Why Economy Arguments are Utter Garbage (in regards to P8)

I don’t think it “extends the life” even a little bit. It just means faster leveling, faster gear collection, and quicker burn out. Getting more loot and xp just leaves you with nothing to do sooner.

Which for the people that DO like having people to play with… means less people overall playing.

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For alot of pople, ther end game is PvP

With p8 it will take even less time. so imo thats not really a good argument.
And if people want it hard. They could try HC, or any non meta/self made bilds-
But people always say no to this, which tell us that people only want p8 for greed.

If a person can clear p1 in X amount of time but it takes 2.5X time to clear p8 since the monsters have 450% health that means either would be identical efficiency.

If one can not clear p8 less than 2.5X time compared to p1, it is actually better to gear up in p1.

Such a weird topic. I enjoy playing the game how it is. If you don’t, then play a different game. What am I missing.

How does it make sense for the developers to change the game just to increase drops while playing solo online. Explain.

I know. My point was if players 8 is allowed then we’ll just see endless pit/AT farming on p8 to quickly gear. Those areas are super easy for 85 zones.

You are missing that people wanting this, so they can get gear/runes faster to sell for real money

The issue with D3 is they keep doing this balancing act of buffing character power and then game difficulty in a never-ending cycle.

The EASY way to fix this in D2 is to simply have a characer power ceiling that never gets increased while also having a max difficulty setting that is HARD and rewarding for the most geared players. P8 does not accomplish this, but a harder more rewarding difficulty setting comes pretty close.

You can like the game and still suggest changes.

Do you like quickcast? That was suggested.
Do you like the balance changes?



I guess it must be this because I can’t find any other incentive. If they don’t like how the game is designed why are they playing it.

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Like I’d said I’m 100% down for an extra difficulty if it was done correctly. The problem with p8 though is it ISN’T an extra difficulty. It’s just people 1 shotting mobs in Pits/At for more xp/loot and opening LK chests.

PLayers 8 is a jank bandaid for single player issues. It doesn’t belong online.

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Exactly this. All p8 will do is drive down people playing in public games and increase the speed at which people get to the end game. It will even further devalue the early and mid experience.


There is no evidence to support this claim. No one to my knowledge has indicated that they sell for real money. I know for a fact that I have have never sold an item for real money. It is just an unjustified and fabricated ad hominen attack that demonstrates the underlying argument has no merit.

Then you have not been understanding what has been posted, since the incentive is many including

  1. not having to wait for 7 other players to join a game to get a p8 run going
  2. harder difficulty since monsters have 450% health
  3. etc…
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I think we can both agree that there needs to be more challenge. I just don’t think that p8 is the answer. I straight don’t like single player, and my biggest gripe with it is the /players command. The way it fucntions over-values farming high players count low HP mobs in level 85 zones.

It’s a lazy solution to a problem, and blizzard can afford to do better. That’s why I’d much prefer adding a 4th difficulty where things like fallens have health closer to act 4 hell mobs and it scales up from there.

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Absolutely, it’s a poor fix to a bad end-game system BUT D2 does an awful job, at the moment, of giving players a logical end-game progression path. People are always going to want to get to the most difficult/rewarding part of a game even though in this case D2’s most difficult/rewarding part is a cake walk for a geared solo player.

I would far prefer that the nerf LK chests and increase difficulty of pit/at then if that is the impediment to p8.

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Love it, hope Devs consider it, one of the best options for game longevity IMO.

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“There should be more challenge”

Anyone saying this doesn’t understand the draw of D2 and why it has stayed popular for so long. No one wants fights to take longer. That’s what “challenge” does. Adding more HP basically. No. And blizzard will not be adding new mechanics or wipe mechanics or anything like that.

The “challenge” of D2 is improving your farm times. No one wants to be spending MORE time on mobs. And that’s not challenging anyway. It’s just boring.

I absolutely wouldn’t even mind something similar to /players IF it was intelligent, and more than a basic multiplication.

A different function that adjusted mobs individually based on some real logic would be great. Things like not over buffing magic damage/dolls while adding large amounts of base health to things in act 1/2.

That might have been the draw at some point, but frankly that’s getting stale due to an even further reduction of difficulty in D2R.

I don’t want to be beating my face into my keyboard while getting my rear kicked all day, but I’d at least like the sliver a chance of death. If nothing else to keep me awake.

No, it’s been the draw for quite a while now. You are asking to fundamentally change the game. These are the kinds of requests players “think” they want and end up killing the game if devs listen. Also, again, making fights take longer is not challenging, it’s just boring. They are not going to be adding new mechanics so what you are really asking for is for things to slow down and fights to take longer. It’s dumb.