Why is the amazon so ungodly ugly?

Fine please do and talking about me too otherwise I’ll have to report you for stalking…Which is just creepy why would you stalk a 67 year old man :scream:

I get that point, i wish they decided differently. But maybe modders will create custom skins for download, i could imagine that

D2 and W3:Refunded situation will repeat itself. Modders will fix D2R problems and people will play on private servers. Blizz D2R servers will be just for bots.

What a joke. “War hardened” as if going through difficult times physically changes the skeletal structure of someone’s face.

“She will turn you to pulp at any age.” - Not the point. Does she look the age that she was in the original D2? No.

“She has seen the depths of hell and lived to speak it.” - Unless Diablo went back to school for plastic surgery, I don’t see how her face got restructured from battling hell.

This is the kind of bs that makes me consider refunding my preorder. Not any logical discussion or reasoning why she looks so different from the original, but just some generalized statements to deflect.

Why change the characters so drastically, but emphasize sticking to the original artistic intent for everything else?

I also find it interesting how the twitter account only made such a post for the Amazon and this post specifically shows a rather not so attractive image, an in game image too pixelated to show a face, and then their current D2R remake of the Amazon.

This seems like an intentional way of subtly getting the message out that they are going to keep her this way without actually having to explain why.

Same. Even if they make everything else perfect. I don’t like their attitude. Especially these comments on Twitter and the overall lack of feedback. Just pathetic.

Warcraft 3: Reforged → Warcraft 3: Refunded.
Amazon → Granmazon / Manazon / Trapazon / Refundazon
Diablo 2: Ressurected → Diablo 2: Censored

Who makes up these aliases? Where does zone come from?

Shouldn’t it be: Amazon → Granmazon / Manazon / Trapazon / Refundazon ?

Yea, sorry about that. My autocorrect messes words up sometimes. Edited.

Also, found this 20 year old picture of Diablo 2 guide magazine with amazon and necro on it: https://i.imgur.com/mVk5fAJ.png

Imagine something like that today, lol.

“Just confirming that we are most def going to be looking into it and possibly doing some iterations on this.”

What do you think this means? Possibly doing some iterations? so its just a big fat maybe. That doesn’t tell us anything

ok, the truth is because most women nowadays feel threatened by beautiful women.

I am still using 22" FHD monitor, wondering can I clearly see the Amazon’s face if I own a larger 4K monitor?

The amazon looks like the same old man that cosplays as the necro.

Because Blizzard has taken censorship to a whole new level. Warrior women can’t be beautiful and strong. Because in the eyes of Blizzard, all strong women are strong and ragged, not strong and beautiful. Because according to them, if you’re a woman, being beautiful and strong means you are sexualized and they cannot have that. Just how sexist do you have to be to think warrior women cant be both beautiful and strong? Red Sonja, strong and beautiful. Xena the Warrior Princess, strong and beautiful. Wonder Woman, strong and beautiful. She-Hulk, strong and beautiful. I bet you all those devs get intimidated by strong and beautiful women in real life, so no one should see a woman in their games as being both strong and beautiful. Look at legendary Female Artist - Julie Bell. all of her warrior women, strong, fierce, brave and beautiful. No these guys at Blizzard want women to feel empowered by appearing ugly, weathered, and ragged. Using the excuse of not wanting them over-sexualized, is a pathetic attempt to say to women, you’ll only be portrayed in our games if you’re ugly and weathered. Not even trans women want to play a female character that looks like a weathered and ragged old man… To do so is demeaning, misogynistic, and transphobic.

He is right about everything though.
She is the Manmazon
She is ugly
And we want her changed or at least get a paper bag DLC costume that permanently replaces her face.

You will see them in their full glory every time you start the game and try to load a save. I would instantly delete any Manmazon character I created once I see that.

Amazon in game model in D2R Alpha looks better than when she was first reveal, but still needs more work.

We all know why and they dont have the balls yo say it…what a pity

Lets wait to pservers

Time to sail the high seas.

She is 100% the same she was in the reveal. They did zero changes to her/him.

Btw, it seems we now know what original art they used for inspiration:
(Warning! You won’t be able to “unsee” this. :smiley: )

Hum … can I switch to legacy graphic mode during that time :o

Just make it as “ugly” as Wonder Woman, that’s all :slight_smile: