Why do people blame players

Yes, it was a literal comparison and not an analogy used to illustrate a point…bravo, genius.

you be smarter please, you’re saying you’re locked out of a mode… THAT’S NOT EVEN ACCESSIBLE. what is actually wrong with you. that’s not an issue.

yes. ladder is coming, but your comment about it, doesn’t make any sense.

yes i wish for you to have more slots. OK. but the way you conduct yourself around it, without more slots. is wrong. YOU NEED TO SEE THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FENCE. not me.

i honestly thought you were a reasonable poster but you’re on my block list now. no more discussions with you. you can’t even be reasonable about this. you’re so silly.

Good lord it’s like having a discussion with a rock, yet somehow even dumber than that. I really thought you were smarter and more reasonable. Guess that was my mistake.

In both of your examples you blame Murphy’s law you would likely be legally liable regardless. If I don’t Deliver to a client I am liable no matter what. If there isn’t heat in a tenants house in winter I am liable doesn’t matter why. Your logic may have sounded good to you but doesn’t change liability

Here are the tweets from Rod and Adam. There are unambiguous and completely consistent with what I said as well as the multiple news reports and interviews from that time (also linked below).

Blizzard clearly announced that D2R ladder would only be starting in D2R after the game stabilized.

Rod’s tweet reads : “We want to make sure the game is stable and ready for ladder before we turn that on. So it won’t be there for launch but will come shortly after once everything settles down.”

Adam’s tweet reads: “It will be post launch as we are wanting to see how servers handle and how things are right at launch. Goal would be if any big issues arise at launch, we would slot that into a patch that would hit with the ladder update.”

This is :100: clear. Also, you can see the news reports that confirm that ladder was only going to be introduced after the game stabilized. Some examples are linked below.

Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladders unlikely at launch - Ladder Runewords in Single Player - PureDiablo
When will Diablo 2 Resurrected ladder season start? | GINX Esports TV

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So you are arguing this is still within the shortly after window? Yes or no

I think the timing of ladder has also literally been anything BUT clear. You can keep saying it’s clear but it’s not. He says shortly after and once stabilized. We are long past that. What’s clear about that is they lied

Before answering this, can you acknowledge that you were wrong for repeatedly claiming that Blizzard promised that ladder would be shortly after D2R launch when in fact they said it would be after the game stabilized?

I have provided images of tweets and links to news articles to establish the real fact.

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No. They said shortly after referring to launch imo and that’s why the word once was used. Otherwise it would have read the same but said shortly after it was stabilized. Not shortly after once it was stabilized. The word once changes the intent entirely. At the very least it is not clear if they meant it your way

Edit. I posted the quote first. I’m well aware and followed it live. If they meant we would stabilize and then it would be months after that then they should have said. As it’s played out it’s clear they were never close to ready to launch ladder even with a perfect launch

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Your interpreatation is wrong. Even if you thought Rod’s tweet was ambiguous (It is not as evidenced by multiple news reports), Adam’s tweet is clear that D2R ladder would start after Bkizzard knew the game/server were stable.

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Lol. Then why is the word once in there. I assure you based on testing my English skills are higher not that it’s really relevant. If you can show me a single spot suggesting ladder would be after October made prior to launch I’m all ears.

Let me show you the difference.

Are you doing your home work at 5pm today?

I will do it shortly after once I finish eating.

I will do it shortly after I finish eating.

Those are not the same. Do you see why?

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They never specified a precise date. From Rod’s tweet and subsequent communication, Blizzard was clear that D2R laddet would launch after the game stabilzed. Factually they were still gsving login queues in October and game creation limits. these game creation limits existed past October.

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That’s information that was post launch (and post when I could get refunded) so it’s not fair to use that info when deciding what it meant in august and September. It’s beyond ridiculous those errors existed that late for starters. But even using your poor interpretation why wasn’t ladder out by November? Because blizzard lied and misled. Please see previous post I edited to show how “once” changes the meaning.

Rod’s tweet was August 11.

Adam’s tweet was on September 13.

Multiple news stories stating that ladder would not come until after D2R stabilized were made pre-launch. This communication also occurred on Blizzard’s forum.

The game launched September 23.

Yes I’m aware. Care to address my point on the usage of the word also and how is post suggests that once it’s stable it would launch not a while after it is stable? Or if you think this is still shortly after? Or keep deflecting making arguments that have nothing to do with this. To be clear the info that wasn’t available was that servers wouldn’t be “stable” until after October by your claim. That was not known nor suggested prior to launch.

Both posts were clear that the game needed to stabilize first and then ladder would launch. My intepretation was that it would be relatively quickly thereafter.

Factually, we know that there was a PTR in December to test character saves on the regional database rather than the global database whose goal was to alleviate database stress and mitigating server stability issues. So clearly the problems were not fixed already in October as you falsely claimed.

Blizzard was smart in that regard. Presumably, they knew that there might be problems whose duration to fix was unclear. No specific date was given so no specific deadline has been missed.

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I actually agree with micro here, for once. They likely had plans for a ladder launch before the new year or even early January, but that was scrapped once they had to spend two months putting out several dumpster fires (remember rollbacks and queues, and extended game creation throttling, along with a truly insane amount of spam in lobby? Not to mention the AVX issue or whatever it was called they had to fix so some people could even run the game). Now of course it’s right to be infuriated by this, they did launch the game, after all, we paid our money, and it was a true multiple dumpster fire scenario for like two months. Ideally they should have released D2 in like January after extended closed then open (free) beta testing, to iron out all this stuff, but they didn’t probably because Activision and hitting third quarter profits or whatever. So we got what we got, and we just gotta deal with it, ladder will be ready when it’s ready, no use crying over spilt milk.


I didn’t falsely claim October. That was your date I was referencing. Eye roll. You seem to argue every point I don’t make and then find something wrong that’s not related. You ignore every direct question or point. It’s both telling and annoying. If you are arguing servers weren’t stable until December refunds are long overdue to anyone wanting them but that’s a side point. Why won’t you address the usage of once since you claimed it was so absolute and clear and then it was demonstrated how wrong you were? If you are going to make hard stances on English wording you should defend against counters or concede. I’ll wait. If you don’t address the once issue I’m no longer interested in continuing.

Edit. So to be clear you are saying this is still shortly after or no? You seem to have troubles with this one

I am not arguing that. I am simply stating that Blizzard said that ladder would not launch until there was game/server stability. You could play the game reasonably well in December: however the playerbase had diminished by then. Presumably, a ladder launch would increase server stress in comparison.

In terms of your question about whether the game is stable enough now (or its been shortly after achieving that stability), my answer is I do not know definitively. Given the PTR testing mentioned, the earliest would most likely be some time in January. The servers mayvstill not be stable enough relative to Blizzard’s metrics. Only Blizzard knows.


That has nothing to do with this. They didn’t say once it’s stable then we will have to make sure it can take extra ladder stress and then we will make Balance changes. And then delay months more. In what world is both what they said clear and that they didn’t lie? Come on man.

Bottom line. They got our money. Now they are spending fewest capital possible. HAHA! welcome to corporate America!!! =P

Im actually looking forward to the next D2 remake since this thing has been a half assessed product from the get go, I expect no more in the future for d2r. this game however diablo 2/ will live for many many years to come.