Why is not game lobby still fixed?

I can see more games on hardcore than on softcore … lol. So obviously there’s a problem. But blizzard will say its “working as intended” because they’re too lazy to fix any of their stupid issues.

The point is, no one can see my game.
I make game, Anni for vex, Griefz for vex, 1 hour i stand there, no one even comes to lol at my bad grief.
I went for mcdonalds, came back, no one has entered game.

B4 lots of people would come to a game Griefz for vex, just to check it.

No one can see it.

Much like this thread it would seem…

This was not the way from launch, I have had issues trading, but nothing like this.

that could just be because no one wants to get more gear right now because of the ladder coming up. there are a ton of people tossing stuff right now and trading things away. its the wrong time for trades lol

It’s possible because before 2.4 the game list showed up to 40 games. Now for some reason it’s only 20. It should be unlimited like PD2.

So I see it as a buff to HC, Normal and Nightmare, but a nerf to hell mode.

this is hurting classic pre LOD so bad…

It’s actually fixed now. You can find a few classic games up rather than 0.

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1 to 2 games a day on West is okay to you? HCC will be dead in a month. Apparently your goal is to get your most weeb fanbase to quit.

After this, and being promised a ladder announcement in September and only getting it last month, I am really excited for Microsoft to take over…

You should try logging on HC. There are more games showing still in dead azz legacy.

20 game limit on game list
half of them are some dude just standing afk for 4 hours
other half is diablo craigslist

plz fix. This isn’t viable for ladder.


You think they are having buyers remorse? I would be…

Can you post a screenshot of your normal NL list?

Well it seems like you’re talking about classic. It’s been fixed mates. Spread the word to the classic community to start making games.

I really don’t see any reason why players shouldn’t get games from at the very least, all servers within a particular game region (i.e. Americas/europe/Asia).

The Party Finder is basically unusuable on console because there aren’t enough players making the same selections to get a match. 99% of the time I play on Switch, even if I select a very common task, like doing Den of Evil on a new character, or any of the boss quests, it says “searching for game” for a couple seconds, then says “creating game” and putting me in a game by myself that only rarely ever gets someone to join.

This is where I point out that even under better conditions, the party finder sucks and all versions of the game should just have the lobby like on PC.


Clearly. Cuz it wasn’t broke. Just no one playing.

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Honestly the way this was done really hurt hardcore. People would make games and the population already isn’t large, and i wouldn’t know they exist. This made it far more dead than it really was.

Its possible, i made the post too early without proper testing. I have been checking last few days as and see more games than before. But still, i think there is more people and they can even increase the range. Also some people were posting there is 20 games limit on game lobby now.

Devs should consider showing all available games on realm like it used to work for 20 years… might help retain the dwindling player base.


1255 users playing 547 games is considered “no one.”
MAMAMAMAMAMAMA shut yer mouf mate. hahahahaha.

lol I mistook your initial post to Zax, my bad.

The only reason you’re starting to see more game is because more people are playing more actively than it used to before the ladder announcement.

It is still broken since on the same IP address, the same computer, 2 character lvl 1 in hell difficulty does not see the same game available, also one see 3 to 5 and the other 9 to 12 (checked today at 9pm EU), none of them are the same from one account to the other, search the error here.

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I learned that when you resurrect something, it doesn’t always come back whole. Like in Pet Semetery or Frankenstein…

Shame they dont have the skills to remake a 20 year old game. Pathetic!