Why Economy Arguments are Utter Garbage (in regards to P8)

  • Increase in drop rate doesn’t automatically mean your item value is reduced

Think about it. If Shako sells for Mal, and more Shakos drop as a result, then yes, Shako value will drop. But if more Mal runes also drop, then it means both sides have more supply and value should not drop.

  • Price increasing or dropping (from a gameplay change) does not matter

Due to something like P8 change, whether a Griffon value goes from a Ber down to a Ist, or whether a Titan value goes up from a Pul to a Sur, it does not matter. Items are not required to be set in stone at a certain price. Prices can change, and often do. The only that changes is our PERCEPTION of how much an item should cost.

  • Increased drops won’t help Bots

First of all, you shouldn’t even balance a game around bots. Secondly, if increased drops did happen, it will not help bots. Why not? Sure bots will find more items. But so will everyone else. Which means the value of each item that the bots find will be worth less than what it used to be before increased drops. They will find more items, but those items will be worth less to sell, so making their “bots becomes more profitable” argument nonsense.

  • Bots already join private P8 games with other bots to maximize loot chances.

So the only people that not having P8 online that hurts are legitimate players actually.

  • Increased drops does not mean loot will fall from the sky

People assume that zods and griffon’s will rain from the sky with P8. This is not the case. A ton of people who P8 on single player said they could hardly find anything with constant grinding. It makes your drop increase 2.5x at best, which means that Zod rune which has 1 out of million chance will now be 1 out of 400K chance to find it at best. You are still not gonna find it.

  • Increase drops actually make the economy more vibrant due to more stuff being available to trade

It’s not 50x drops, it’s 2.5x drop. Which means you are still going to have to trade with others to get the SPECIFIC gear that you need. But increased drops now means you have more stuff to sell and trade or use. It makes the economy more vibrant because now people need to make more trades.


100% this.
just report Threads like this for spam.


What is it about players8 people that makes them all use the same vocabulary and have the same attitude lmao.

“Crying, spamming, purist-brain” followed by some passive aggressive comment.

Holy crap no wonder you people don’t like playing with others, you can’t even get along with anyone on the internet.


Ever hear of the concept of supply and demand? If everyone has a Shako, no one needs to buy a Shako. It’s valueless as no one is going to trade for it.

You might want to take a lesson on basic economy first… A product that everyone has, that never breaks doesn’t have a market.


Maybe you want another Shako for another character, or two other characters or another one to slot with a different jewel or gem. Isn’t this why people play ladder characters, to start over and work to reequip a character?

I’m ok with players8. I don’t have to use it if I don’t want to, but it would be nice to have an option for harder games if I wanted.


There already is. It’s called single player. If you aren’t playing with other people to increase the players count, then why does it matter?


Try reading why it matters rather than ask a question that’s been answered several times.

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I don’t see that it does, so irrelevant. The option is already there.

Every game has rules. In d2 the rule is single player has /players to simulate other players in game. Multi-player has… PLAYERS to do that.

It’s like arguing with the rules of chess.


I’m sorry, but asking for P8, regardless of any other rationalization, is simply a request to increase drop rates. More reward for the same amount of time invested.

As the game is quite easy already, countering with “monsters are tougher” rings hollow to me, so that the counter-argument is not of the same scale as the initial point, i.e. the reward is much greater, but the cost doesn’t grow to a corresponding degree.


The option is already there for one aspect. Why not for both?

A player can easily buy 7 more accounts to circumvent “other players”. A person can also hijack other people’s games circumventing the need “other players”. And, as stated, bots often just bot the games of other bots to circumvent the need of “other players”. People can also go online and buy whatever gear they want, circumventing the need for “other players”.

So as mentioned above, the only people hurt by this are the average player.

More hollow arguments.

It will also increase difficulty to challenge already well geared players.


Are you arguing for or against /players?

Cause you sound like you are arguing against it now. Blizzard would LOVE for everyone to buy 7 extra accounts. :stuck_out_tongue:

Players 8 is barely more challenging. It just takes longer to kill stuff. Mobs just don’t hit you often enough to matter. If you want more difficulty you should be asking for adding another difficulty, not /players.

You quoted the first part of message, yet ignored the rest of it with your comment

I argue in favor of options, every time. If it’s an option that someone doesn’t like they are free to never use it.


It’s like arguing people should have the right to hold the door to your house open in the winter because they like the breeze. This change doesn’t just effect the person, it effects everyone.

They can go hold their own door open in single player.

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Runeword does not tie with MF, so when you allow p8, only chance of shako drop will increase. Yes, more white item drop in theory will also increase chance for rune to drop; however, with the MF modifier involved, chance of shako dropping would be much greater than chance of rune drop. So your statement is invalid

You obvisouly do not know how market works do you? A store can set whatever price it want, but if no want think that price is worth buying, then there’s no sales, there’s must always be a balance between asking price and selling price, availability is a big factor in this balance, and there will always be a set price for item. Can it be adjusted? Certainly, however, when there’s more of the same product is available on the market, if you want to maintain the same price tag, then there must be something that that is being added to the value. Basic Eco 101

Exactly, because we shouldn’t be balancing a game around bots, so there is absolutely no need for p8 on bnet. the arguement of bot is already doing p8 run so regular players should also have p8 is the common arguement for pro p8 group, not anti p8 group

So can you, you are always allow to find the MF group and join MF room for p8 MFing, no need to solo p8 commend

It does tho. When more item is dropped, there’s more chance that your MF will change the color of the drop and turn it from trash to loot. So yes, it does affect, and when it is available in a grand scale. Loots will fall from the sky.

Which mean it affect the economy. One main key factor for keeping price low for merchandice is when it is flooded into the market.

BTW, it is 2.5X drop per mob, not 2.5X per game.


You’re trying to persuade people of the virtues of the market economy to people who simply don’t understand its dynamics. I admire the effort, but many of these people look at the market the way a pig looks at a wrist watch… :wink:


It isn’t like that even a little. Your comparison made zero sense… but I bet you feel like your clever for that horrible comparison.

Maybe runes should. PoD, runes are automatically on players8 and runes dont fall from the sky.

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The sad part is a lot of these people are fairly representative of the average Blizzard employee these days. It’s rather terrifying to think of what might actually happen if they work up the energy to actually do their jobs.

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as of current runes has it’s own drop rate and it isn’t affected by MF, period.

I absolutely despised PoD. Anything that makes D2R more similar to that pile of garbage is an instant pass from me.

Runes did in fact rain from the sky on PoD. Between that and Maps I was decked out in 3 weeks, quit, and never looked back.