Why is not game lobby still fixed?


I’m grateful that the games lists were merged because the game is actually fun as hell when you can just jump from chaos to cow to baal with ease as on the original game. But to take it to the next level, the game lists should be uncapped and have a search filter or categories.

On the original game we used the channels to do a lot of our game finding, but now we only have the game list to rely on and it’s not easy to use them when they display at random and you don’t know which ones are 5 hours old.

It’s probably too late for season 1 ladder, but hopefully this can be tested during the next PTR.


this is the only issue i have with patch is that lobbies are not fixed!!! ugh

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We need this turned off for classic. We don’t have enough games to justify it being turned on. A lot of the time we flat out just don’t see games and have to use other means such as Discord to play with each other. Can you please help us out here?

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It is turned off. You can connect to players from US West, East, and I even connected to players from South America and New Zealand and apparently Singapore.

It’s possible down the line they could merge EU and Asia as well (especially for classic).

Test it out this weekend, you should definitely see more players in classic.

I dont think so, ping in asia is unbearable for most eu players. I have ling ping 350 in asia server.

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In addition to these great points, bring back the function legacy D2 had where when you click a game from the list, the name is automatically entered into the join box.

That was super handy to copy paste game names for rejoining the next run and also meant that if the list refreshed while you were trying to get descriptions or player counts then you at least still had the game name entered and could still join it.

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Yeah considering the OG was mostly run by bots? Pretty sure if you want to keep a legit player base committed, you better have the game stable first and flashy a close second.


To me, this is by far the most pressing issue in D2R that it faces. I really hope the devs are paying attention. The community really needs to light a fire here.


I’m seeing USA games where previously I only saw Australian games. If you must show me the games from distant servers, I would like them clearly marked so I can avoid them. Latency of 300ms is just unpleasant.

why would u show a screen shot of a text and not a screen shot of the actual games shown? this isnt even believable, here ill prove it:

Jynx: why is there no games now?
Jynx: why is there no games

now screen shot that and repost…you kind of need to show the relevant screen (the games being shown) not a sentence typed by a nobody…

i mean wat do we do with this?

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I make games, No one enters anymore. I can see the same 10 games only, all night. I can’t sell Griefz for ohm, I can’t buy Griefz for ohm… which is it?

No one can see my games, I can’t see anyones games.

This is what’s happening in the real world. If this is working as intended, then it’s game over for me.

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i only see the same lobbies a low times like earlier at like 10 am. afternoon through pretty much early morning is different lobbies for me. what region are you in?

I was just showing that people are clearly starting to notice. There’s no need for proof, you haven’t noticed a difference?

What do you need exactly?

Working as intended? Lol. I’ve only been able to see the same 10-12 games the last 2 hours. Basically playing by myself.

What region are you in? Also did you have this issue before 2.4?

NA Region (west). The issue would randomly happen before 2.4 and then self-resolve. Thought they would fix this but guess too cheap …

add me ill play with you lol i got a friend on that is working on his very first playthrough and im having to teach him how to play lol

That’s weird because I’m in the West and it’s been working for me since the patch deployed.

If you go to hardcore normal, you don’t see a full list of games?

i didnt even notice hardcore on there. i do believe that less players play hardcore which would result in a lower amount of games appearing because theres less people making them. honestly just creating a game would work as well. there are probably other people who feel the same but dont end up making one and then there arent any to join.


It’s a dead game now, you guys dropped the ball. No more worry about server stress.

Why not give us the full list of games so there’s more than 2 or 3 games available?

I can’t believe how disgraceful this game has been handled since launch.