Why do people blame players

It’s you trying to change the arguments. Truth lol. You said it was clear ladder could be months out. That’s a flat out lie. They said “shortly after” launch. No rational person takes that as 6 months out. You don’t seem to realize I’m calling out the players blaming other players for blizzards failures. Not sure how many more times I can say that for you to comprehend. When I call you illiterate it’s not because I don’t know what a word means. It’s because you lack basic reading comprehension.

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You keep saying failure… Keep in mind that one does not truly fail unless they give up. It takes courage to pick up the pieces/pick yourself up, analyze the mistakes and try again.

It doesn’t seem like Blizzard has given up yet.

No ladder in 6 months after launch will be a failure. Nothing after that changes anything. And they are barely trying. I have given up on d2r

Edit. And to think you get to define how I use the word failure is arrogant and pathetic at the same time.

It’s great to see that you know the difference between opinion and fact.


I do. But you don’t. Some bs quote on you don’t fail until you give up as if that somehow applies to whether d2r launch is a failure. You are typical of current society that would rather follow a one sentence meme than have to think critically. Your quote is irrelevant to the usage of failure in this scenario. If you can’t see that then that is a failure of your own

Oh, now we’re on to personal attacks. Great.

Well slap me silly and call me a forum punching bag!

“The List” just grew a line!

Telling me to keep in mind your garbage idea of a failure called for it. Hey guys don’t worry this isn’t a failure. They haven’t given up! Great contribution. I’m glad to be added to the list of people who realized how ridiculous you are.

They develop the game really slowly that’s for sure, feels like they only have one programmer that works part-time…this is what happen to Blizzard games without subs nowadays…

All the people hating on this game and saying they will play Elden Ring while waiting for ladder. Then comes Elden Ring and it is a mess of a launch, especially on PC. Sounds worse than D2R launch to me, but maybe not. Unfortunately, this is becoming the new norm for big budget titles.

We are the ones to blame because we should’ve known better. If you look at the past 5-10 years of gameing and not just blizz, this was very much expected. And people who were foolish enough to buy the game as soon as posible, leads to companies doing the same :poop: over and over, because the true simps will fall for it. And ofc these people are the first and the loudest to complain.

I have a feeling most new games are following this pattern. They launch/rush unfinished or (technically finished, but many bugs/server problems). Look at Halo Infinite, Cyberpunk, D2R (all games I play have this problem).

Fingers crossed Elden Ring doesn’t have many issues, seemed to have received amazing ratings (I also played all the dark souls/sekiro and those seemed to be released without significant problems).

Cyberpunk is much better now, Halo is taking it’s sweet time getting there, BTB was broken for months, and D2R took over a month to get semi server stability. These aren’t small gaming studios.

All games have their share of problems. I’m sure you’ve seen the news regarding Dark Souls, specifically the online server exploit allowing the ability to remotely execute code. Yikes. I’ll accept a 5 month delay for ladder over that scary situation any day.

It takes time for these issues to be fixed, and unfortunately in the mindset of impatient gamers waiting, 1 second = 1 minute, 1 minute = 1 hour… 1 hour = 1 day… etc.

I actually wasn’t aware of that one. I play all my games on Xbox except D2R, which I play on pc during the remote working day.

Console doesn’t see as much hacking/exploring that PC versions get.

If D2:R didn’t have the server troubles from the start, the ladder would have started a lot sooner.

They probably didn’t discover the server issue prior to release or even beta because they couldn’t reproduce the player load internally that the public player base can.

It sucks, but things like this happen. Recycling old code also makes overlooking issues more of a possibility.

I feel I got my money’s worth when buying this game.
If you feel otherwise, you should’ve waited to buy the game before the things you wanted were in place.

They’ve promised 2v2 ladder in Starcraft Remastered since its release and that’s almost 5 years ago. I wouldn’t expect much from blizzards “promises”, but you knew what you bought when you bought it.

this is basically akin to victim blaming. I was lied to about ladder timing, plain and simple. Shame on me for believing them I guess but that is my whole point. Why are people that believe the lies being blamed more heavily than the LIAR. I bought the game for ladder which was advertised when I bought it and then got deceived that it would be out shortly after. If I thought there was even a 10% chance it would be 6 months post launch with no ladder I would have returned it right then and there.

Victim blaming? Are you serious?
If you bought the game for ladder you should have waited for it to actually have ladder.

If you really feel like a victim then you’re in for a surprise when you grow up and enter the real world.

Or maby I’m “gaslighting” you :joy:


Yes they are liars, because you can’t draw conclusion of a problematic lauch, re-archytectureing the servers, fixing the bugs, and giveing us a balance pach very much sets back expected Ladder start. Big ol’ meanys, how dare they lie to us!

Well then they should have used the beta to actually test the game.

Unfortunately these greedy PoS’s used Beta as an advertisement campaign.

First wave limited invites with mostly streamers.

Second wave to anyone that purchased the game.

Vicarious Visions should just go back to Crash Bandicoot.