Why is not game lobby still fixed?

“loot drops need buffed” very subjective. game is a casino with trading to facilitate.

anyway, really hope the game list gets more attention, and SOON. haven’t played since December due to the terrible game list.


You had me until here.


I bet you’re the kind of guy who say ‘I don’t drop anything’ after 30-100run lol
It’s already damn easy to get HR & loot atm with the boost they gave to some mobs, example is getting 5 jah runes in a single week (ofc it didn’t happened with 30 run/day XD)
Also as other said, it’s a trading game, just learn what items are worth something & you’ll get rich even with only white/grey item.


yesss… so strange ppl think they need to find the gear they want.

but, it maybe points to a flaw in the trading system, or perhaps just a dated trading system.

which mostly comes down to a dated gamelist imo, with game name and description limitations (descriptions wouldn’t even be needed if we could have longer game names, with a brand new lobby interface to suppost the title lengths)

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General Lobby changes id like to see:

  1. def the ability to both filter out games im not interested in (trade vs non-trade / leveling vs mf’ing / xp farming vs boss runs, etc) as well as

  2. the ability to somehow expand the game site areas my lobby looks for games in (so that i can see more games in the lobby screen itself), i know theres more than the same 15 games in my region…id love to see some of those and have those ppl see my game for trading reasons as well as gameplay.

  3. better use of the Real-estate on screen - the actual lobby box for games is TINY and can be tripled or quadrupled in size at least or have it take up the entire right 1/2 with a tab at the top to go to other settings - right now SO much empty space (maybe its my 4k resolution?). But it looks like a waste of screen space when it could be larger to display more games - and on that note = more than 20 games? 50 or 80? id wait longer (a few seconds longer for it to populate if it means triple the # of displayed of games currently)

  4. continuing from #3 above, the ability to turn off the auto-refresh - sometimes im trying to read descriptions within the created games (not the title but waiting for the description to populate) and it will refresh, or im trying to read the list of 20 games and it will auto refresh - a button that refreshes already exists - a choice to allow auto refresh for the speed readers as well as a manual refresh (meaning static screen until we manually refresh) for some of us slow readers would be a nice qol

  5. In addition to increasing the game lobby window size, please allow more characters to be used in both the title AND the description box - the title doesnt have to be infinite, but certainly at least double or triple what it is now (it will be fine with an increased window size so it stays as a single line in the display) and i have no idea why the description has such a tiny limit when the Box itself is HUGE. being able to list a few details in it would go a long way to selecting to join proper games rather than jumping in, asking a question cause its unclear, and then hopping back out - less server load as well i imagine(?) but also work as a band aid filter as ppl who make games looking for something specific (items or gameplay) can list what they wish, i dont know why there’s such a tiny character limit - i can tweet more than i can write in that giant box

all of the above would go a long way to just make outdated and inferior layout better and MUCH smoother in the both the visual and operating experience. Some colors in there would be nice too - everything is just…grey. old d2 lobbies had some blacks and golds etc…this 1 just looks bland and boring, no flair such as gothic borders or anything but w/e thats not critical but the points listed above please and thank you.


1,000% i pray every night before bed for any 1 of these ideas to be made true

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problem is it’s not an auto-refresh… simply the way the client handle it when ‘new’ game appear or ‘old’ game disappear from your list :confused: for that part it’s pretty the same as LoD, just don’t hesitate to click another game then reclick the game you wanna read the description, the client is bad for that but there’s no auto-refresh here…

Also just use a website like j2dsp or traderie for your trades, it’s way better than wasting your time in a game…

an entirely separate screen for gamelist is what i want. like brood war has. then they can use the entire screen to add QOL features


ur right of course - thats how a lot of stuff was in the old game, but these were not the things that should have been kept as is…i can understand the aesthetic of the lobby being kept the same as old D2 (which i loved and was disappointed to see this new revamped ugly grey emptiness) but the inferior systems of archaic systems that truly were limiting - those are not nostalgic things to preserve…imho.

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The most pressing issue with lobbies is that player can’t see the same games available, even if they’re on the same IP address, both will see different games from each other :confused:

Launching ladder like that is kinda trolling the community. It’s gonna be a lottery just to see the good trades games & it doesn’t mean the person who would see the game will have what to trade -_-

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Drops need no buff. Go play D3 then.
Ladders economy is dead after 3 months currently. You want ladder to be over in 1 month?

Hey Pez radar, thanks for answer. I would like to say that if game list can be expanded even more, it should. I was logging before 00:00 and saw only 7 games on all difficulties on hardcore and i cant believe there was just 7 games for whole EU region.

This is especially tough for hardcore players because it feels like game is dead which i believe is not.

When I was playing PTR ladder i saw one single game in two days of playing ladder HC. Then fix was implemented and i saw like 20 games just on normal. This was not the case on normal server(not ptr) after 2.4 where i would guess is playing a lot more players so its weird to me.

Its possible that servers were down before that which had effect on it but still… Everyone was waiting to try 2.4.

I would absolutly prefer to see even game far away for me where i will have worse ping as its much better than see limited number of games.

But anyway, i hope it will get better and tell team they did good job with 2.4.


The beatings will continue till morale improves


you think this will effect longevity after it being popular after 20 years before the remaster even came out? yea right lol

Very dissapointed to see that. Gamemodes with lower Population feel like singleplayer because of this. Keep your Balance improvements when there is nobody to play with. A multiplayer game without a well working Chat, lobby and channels.


i cannot understand how they spent so much time on character balance and bug fixes when game list is so frustrating :confused: only update i care about and should have been updated with d2r release. crazy it still is ignored.


From a hardcore player.

It’s definitely working. At least in NA.

I checked EU and I see only two hardcore games at 8AM. So I don’t know if EU needs adjustments or if more people will play later in the day.


This might only work for ScL maybe. All classic gamemodes, hardcore modes and maybe even nonladder modes always have the low playerbase you describe.
It looks like you’re aware that the current solution is not working with low playerbase. Consider showing all available games on realm like it used to work for 20 years. You could limit the list to 30 and Show the next 30 with refresh Button and also Show ping in lobby.

2.5 Focus should be to improve multiplayer functions. Chat does not work, lobby is really bad and private channels are useless if they are not remembered and only work with invitation.

I really like 2.4 otherwise to end my Post with something positive.

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If path of Diablo lobby shows like 100 games, with a player base that is less than 1/1000 that of D2R, something went very wrong.


Clan lobby still not working either .
this has got to be an easy fix i just dont understand???

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