Why do people blame players

I saw no risk. I believed it would be out in a month or two or without a doubt well before March. I’m an actuary. My job is to quantify risk. I saw no risk in keeping the game. Clearly I was wrong

Do you know what happened with Blizzard’s last remaster W3R? With that knowledge, you saw no risk.


I am aware of their prior mess. I thought no way they let that happen again. They had to have learned from it, right? Nope. But like I’ve said nobody else thought it would be until April pre launch either. It’s easy to say now that it should have been expected but it just wasn’t with the knowledge then

I already provided you a quote from @boutusgaming who was the one that Rod responded to by tweet about ladder would only be after the game stabilized. Boutus even posted on the D2R forum stating that he was worried that D2R may never have a ladder. Never is definitely longer than 6 months.

You have also been provided multiple links to many who thought that it would be months before ladder launched.

Exactly. That quote was prior to rods tweet saying they were concerned. Rod then assured it would be shortly after. Given the prior comment before his tweet almost strengthens my argument for what timeline would be expected. So the concern was minimized by the tweet. Show a concern post tweets before launch. And again even if one exists that’s such a small minority.

There is a big difference between 3 months and April for me personally. Not sure how many times I need to tell you this. Even 3 or 4 months would have fit my schedule as annoying as it would be.

Not true. @boutusgaming tweeted to Rod. Rod replied. Boutus then made a thread on Blizzard’s D2R forum stating that Rod tweeted him and that there would be no ladder at launch. The plan was to have ladderr after the game stabilized. Later, in that thread, Boutus said that he was worried that ladder may never happen in D2R.

FYI The thread that Boutus made is here:

I can confirm no ladder at launch - General Discussion - Diablo 2 Resurrected Forums (blizzard.com)

As soon as ladder was not announced for December, it was clear that the timeframe would be longer since work productivity decreases from Thanksgiving to the New Year. There was also the California complaint against Blizzard.

I mean we aren’t even arguing reality anymore. Do you think more than 2% of players thought there was a strong chance of no ladder until April pre launch? It’s very clear they didn’t which is why it’s ridiculous to expect anyone to have made a decision prior to launch as though it would be. If the game is worth $40 to me as long as ladder launches by January then there is no risk to me on sept 23 in my mind. And I can test my older laptop and do a trial run.

Who knows the percentage? How long did it take W3R to get their first ladder?

Also, why are you convinced ladder will launch in April and not March? Is that based on Blizzard communication or just your viewpoint?

Because the percentage that thought that suggests the reasonability of the concern. Otherwise you are just speaking from hindsight which isn’t relevant.

Give the Ptr isn’t out yet. They said they need to test and then make adjustments I think March is unlikely and prior to 6 month unlikely other than Maybe March 22 best case

I suspect that you are right, but I would check PezRadar’s recent tweets to see what he actually said. You can learn alot when you are informed and then make informed decisions.

I mean it doesn’t matter to me. My window to play ladder is now essentially passed. I lost

Does that also mean soon that you will not have time to post on the D2R forums either?

Also, if you do not have spare time in April, why did you post this earlier today?

Why would you see any of us, if you were not here in April?

It sure does. Games will take a back seat if not permanently at least for quite a while.

Edit: I didn’t mean I’d literally see people in April. That was my way to say I think ladder will be out in April. It will be without me

There’s no point to ladder. I bet you 3 Ber runes you won’t be in top 100.

You bought a game for a 3 month long seasonal mode that converts to what you play now. Why do you care so deeply?

Why does that matter? There is something fun another ladder to end and the initial push and economy. But at the end of the day I don’t need to explain to you why I prefer a feature. That’s like you telling me I shouldn’t like meteor sorc

D2R launch had a fresh economy, initial push, and all the old ladder runewords.

If that is the key features of a ladder, then D2R launch was de facto ladder as I have stated.


No it wasn’t. No leaderboard. Characters don’t have the temp vibe. People didn’t know how to play at launch given the likely ladder soon (which was believed then). I didn’t play it like a ladder because I don’t have the time or energy for two big pushes. Maybe if they said no ladder until April prior to launch it would have been “closer” to a ladder feel but this did not feel like a ladder and I think most players would agree

Really??? I am pretty sure the returning playerbase from a 20 year old game knows how to play D2/D2R.

Not likely. If anything the upcoming ladder will feel less like a D2 ladder, as there will be a new patch with skill rebalancing and new runewords. If you wanted that D2 experience in D2R, I would be playing aggressively as the new patch will change things forever.

Ugh. I don’t mean they didn’t know how to play the game. I meant they didn’t know how to balance their time and how much to commit to a character they may abandon in 2 weeks. Like you want to find fault in every comment that you look for faults before trying to think About what is actually being said. If you’d read the full sentence it was clear.

Just out of curiosity, how many times have you appeared on the D2 Ladder Leaderboard? And please, no lying! Because we all already know the answer…

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