Why Economy Arguments are Utter Garbage (in regards to P8)

in the same vein, i’m 30 y/o and have played d2 since childhood, many thousands of hours. i’ve never found anything above vex, never owned an enigma, infinity, torch, anything like that. i can barely get a gg sorc together in a ladder season and maybe a half-decent alt char (javazon or other cow-killer).

i still enjoy playing and don’t want p8 (=

my favorite times are progressing the game with other players in crappy gear. this is why i think a new difficulty or even multiple new difficulties would be awesome. continue making people work together to progress.

they should make a 4th difficulty that is virtually impossible to solo due to much stronger monsters (immunities/modifiers/damage/hp). in this difficulty i would be happy with them increasing drop rates too of course. it just needs to be not viable to solo.

It is your own admittance that the only thing that matters to you is the “slot machine mini game” and that you are bored of D2:R enough to have taken a 3 month break and not play it nearly as often as you used to play D2.

Despite claiming to have 10k+ hours of play, you continue to demonstrate a fundamental lack of understanding of the core game loop when you suggest new difficulty modes with no rewards.

I don’t think you seem to understand … there isn’t a core gameplay loop.

Just go watch some Llama streams and ask yourself where he fits into your core gameplay loop.

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Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, then to speak and remove all doubt.

I would be shocked if they don’t already watch Llama stream. I’m pretty certain the introduction of game streaming in modern years is partly why people want the better drop rates. Some humans just can’t stand knowing that someone has it better than them, they succumb to envy.

Like a little child who sees another kid with a toy they want. " Mommy, Daddy, I want that!! Let me have that!! " -p8 advocates in a nutshell

Honestly I’ve usually been surprizingly lucky with drops. Found a couple Jah’s, a Ber, a Cham, a couple Lo, several 4 Gul’s a couple of which I cubed up, and ohm and a crap ton of the Pul-Mal stuff since the beginning of D2R.

The Ber was this week, also nabbed a low mara , a bottom of the barrel griphons, a 18/20/8 anni, and a 17/19/9 anni and two crap annis. Got a Hand of Blessed Light earlier today on my Fohadin of all things :stuck_out_tongue:

Been unusually good. I’m just getting burnt because without manabrun nothing can really kill you if you can TP.

Better to use your own words than sound like a parrot with tourettes.

The person making fun of someone else for misspelling “N-a-z-i” (the word isn’t allowed on the forum btw it’s why they changed it in their post) goes and uses “then” when it should be “than”. So typical.

Well you’ve removed all doubt :ok_hand:

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I just wish they’d stop with the recital of the “101 Things You Can Quote/Cite to Make You Sound Smarterer.” After a while it starts sounding like an caricature of a person, and one that I see a lot online.

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If you want to be toxic and insulting, at least be original. Literally copying what other person wrote with that “mommy daddy” talk.

Also, very interesting to see you STILL posting even after bragging of how much of a life you have and I have no life. Projection is indeed very real. What’s worse is you are just insulting people and rarely if ever actually discuss the game itself. You also said I have psychological issues… Hmmm…! Really doesn’t take a genius.

Explain how providing more options for players to enjoy themselves is authoritian…

Or how Diablo II has no core gameplay loop.

Because those are peak performance statements.

Explain where Mr. Llama fits into your “core gameplay loop”

Or any player that does odd challenges for that matter.

BTW, your list is wrong. This topic alone got 32 likes, which is 10 times more than any people against player x command and changes: This game desperately needs p8 (& more slots+stash, ploot, classic shared stash, charm inventory, etc.)

Hell even current topic got 22 likes and it is relatively new.

My list is correct. I wasn’t counting upvotes. I was counting voiced opinions by reading the statements made.

There isn’t a downvote feature so there would be no way for people to counter those votes lol. Most people who are find with the current state of something don’t bother to stop buy to upvote a random post lol.

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Does not matter, likes speak louder.

Let Blizzard conduct an official survey then, and make it the decision maker?

No, people speak louder. usually the vocal minority.

It’s good to force yourself into denial I guess, whatever makes you feel better.

I’m at work getting paid to browse the forum lol. point out where i bragged about having a life.

Coming from the guy that knows he can’t dispute my count so just goes at it from an angle where there is literally no way to vote no… sure bud. “Denial.”


Yeah it’s a shame that we’re not allowed to dislike a topic.