Why is not game lobby still fixed?

20game cap,

15 game are afk / trading game with unreadable korean/chinese language (asia server)
5 game already have game time over 90min++



I will not popular again. But if the lobby sucks, try useing the forums LFG section for grouping, and trade section for tradeing. Iā€™m mit saying to let go the lobby, we should demand a better lobby for shure, but for the time being, why not use the forum? Mybe even Facebook groups, Twitter, Reddit, Discord what ever. We can connect in so many ways, why wainting for the lobby to get fixed? Go and seek eachother out in the approprite sections. And in the meantime push devs here for a better lobby.

We are doing that for half a year already. Itā€™s exhausting


Good tips but I dont want to waste time outside of game to look for people just for fast casual play. I want to see the games if games are there.

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totally immersion breaking.


Reminder: this hasnā€™t happened yet, and isnā€™t guaranteed to happen. Sales of companies take a long time and can be blocked.

Please PezRadar1, if you can please read all posts in this topic, there still seems to be several issues with game lobby:

  • we still cant see many games even if we should. There are people who tried to make 2 games from two Pcs in same location and they didnt even see their games.

  • game lobby is often not refreshing and you see same old games made long time ago instead of others newly made.

  • it seems that game list is fixed to only show 20 games at once now.

All this was reported by multiple players. This stuff is very important to be fixed for ladder start.


they know its an issure and theyre intentionally not going to fix it

its like they are purposely trying to kill the game or portions of it

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This doesnt make any sense, like why??

The 2.4 game list merge was very critical for the early/mid game (and hardcore and classic as a whole), they did good by fixing that, but that was about half the battle. Late game wise, itā€™s still in a rough spot.

In the original game, during the peak years, we would use the channels to join cow/baal runs 24/7. It was instant, it was fun and productive. We didnā€™t have to rely solely on the game list, thatā€™s whatā€™s kind of new to D2R: having to adapt to lack of channels. Yeah we have discords and forums, but those break immersion, take up unnecessary time and effort. Thatā€™s not fun.

So what would help make up for the lack of channels and effectively fix the game list for good would be:

  • Increase the game list capacity (or just show all games)
  • Add a search filter (or category filters)
  • Filter by ping/recent if possible (not absolutely necessary in my opinion, but it would help out a lot)

(I could write pages and pages of how much better off the game would be long term, but Iā€™ll keep this short).


Will something be done about actual game lists in the lobby that are so small you can barely read them?

Adding a search while typing filtering in the game name field like WC3 Reforged is needed as well.

we also need difficulty filtering so players may see games in all difficulties if they choose.

Youā€™re a joke and you should step down. Seeing games 8 hours old I saw last night. Servers are overloaded? With 11 games? Really? You wanna go down that road? Your server canā€™t handle 12 games?

I had queues pop up with low population, explain that.

This is the most incompetent roll out of a billion dollar game Iā€™ve since since CyberPunk 2077. Except this game was already made. You just had to outsource all the artwork and assets to foreign companies to save money, and have Blizzard employees ā€œrunning the back endā€ which is an utter failure.

Merc Fade bug still exists wearing Treachery. Chat shows text to local user only but displays in game as if it was successfully entered. Other players donā€™t see it.

Iā€™d be embarrassed to produce such low quality work at my job, but Iā€™m not a piece of garbage so maybe Iā€™m different.


Can you stop being moron and dont insult him? Toxic people like you are reason why devs dont communicate more with us here.


The game was available for pre-order 6 months before it went live. It had multiple beta tests, patches, and hotfixes. Design choice is one thing, failed features is entirely different. They get enough butt fluffing in the office telling each other how great they are because of mobile sales. I am a customer. I paid for something. Itā€™s defective. Features do not work correctly. If this was a small team making their first game, sure, going to have some issues.

If they communicated regularly this wouldnā€™t happen. But they do drive-bys, post and run. They donā€™t talk, they donā€™t have conversations. The green mods usually do better which while nice, shouldnā€™t be the go-to for decent information. This is what happens when you shaft a creator and try to take it over and exploit it. Ya piss people off and make a shoddy product. Ignoring it is why me and people like me are so vocally annoyed.


Yeah I donā€™t like when the devs get heat either. Itā€™s going to make them dislike our community and not want to listen to our ideas or engage with us.

I really enjoyed the Twitch stream and I hope they continue to do it. I know sometimes this community can be a bit toxic (itā€™s mostly ingrained in us older generations) and I hope the devs donā€™t take it personal.

Iā€™m not trying to be a Blizzard simp. I agree that showing dissatisfaction/frustration usually does get better results over being a nice guy. But being overly toxic will end up backfiring.

I think this community has been pretty good up to this point. With barely any moderators here, it could have been a lot worse.


If they acted like part of the community itā€™d be different. They act like elitists above us lowly consumers Itā€™s obnoxious and indeed, frustrating. Iā€™d love to see real interaction. I just donā€™t see it. 11 posts? PezRadar has 11 posts. Community? I like the idea but it isnā€™t happening and without a voice it will continue to not change.


I think they have to go through an entire approval process on what things they work on. But I agree if there was more back and forth discussion, results would be better and we could get more efficient fixes.

Iā€™m tempted to rebump and repeat myself like a broken record player just in hopes that the devs will see the what I think is crucial information for the game.

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i agree but after literally MONTHS of asking for changes or even asking to just be acknowledged by the DEV team about critical issues its hard not to be critical of the team

as a classic player (pre LOD but still d2r) i have been ignored completely by the dev team and 90% of the users on this forumā€¦ and i still havent been able to see a game in the list


my kid is 8 ā€¦ heā€™s gotten into the game but has moved to mods as he literally cannot find games to join to level. This should be a major problem for the developers if they have any desire for d2r to grow or even not die.