Why do people blame players

over what? i’m not even american, sueing people isn’t the answer :stuck_out_tongue:

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blizzard requires court to start in california because they know it will make the costs too great to the consumer. your response is childish and shows either a lack of understanding or that you are a troll.

Not a fan of just deleting everything you’ve worked on for a new ladder slot. NL is usually where you consolidate the godlies for PvP.

Edit: It’s also not about just one slot. I can make room for one character. But people normally have more than one character per ladder. It’s easy to have two or more and then they add up throughout ladders. Ex: Sorc and smiter for ubers. Think of PvP chars too. People like to play more than just one.


Silly me you are right, they knew that they would have the perfect launch no problems. So just put the ladder in and everything is fine and everyone can sing Kumbaya around the campfire right.

I guess you never heard of something called Murphy’s Law have you. That is why I said that when they said shortly it was with the caveat that nothing wrong happens at launch. If they had a smooth launch then we would probably be getting ready for season 2 of the ladder. Or we would be into season 2 of ladder right now.

A rational person knows that there is the caveat of as long as nothing goes wrong then it will be shortly after. That is unless you wanted the game to be a total flop by launching ladder in the state it was in at launch. Where two days after the launch the ladder would begin. I am sure you would know what would happen if that were to happen.

When something doesn’t exist it isn’t reading comprehension. No, instead it is a matter of it not existing.

That is unless you can prove that other players are blaming their fellow players for forcing Blizz to launch the game in its current state. Or blaming other players because the other players were watering down some of the feedback that warned against launching on schedule. I don’t see how that could’ve happened during the alpha or the betas due to them being short.

Words have a definition that is given by others, ones other than you and me. Also they have more than one meaning or application in a given context.

The launch wasn’t a failure and I don’t think even you would’ve wanted the ladder as soon as day 2 after launch. If that happened I am sure you know what would happen in the long run. Then if that did happen I could say see it was a smashing success. Because it had to have ladder close to launch and did. Sure it would mean that ladder would have to go through many restarts though, but still since it is there it would be a success.

Given up means Blizz wouldn’t have done anything at all after getting the servers to a somewhat stable state. That is unless they decided to give up an launch. Then the game would still be in the broken state at launch.

Correct they are no doubt taking their time to make sure they get it right. No as far as how many are working on it that is unknown.

Right now I am playing Star Trek Online since I have finished my goal for PoE. The only thing that can move me outside of possibly patch 2.4 is D3’s season 26. I have goals that I will need to reach in D3 if I do play season 26.

Then please tell us how in the world some games have an excellent launch while others have a crappy start. If players buying that kinds of games were the fault then you would see all games have a crappy start.

No, instead the problems are within the game developer, and are many. Some it is miscommunication as was Cyberpunk 2077. Others it was not properly testing the whole game Wolcen Lords of Mayhem and D2R.

murphys law isnt a defense for failing to meet expectations. next time i dont turn in a project on time or when my boss expects it I will just shrug and saw well murhpys law, or maybe i will say he wouldnt have wanted it when it was due with the state it was in as though it would have been his fault for expecting a final project ready on the date i told him.

but pvp got taken over by the hackers.

so i play mostly pvm hardcore. haven’t touched softcore in… forever… and ya, with hackers in hc in LoD pvp just wasn’t a thing we did anymore sadly… so non ladder pvp isn’t something to think about either sadly.

also they broke WW, and bvb was my favorite pvp.

This is false. They said shortly after the game stabilized. It took awhile for that to happem.

Did you forget the frequent game crashes, server instability/daily outages, login queues, etc…?

Also, D2R launch was a de factor ladder as everyone started fresh and had access to the old ladder runewords.

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no its not, they said shortly after, once the game stabilizes. shortly after in that sentence was referring to the previous sentence talking about launch and the once the game stabalizes gives a rough qualifier for when and why.

i didnt forget the game was broken. they picked sept 23rd, not me. you are also the 100th person to say it was a de facto ladder which is about the most moronic take of all. No it wasnt. no one that wants ladder feels this way. you are trying to rewrite history or change the definition of ladder. stop it.

“We want to make sure the game is stable and ready for ladder before we turn that on. So it won’t be there for launch but will come shortly after once everything settles down.”

full quote so you can realize how wrong you are. Shortly after very clearly refers to launch to anyone that can read.

edit: and if you really think this means shortly after things settle down, then this is still waaaay past that.

Actually you’re not far wrong. But it’s deffinetly not the team fault. More like the companies management and business departement. CP2077 is a good example, when the pressure, from investors and impatient customers, that pre ordered(the bigest part of the problem) builds to the point that the team has no other choise but to put out a halfassed game. But bigshot buisness people demeand their money. So actually the scammers in suits are the ones to truely blame.

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I win the bet :slight_smile: what is my prize?! Also I have 16 level 85+ characters…all different, unique, viable, meta, non-meta, PvP, and fun builds. And of course, this is all only on non-ladder softcore expansion…you realize there is non-ladder hardcore expansion I’m locked out of playing, non-ladder softcore classic I’m locked out of playing, non-ladder hardcore classic I’m locked out of playing, and of course double that for once Ladder releases, that I’m locked out of playing. And I’m far from alone in that. I didn’t even mention all the different PvP characters I would love to play, but can’t. And I haven’t even got to hoarding or mules or anything yet…so please, I know you are smarter/better than you continue to show here, I believe in you.

That is why their test was too short for this game. I would’ve had a much longer alpha and beta test along with the closed beta lasting about a month, longer if problems were found. To ensure that I would be able to find the actually problems that happened at launch. I would use a special program that would emulate the behaviors of thousands of players many times over as if we had around a million plus people playing added to the ones that were testing.

Then I would extend the closed beta till the problems were fixed or the game launched. Then the chances of a bad launch would be slim to none.

Lies imply intention that cannot be proven and you know it.

Plans change due to Murphy’s Law. So since ladder was pushed back they decided to wait till they got the servers in a state where they won’t have any problems when the ladder actually launches. So they decided to start doing some additions to the game along with balancing that we would test then they will put the ladder on the PTR to test. Then shortly after that it will launch.

I already have in times past said the testing for this game was way too short. In fact if I were in charge the chances of the launch going as bad is it did would be slim to none.

You bought this game with the idea of ladder being started probably two days after launch due to a perfect launch. All without thinking about the possibly of the launch being anything less than perfect.

I will give you the following example to show that the idea of Murphy’s Law can actually be a good defense for such a situation.

Let’s say you are a landlord and in an apartment complex the broiler needs to be replaced. You take bids but due to a shortage of broilers you are gonna have to wait 6-9 weeks before that broiler can be replaced. Now I guess that Murphy’s Law wouldn’t be a good defense huh. It would be solely your fault that a shortage is what caused the waiting.

Let’'s go with one closer to home. You have a schedule to turn in a project. But due to having a car accident that puts you in the hospital well beyond your ability to finish the project you couldn’t say Murphy’s Law as a defense right. I am afraid you could. There are times when things that are well beyond your control will go wrong that you cannot be blamed for and you know it.

Hind sight is always 20/20.

ya see, that’s insane… you don’t need to play all the modes… like. maybe YOU do. but you shouldn’t.

you’re locked out of non-ladder… oh no we haven’t even had a ladder… boo hoo for locked out of a mode WE DON’T EVEN HAVE YET.

you’re insufferable when it comes to this discussion.

sure i agree, WE SHOULD HAVE MORE THAN 20 SLOTS. but if we don’t. what you’re doing is shooting yourself in the foot. and i hope you can see that. /endofdiscussion.

Sorry you think it’s insane to want to play more than 15% of the game. I didn’t say I needed to, but it sure would be nice. Imagine being sold a football field and stadium, but you’re only allowed to use 15 yards on one side of the field…and if you want to use 15 more yards, you have to buy the field and stadium again. Seems pretty uh…idiotic, no?

Obviously ladder is coming, dude…be smarter, please, or are you just trolling? My point remains the same and intact. The ridiculousness of the extremely low character limit will only get doubly worse.

Sorry you think I’m insufferable, maybe take a look in the mirror?

How am I shooting myself in the foot? I truly don’t see it, but am happy to hear/see you try to explain, I’m all ears. /happytocontinuediscussion.

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how are you shooting yourself in the foot, the only thing i will answer.

well you SAY you cannot make a ladder character because… you do not have enough slots…

how is that not shooting yourself in the foot, THE ONLY REASON YOU CANNOT PLAY IS YOURSELF.

you refuse to give up a character you PROBABLY aren’t playing as much as you try and tell us you are…

each character really isn’t THAT important. sure they might be TO YOU. but in reality, if you want to play ladder, you should pick your least favorite, get rid of it, and play ladder. that decision is on you IF WE DO NOT GET MORE SLOTS.

you get it yet?

Blizzard was abundantly clear in both Rod’s tweet on August 11 as well as in subsequent pre-release communication/interviews. I already gave you those links as proof.

Blizzard clearly and repeatedy said D2R Ladder would be released after the game stabiluzed and they gave no specific timeframe on how long would be needed to get the game stabilized.


and what does this even mean? ladder is coming? so? be smarter about what? … you’re not even making sense. much like your reasoning for keeping 20 character slots full.

The only reason I can’t play is because there’s far too few character slots. Sorry that I actually enjoy playing the game?

And yeah, I totally don’t play D2 much at all, it’s only my favorite game of all time that I’ve sunk probably 10,000 hours in since launch, if not more. So of course I wouldn’t enjoy D2R for at least a couple hours daily, nah, couldn’t be.

Yes, they are that important, how about you kill one of your children (if you had them) so you could make room for another…again, seems pretty idiotic (not to mention illegal), no?

I do want to play Ladder, I don’t want to delete my characters I spend so much time with and enjoy on a regular basis. That’s not my fault, that’s not on me, you’re literally using victim blame mentality (though I don’t consider myself a victim in this, of course)

I get it, you’re a sad and angry little troll who can’t see anything outside of your own perspective. I will pray for you.

you’re trying to compare diablo 2 characters to… children??? seriously?? yes you have attachment issues, this is why /enddiscussion.



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You said

Like you had some sort of valid point or rebuttal, but you didn’t, so I said

If this still doesn’t make sense to you, I’m not sure what’s going on inside your brain that’s causing you to be this way.