Why do people blame players

Yes they should have opened up all acts during the beta, even if it was just normal difficulty. The servers would have gotten the “pindle benchmark”.

What gets me is that they said they weren’t aware of how players were going to play the game. 21 years of history of the game… Imposing 20 games/hour and 100 games/12 hours creation limits in the original game to prevent server overload from people (and bots) repeatedly running Pindleskin. Come on, really?

yes I am serious. You are blaming me for blizzards deception. The entire point of my post being demonstrated by you and Indian. In the real world, people who make the deceptions or dont meet expectations usually get blamed, not those expecting promises to be kept. Try working for a company and deceive about when you will finish a project and what the project will contain. Let me know if you get blamed or the person waiting on your project. Typical wanna be adult trying to act like you are superior when you dont have a clue.

@indian im trying to find when in my return window they said they will be implementing not only bug fixes but balance changes and testing them prior to ladder. can you source that for me? otherwise ill stick with they lied and deceived

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lol, and as usual, this thread has absolutely nothing to gain from it, just more trash on the pile… why bother.

Cry more, noob. Life is harsh

you are absolute trash and everything wrong with the world. keep blaming the wrong people moron. life is harsh and people like you wont go far as im sure youve already experienced. sorry the real world hasnt been kind to you.

Wow you’re really butthurt about this aren’t you?

just annoyed that people can lack logic this strongly. You literally are blaming the people being lied to in this scenario and then justify it like a child. Tell me to grow up while saying “cry more noob” You are an overgrown child. How anyone thinks it makes sense to blame the people blizzard lies to and not blizzard just displays either you are a loyal fanboy with no pride or a moron. people like you are the exact reason blizzard gets away with this garbage. you exemplify everything this thread is about. The harshest part of life is having to share the world with people like you.

It already has a lot of issues. Elden Ring that is. Especially on PC, having lots of technical issues even with powerful PCs. It sounds like some funky things not necessarily directly relating to performance, rather setting/hardware configs not working properly.

Steam has mixed reviews with 59% rating. Not great to say the least. I was almost going to bite the bullet and purchase it now instead of waiting a year or two, but this made me decide not to. It was bad enough it doesn’t have ultrawide or high refresh rate capabilities.

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Because people love to defend Blizzard. People just don’t want to be honest about the quality of Blizzard’s games dropping drastically with every recent release. They push things out too quickly without having actual betas and then they are terrible with communication.

Look I bought the game almost a month after launch. All the problems were pretty much reveald, I knew instantly all plans of Ladder are out the window. I bought it never the less, because I wanted to play.

You wrote you bought the game with the sole porpuse of playing Ladder. Usualy they don’t announce Ladder start on the day it begins, more like a week earlyer. So you could’ve just wait for Ladder announcement and still would’ve got plenty of time buying and installing the game. But you hopped on the band wagon, so you can now cry on the forums for no reason. Ladder start was not set in stone.

Oh and you accepted their terms and conditions when buying the game, that they don’t owe you anything.

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If that’s the harshest part of life for you, then you REALLY need to grow up.
You just sound like an entitled baby who cries when he doesn’t get his way.

again, you are blaming the wrong person, how are there so many of you out there? I bought the game with ladder advertised. I didnt return it because they told me it was coming out shortly after launch. how is that so hard to for you to grasp? as mentioned in other threads. you loan someone $40 and they say actually i will get it to you shortly after i said, and you are annoyed but like whatever, and then its been 6 months and you dont have your money. were you dumb to believe them, maybe, but to blame you and not the person who owes you money is absolute insanity. People call me cry baby and entitled. The only people entitled here are the companies not providing the services they sold and expecting to fully keep their compensation. No where else in the business world would this ever fly without monetary consequence, but the player base is so fractured and full of people that will defend this they get away with it.

Yes, i could have returned the game and waited for ladder. I didnt see the point since I thought maybe 2-3 weeks like EVERYONE else. If any of you 20/20 hindsight people trying to rewrite history can show a post you made BEFORE launch saying that you think it will be march and no ladder im all ears and will concede instantly.

edit and @ the crizpy. Im a man of principle. the $40 is irrelevant. I fought a bs parking ticket with two visits to the court house that cost me more money in lost time just to win. Blizzard deceived and players like you not only defend them but blame players like me for blizzards lies and its pure insanity.

dunno about hoarding, just not real with your character slots. i doubt you’re using all of them to their peak. bet there’s one you haven’t logged into for a few weeks.

you can’t seriously be trying to progress 20 characters all at once. that’s MADNESS…

and like i’ve said, you’re usually pretty reasonable. but when it comes to character slots, you’ve lost you’re mind but you think it’s ok. and it’s not. lol. 20 characters is way more than enough, but i can’t complain. i have 80. and i only PLAY 1 CHARACTER.

I mean to be fair, they did say ladder would be resetting shortly after launch. 6 months later and no reset isn’t “shortly.”


20 characters is not way more than enough. Especially with ladders coming. Ever heard of mules? How about trying out new builds? Classic and hardcore? We used to have unlimited slots with one cdkey in regular D2LoD.

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The reality is this people think that any feature they don’t care about isn’t needed and anyone wanting it is a complainer. Including but not limited to ADVERTISED features

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i mean, if you really feel the need to waste your time playing all the modes sure… but classic ?

only old boring men play that.

new builds? we’ve had 1.10 for what? 19 years. i think i’ve explored almost everything at this point… so that’s a joke. lol.

there’s no point in playing softcore AND hardcore, PICK A LANE.

mules? discard the junk if you have more than 3-4… you’re hoarding. or the slowest trader in history. or keep too much random junk for characters you’re never going to play because you think you’re out of character slots.

20 slots is way more than enough for the current state of the game and what they’ve offered us.

now if they made a ton of balance changes where new builds MIGHT have an argument sure… but they haven’t yet. so trying “new builds” isn’t even a thing to me.

Or ya know. Blizzard could just expand the amount of characters you can have and give a currency tab with stackables. Stop simping.

i’m not simping, i’m being realistic, i think blizzard have absolutely S H A T the bed with this release… i’m not praising them for anything, but if you have 20 full characters slots and you’re unwilling to delete one to make a new character… you probably have attachment issues.

if ladder started tomorrow by surprise, i would DELETE my lvl 96 hc sorc with CoH infinity griffs etc and start a new one, with the same name. the slots are not the issue.


Maby u should take blizzard to court then xD