A 2.5x reward for killing monsters with 4.5x hp.
That is 0.55x reward per hp.
A 2.5x reward for killing monsters with 4.5x hp.
That is 0.55x reward per hp.
Pits. Still a 1 shot.
Then the game is too easy.
I know this. Why do you think I was against nerfing manaburn, vipers, and class buffs?
Time spent is not difficulty. It is simply time consuming.
I disagree. As does the English language.
Elementary Level
adjectivenot easily or readily done; requiring much labor, skill, or planning to be performed successfully; hard:
Because you’re desperate to cling to some vestige of your fading past, as adapting to change is difficult as you age and ultimately reminds you of your own morality.
So anything to say about D2?
This is the only response you’re going to get from be if you aren’t going to discuss the a game. Kinda sick of your trolling.
Yes, D2 is changing and for the better. I’m not sorry that this displeases you.
I disagree. Any more insights?
Unfortunately for you, your disagreement is with the developers of d2:R who have implemented such changes. It is unlikely that they change course or revert any of these changes with which you disagree, because if they did what next? The slow unpatching of the game all the way back to v1.0.
You have already said that you 1 shot p8. How is it difficult to kill things on p8 then?
Cool. I’ll be sure to talk to them about it.
Let us know how that goes
When did I say that?
If not, how much longer does it take you to solo clear p1 content and p8 content on hell difficulty?
Depends on the content. Pits, no noticeable diff. AT maybe 20% longer Prob not ? Chaos is noticeably longer (FoH pally) when you get into P8… maybe double? So like 3-3.5 minutes. This is just from same games I’ve done some split finding in recently while people baaled/cows.
It’s a pretty decently geared pally. Level 40 FoH, missing arachnids/1 soj/ and some skillers.
It`s funny, when one of the pro playerx post they all post(and thats not many, just loud), and when one stop they all stop. obv alt accounts…
It`s the same when all the crazy changes. same Accounts.
Ohh, blizzard will never give p8 to this cry babies.
Most of them also seem to fall back to “it needs to be harder.”
I’d be cool with that. Add /players 8… but give no extra xp or loot on bnet. Truth is not a single one of them would use it for the difficulty.
Yer sure they could up the lvl, but no extra loot or exp.
But we all know what they will say to that… What show us what we know. Its all about getting loot to sell it for money.