Why Economy Arguments are Utter Garbage (in regards to P8)

I didn’t ask for that at all. I said I’d be fine with “intelligent” changes to a /players like system. Or a different difficulty. The thought process was an opposed idea to something like vanilla /players 8 where more mobs would be brought to a closer difficulty curb to prevent just farming pits/at instead of what the result of /players 8 would be on bnet.

I mean you wouldn’t have to play that difficulty… and frankly I wouldn’t care if it gave the same xp and drops. Would just be more interesting to have to actually look at my screen instead of perma watching youtube.

Again I literally couldn’t care less about getting items or xp quickly. I like the grind. I’d gladly play a harder difficulty for zero increased reward.

Before runewords, there was some challenge and there was much more group play. The ISSUES came when the character power ceiling went far past the game difficulty ceiling.

Yet we see LoD still overwhelmingly more popular than Classic when given the choice.


Well for me I preferred LoD launch through 1.09 patch. There really isn’t an option like that around.

Well it would definitely be cool to have a drop down with every patch. 1.01 was insanely difficult. Almost retardedly. I love watching people trying to play it. But it’s a novelty. It wouldn’t survive as the main game. I loved 1.08. I though that was the best. But I wouldn’t call it harder.


  1. this can be addressed by rehauling the gamelist/lobby. channels for the lobby to coordinate MF rooms, filters and improved gamelist to increase join rates

  2. harder difficulty would be nice. i would like to see this implemented too, especially with a teamplay incentive. “need more difficulty” is absolutely no one’s true motive for p8.

  3. oh?

The vast majority of players leave long before they run out of things to do because they get burned out doing the same loot runs over and over and over and over and over that are neither difficult nor rewarding enough. P8 would increase the difficulty and the reward, and cause less burnout, not more.

Maybe you like mindless easy mode farming bugsplat for hours on end so you can do your Chaos run in 2.5 minutes instead of 2.75 but when I get to that point in the game I make a new character or a quiet because it’s just too easy. A new more difficult game mode would allow you to keep stomping on solo Hell Mode while giving players like me an area that’s more challenging/rewarding.

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Not harder at all for sure. But what it had was variety. Personally I’ve never been fond of synergies. Why I was playing Bowa up until 2.4 hit. Now I’m doing some weird foh/hammer/smite hybrid because it’s at least interesting. If OP as crap.

Sounds like this isn’t the game for you then because this has been the working model for many many years now.

Would you say it’s unreasonable to ask for harder challenges that come with no reward? :stuck_out_tongue: I’d just do it to do it. Much like a difficulty slider in many other games. No reason to do it… other than fun.

Because when you say “challenge” you mean “it should take longer to kill things”. That’s boring. And not a challenge at all. IF we were talking about new, challenging mechanics, then yeah, you’d be onto something. But that’s not going to happen.

Yes. To suggest such a thing shows a lack of understanding of the core game loop.

To go back to your bad job analogy, would it be unreasonable to give harder work without increased pay?

Do you understand the word optional? An optional challenge with no reward is just that. Optional. It’s an issue when it comes with over inflated rewards.

I have no issue with that. A mode for more challenge for a novelty. No reason to stand against that. Seems pretty pointless to me personally tho. Might be something to check out once and have a laugh before going back to the real game.

I mean I certainly understand while a lot of people would think so… but it’s not much different than increasing the difficulty slider in an Elder Scrolls game. You kind of just do it to do it ya know?

I mean if you want difficulty, just roll a naked martial arts assassin and play through ubers.

Honestly it’s just that I want something worth trying some GG gear on after I farm it.

You’re just asking for that GG gear to not work so well. Aka, take longer. You’ll be doing the exact same thing. Just double the time for everything. I don’t see the draw. You can have the same effect by just wearing worse gear, so why not do that?

Well it wouldn’t just be HP that’s the thing. It would be movement speed, changed/added immunities, random immunities, extra modifiers, increased damage. A whole list of things. I’m not fond of target dummies either.

If there was any reward at all… just a title :stuck_out_tongue: