Why do people blame players

Why are customers being blamed for blizzards failures? This has been a beta game sold as finished product and a carrot dangled while the money was kept. While disappointing, the most shocking thing is the amount of people defending blizzard and even BLAMING the customers for this failure. What causes someone to be so out of touch with reality?


Because some people cannot fill their simping quota on twitch alone


I wasn’t aware that customers were being blamed…

Failure? D2:R is not a failure as of yet. The events that have transpired so far are more along the lines of a setback, which do happen. The future is unwritten, things can be overlooked, sometimes big things. Attempting to remaster a 22 year old game is ripe with chances to overlook things.

I’ll agree, D2:R post release is in an unofficial beta state… BUT, it gives the players the opportunity to provide feedback. This is everyones game after all.

The D2:R development train seems stuck in the granny gear… Hopefully things will step up soon.


this forum is full of people blaming players or telling them to cry or be patient or its their fault for demanding ____. Or saying blizzard said soon instead of shortly after. So many going through hoops to defend blizzards.

Not having a ladder in 20 year old game in the first 6 months is an absolute failure, especially for how aggressively they denied refunds.

They have no reason to step it up, they have the $ already. Who is going to buy d2r now that hasnt already?


D2R is teetering on being a failure. At least for the fans, after all Blizzard got their money and seemingly cut ties with this game - so a success for them.


According to blizztrack.com, the latest development “vendor 1” build 1.1.68354 created on February 18, 2022 shows that things are brewing.

Usually the versions update on a daily basis… They have stopped, which tells me they’ve potentially moved on to “the next phase”, whatever that is.

Yeah, we all want it to get done faster. I know I do. I’m getting tired of checking the status every 5 seconds. :laughing:

Edit: The date updated to 2/24 on Blizztrack. Vendor 1 is still the same version, vendor 5 went up to 1.1.68418.

Edit2: 2/25 - “Vendor 1” 1.1.68442

could you be more specific?

My favorite is when I get called a “hoarder” because I want more than 20 character slots.


Well it is the gamers, who enable gaming companies to continue pushing all the anti-consumer practices. Games wouldn’t be released so half assed or unfinished, if people weren’t so eager to preorder. There wouldn’t be so predatory monetization models without whales, etc…

The actual game itself is by and large amazing to me. I love what they did with all the quality of life options, graphics, audio, etc. Really well done. But on the other hand, I get where people are coming from with ladder and other technical issues. I have not experienced those myself really, but maybe that is because I waited 4 months to buy the game and played mostly on PTR.

I would say they did an excellent job remaking the game, but have been behind on some technical aspects and schedule, which is partially understandable, and partially annoying yet expected in today’s world. Very rare that games release fully, no technical issues, and without any odd decisions.

While I wish issues were squashed quickly and ladder was rolled out sooner, my experience has been a good one. Then I think of other games. Take Zelda: Breath of the Wild for example. How that game even was allowed to ship with the framerate issues it has, especially in the forest, is just crazy. Yet everyone loved the game, it got rave reviews, and it sold like hotcakes. Or look at Elden Ring. No high refresh rate or ultrawide support. 60 fps lock is pretty archaic today, plus ultrawide is becoming more commonplace. D2R already has both of those things and many other aspects working very well on release date. I have to imagine the development team has done the best they can with the time they were given and the resources they were given. I could be wrong, just how I feel.


because blizz thinks that he is so successful that players are just dumb

bliz has lots of successful games
but players?
players havent even created a game
thats why they wont take ur ideas

make ur own game like torch, pathof, … and become more successful than d1 d2 d3 d4 dx
maybe blizz will listen to u one day and may not

wtf are you talking about? I dont want my own game or even anything special. I just want what I paid for


Please show proof that Blizz has blamed the players for what happened at launch along with where they are right now.

So then Blizz has to rush the ladder out the door, even though the game is not in the state that would make ladder a wise idea to rush out the door.

I think that waiting till the game is in the state that ladder play becomes a smooth and good experience is better than rushing it out the door within the first few weeks of launch.

Plus it gets interesting if the team that is working on this game is also working on D3 as well.

Do some players keep things that they shouldn’t be keeping. Take ones that don’t trade at all. Are they keeping the easiest to find runes. Almost like I gotta be able to keep everything that I have ever found.

Preording isn’t a problem like you make it out to be. Video game pre-ordering goes back at least as far as the year 2000 as my initial research has shown me. So pre-orders are there to help video game suppliers to figure out how many hard copies back then they would have to have on launch day.

Now days though it is different with digital copies instead of physical copies of computer disks.

The real problem here is that players don’t do enough research on the new games that are coming out. After seeing just a little they don’t bother to keep up to date with the game they are interested in.

Never said blizzard blamed players. I clearly said it’s people on the forum doing it and you even quoted me saying so. Your smug attitude is ridiculous considering you can’t even read.

Edit: and this “I want everything to be stable before ladder” is trash. This game has been out for over 5 months. It was advertised with ladder then adjusted to shortly after launch. If they can’t do it smoothly then it’s a failure by blizzard. That’s my whole point. Stop blaming their inability to program on players wanting what they were sold. It is perfectly reasonable to expect both ladder and smooth gameplay 5 months after launch. This isn’t an either or

I don’t care if they have d3 to worry about. That has nothing to do with this. You are exactly the problem. Find any and every illogical excuse to justify blizzards failure to launch ladder - which was a key advertising component for the game.

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I am convinced, its going to be all about the expansions. We got our game, they got their money. its clear by now everything’s coming down the pipe slowly, if that. Its obvious and typical big corp cost cutting in the mist of being sold to Microsoft . Microsoft is either going to shelf this project or milk it, is up to them. Just be ready to wait, lower expectations, and have your credit card ready.

There is a 0% chance I spend another penny on anything related to this. Got burnt for the last time. Not disagreeing with you though.

The spirit of your OP said just that. The title could imply anyone including Blizz itself.

How do players blame other players for Blizzards failures? That doesn’t make sense at all.

Did the customers actually force Blizz to sell the game in the state it was in at launch? Mind showing me evidence that proves it.

This again makes no sense, players don’t defend Blizz unless Blizz has been blaming the customers themselves when they haven’t and you know it.

Now do you see how that OP shows that it can be misconstrued as what I said earlier. I think you know the answer is yes, why else would you have to come in and clarify that you meant other players.

I said I think that Blizz would want to have stable servers before launching the ladder. Take a closer look at that statement that can be misconstrued as saying you don’t care if the ladder launched shortly after the game in the state it was in back then.

Look I know there have been times, and maybe even in some cases plenty of times when I have had trouble communicating with others on the forums. Where people misunderstood what I was saying. I know that I am not the greatest of orators nor ever claimed to be.

You later on clarified this point which is good because I think that you seen how it could be misconstrued as saying you just didn’t care about the state that the game was in back then just start the ladder regardless. I think we both know what would’ve happened if they done just that.

The only failure by Blizz is that they didn’t get the ladder out as soon as you and the rest of you expected. Not what others already knew. They knew that there could be troubles on launch day and knew that there is the caveat that the ladder might not see the light of day till months later.

There is a big difference between choosing the wrong infrastructure and game save setup and being bad at programming.

I have no way of knowing if ladder was that big of a selling point to the majority of players. I know it wasn’t for me and there are no doubt others like me. How many is unknown, and don’t even think of trying to pull a number out of you know where to give to me. I can do that as well and have done that many times just to try to prove a point.

Having more than just this game to keep working on could slow them down. Then add in the fact that they want to make sure that they get it right. Since the launch was terrible they want to make sure that the ladder’s launch is stellar if at all possible.

I’m stopped reading a few paragraphs in. You are illiterate. This whole thread is about players in this forum blaming other players for blizzards failures. Whatever irrelevant tangents you want to go on I’m not interested in.

What don’t like looking up words like misconstrued, which means something that can be interpreted wrongly.

What your interests are doesn’t matter here. What matters is the real truth and I know what that real truth is.

it amazed me too, also i cannot fathom why these fanboys come running to blizzards defense anytime we criticize them. They said ladder top priority in OCT, then they said January we get it , now almost march and not a word. Absolute garbage !!! Soon no one is gonna freaking care and move on

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