These screenshots are FEATURE concepts, not final drafts, so please take note of features that we need in the lobby.
please see the images in the post below
These screenshots are FEATURE concepts, not final drafts, so please take note of features that we need in the lobby.
please see the images in the post below
Right now, I don’t think that you are going to see too many more lobby improvements beyond more server clusters being listed in join list, maybe more chat filters to block rmt bots in lobby from posting. I think the next big lobby step for D2R is going to be consoles receiving them. Once that happens, then when they make further improvements, all platforms will be unified. PezRadar replied to a recent console lobby question on his Twitter, stating something to the degree of that when they have something to announce on that front, he will scream it from a mountaintop. As of now, devs have been primarily focused on 2.4 and Ladder and that the lobby stuff would be a huge undertaking, so patch and ladder took priority.
I would rather have constant disconnects than have to deal with this useless game list for ladder. They messed up their priorities. Ladder is doa.
The lobby is still virtual unusable. It’s game killing. Our game lists are capped at 20, and every game is 3 hour old garbage. I can’t find a Baal run. Before, I could at least refresh the list every few seconds by toggling back and forth to the create game tab/join game tab – that way I could see a Baal get get out or start. Now I have to wait 15 seconds.
It’s the same crappy trade games or some guy standing in a baal run from 3 hours ago. That has to take up this precious real estate in this stupidly 20 capped game list.
This needs filters – that will search the WHOLE game list. Not these 20 crap games. Even tho the list was shorter in 2.3, it was better quality, somehow. I could at least find a baal game. This is awful. Man… how can they not get this right?
They are trying to reinvent the wheel even though they have no idea what they are doing. Its really a shame they didn’t just copy exactly how it worked from the original.
To be fair they couldn’t copy the original the way you think they could. The original was designed for a much older platform and a regional database. The current one is (allegedly) designed for the global database, focusing on the region of origin as a priority. That’s why they had to reinvent it. Going from old to new isn’t a copypasta affair with this game and the Blizzard Albany (formerly Vicarious Visions) developers have never had to deal with until this game. It’s literally their first rodeo here. It’s going to take time to get it right, unfortunately.
That’s kind of a no brainer why would they think a 20 year old database would work? Why didnt they test it properly? The only reason the game works at all now is cause the player base is so low compared to launch. When ladder comes it will be the same issues and they have had 6 months to work on this huge over sight they should of cause from early development. And we still dont have a functional chat system where you can make your own private or public channels for trade, Runs, and Clans/Guilds its just plan unacceptable.
Yeah they really need to removed the 20 game limit and add filters.
On the original game we used to use the chat channels to organize rushes, cow runs, baal runs, etc so you would know that those are new games being created. It’s a pain in the *** to have to check the duration each time.
If you want to do a quick refresh you can toggle between difficulties, but that requires having beaten at least one of them.
I wonder why it went from 40 down to 20.
YES we need advanced filtering options and game modes like PVP only and “time created” so that newest games can be filtered first.
the games list should also have all DIFFICULTY filtering as well so you can see games in all difficulties.