Why Economy Arguments are Utter Garbage (in regards to P8)

Alright, well I could see that. Wouldn’t mind a mode where everything had double the speed and hit power. But then again, it would just mean necro bone prisons become the meta and it’s the same thing. I don’t know. Regardless, if anything is an option, and it has no affect on anyone who doesn’t want to use it, there is no reason to stand against it. So hey, I’m all in.

Weird I played D1 for 2 years and then Played D2 from launch till 2010. The working model you speak of is the abandoned D2 that got zero changes for 10+ years because there was no Dev team lol.

To be fair I do get now what he’s saying. I think he’s mostly just against HP spoonge mobs. and I can agree with that.

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And it maintained a huge following. 1.09 wasn’t somehow more challenging. Nor was 1.08 or 1.07. I’m ok with a novelty option where mobs take forever to kill. But it should not be rewarded with more or better drops.

Def don’t want a zombie shooter with 1000% increased hp lol.

You mean 7 days to die radioactive zombies on insane? Been there… no thank you.

I mean even P8 is not just 450% more HP, it’s also 72% more damage. But, like Jhaerik said, the more modifiers they add the better and more challenging it becomes.

You think it’s reasonable to ask for volunteers to do more work for the same pay?

You so seriously misunderstand the core game loop of the game you claim to love so much (yet play so little by your own admittance because it’s boring).

Also golfclap for presenting a binary choice of no reward or overinflated reward.

I think it’s the botters who are against p8. They don’t want solo players (ie most people) to be capable of getting loot faster.

Anti-p8 = botters?

And the best part is that it’s all optional. You don’t have to set the game to p8, nor do you have to play solo. It’s all an option. If you want to do pub games you can! If someone prefers to farm solo they should be able to in an optimal way that doesn’t require randos or a robust active friend list.

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I mean it’s not as fresh as it was 10k+ hours ago for sure, and I’m not fond of the current direction that’s true

Also yeah it’s completely reasonable to ask for volunteers for the same pay.

That’s called charity. It’s a good thing. More to life than money. More to games than getting them done with.

10,000 hours is 416 days.

Sounds about right yeah. 9-10 hours a week for a couple decades will do that. Honestly 10k is probably fairly conservative. I mean you’re talking to a guy that had 2,600 hours on a single character on Guild Wars. I put in some hours. :stuck_out_tongue:

One of these things is not like the other.

You do know what an average is right? I put in 20-30 hours of gaming a week on average. Sometimes it’s all D2. Others it’s a couple days of d2 for 6-8 hours. Hell I have nothing to do this weekend, it’ll probably be 30 hours of d2.

One of these things is not like the other.

Those are identical.

And again why you you keep trying to derail the conversation away from D2?

Totes. Playing a game that has become boring and you play far less because the only meaningful thing in it to you it the slot machine mini game vs playing 30 hours in a single weekend.

Yes and then I’ll probably do other things next week, then fit in a few hours the week after. Again averages.

You’re the one who flexed your playtime. :yawning_face:

It’s not a flex, it’s a factual response to an incorrect statement you made

You so seriously misunderstand the core game loop of the game you claim to love so much (yet play so little by your own admittance because it’s boring).

I play the game less than I used to. That doesn’t mean I’m ignorant of the game, it’s systems, or that I play it “very little.” I think it’s also silly to assume that everyone plays a game with the exact same mindset, or goals as well.

Reminds me of a friend I play Rocket League with from time to time. Took me forever to explain to him that I don’t want to get better at RL… I’m just happy where I’m at and play for fun. I’m like Plat 2 and he’s a multi season grand champ so it took me a while to get him to get it lol.

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