying something like “Good riddance, Freak” when offing The Summoner, as it’s definitely the nomenclature of a young woman. What middle aged woman says freak, in that tone? No. Just no. It does not fit.

I can’t imagine young people saying “good riddance” in general.

My son, who is six, says good riddance all the time, after he has defeated his enemies.

I dunno, he watches lots of dragon shows, must’ve learned it there but I don’t think it’s just Geezers like me that say it, lol.

Not sure where you’re from. But people over here generally don’t speak to themselves with kinky theatrical enthusiasm, with phrases that look like they came from a book.

Fair enough. And with that, I must subdue myself with the whispers of the night.
Alone I shall slumber. Good night ye soldier.

[quote=“StormReaver-1628, post:419, topic:27024, full:true”]
Not sure where you’re from. But people over here generally don’t speak to themselves with kinky theatrical enthusiasm, with phrases that look like they came from a book.
[/quote]Yup I see you talking like :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: this and :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: that I myself at the ripe old age of 67 try to avoid such crudity you OTH if you’ve even reached 30 years of age I’d be shocked

Why are the voices being redone at all, is the question.

And i thought they were updating the current models, so i’m wondering why they are even altering it Vs updating what they should look like from the original. She would be yellow blond the new version looks like a brownish blonde. It’s very weird.