Why are you ignoring pvp

PvP is for murans, nobody care about PvP>

-No obs camera
-No Ladder Borard

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It’s just go out and hit to everywere until you hit someone. retard.

This is virtue signaling. You are demonizing someone else for being your subjective definition of dishonest. This is not going to compel them to comply with what you want. All you have is your viewpoint. Everyone has one and they are not very valuable in the real world. There is a reason contracts exist in the legal realm. In your way of thinking, they should be unnecessary because everyone should be “honest”. Good luck with that. If you apply this logic in relationships or business, you are in for a rude awakening.

Incorrect. What I am saying is VV is not going to develop new technology ESPECIALLY for pvp (think of the general game chat) with this current project. I am not saying it wouldn’t be good, but that you can consent verbally. Especially when you are trying to connect via other platforms where users are held accountable, I mean, this would be the “system” to agree to consent you are talking about, just not built in to the game.

I can easily see why you don’t like pvp with that approach :thinking:

Being dishonest is not subjective, truth is objective.

That’s not what you said. Whether there is new technology developed for PVP is irrelevant. It still makes no sense to complain about people not verbally following through. People do this all the time. Expecting everyone to follow through because you think they ought to be is going to cause you problems because it’s likely you’ll be gullible to a bad actor. But feel free to choose this if you’d like to. It’s only a matter of time before you find out.

Non-sequitur. Unfortunately for you, you’re talking to someone who is quite well educated in philosophy and epistemology. Equating lying with some sort of notion of objective truth (meaning something that is true regardless of subjective interpretation or perception) is non-sequitur. There is no evidence for an objective basis for morality. You can cite Kant and the categorical imperative and I can sit here and say I don’t find it compelling. Everyone likes to make these claims but at the end of the day, there is no objective basis that we know of, only thoughts of human beings. And guess what we’re all stuck here marooned on a rock, arguing about a stupid video game. Yay us.

Just admit it, you think people should behave in a particular way because you think they should and that’s that. It’s just your opinion. For what it’s worth, I share your value of people following through with what they say. People don’t and that’s that.

This is actually what I said. And what I mean, more in depth, is this:

Just way too unlikely time and effort will be put into this.

I’m also NOT saying that everyone will consent to verbal rules. In the wild (public), it’s absolutely rubbish to expect everyone to follow some agreed upon rule as a gentleman’s agreement, it’s just not realistic. I 100% agree with you there. However, I am also saying there are places you can go now where there is some system in place to find a community that agrees on a certain set of rules to enjoy pvp together.

I want to say, I’m not trying to go after anyone here, except how I disagreed with your comment that a system is required for people to conform to a pvp ruleset. I don’t like the implementation of systems to control how people act. However, for the general public in a video game like this, a system is needed for general pvp, just most definitely will not happen.

This thread is about the FHR changes that really messed up the PVP scene, and I don’t see how anyone would disagree other than people coming in here just to pooh on PVP because of prior negative experiences.

Can we try to have a conversation without being rude or accusatory? I haven’t done any of those things towards you here.

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Ok so you want to split hairs then. Some enforcement is required to make ALL people conform to a PVP ruleset. Those people, who will voluntarily follow through on agreed upon rules, do not require enforcement because they are following through. Duh!

My claim is: You CANNOT expect ALL people to follow through on what they say they will do unless there is some enforcement of that. Study economic game theory genius. I didn’t make this up. This is well known information in economics, sociology, psychology, etc. This is why “cheating” is such a rampant problem in online gaming. Wall hacks, aimbots, and what not.

Nicd English third world country scrub

Funny to call anyone like that after posting reaction as you did LMAO.

It looks like 6 year old wrote that.


He came to the forarms to post!!

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Personally I think “dueling” and it’s long list of arbitrary rules was what made the PvP in D2 uninteresting for me. Personally I prefer a nice unregulated gank fest. I feel like the community sanitized all the fun out of PvP a long time ago. Way too much “Waaah Waaaah that isn’t fair.”

I mean look what happened to WoW. The community was constantly “Waaaah Waaah gear doesn’t equal skill.” “Waaaah Waaaah I’m a PvP server but I hate being ganked.” “Waaaaah Waaaaah I don’t like CC.” “Waaaaaah waaaaah my priest can’t facetank the world.”

So what do we have now? No world PvP, gear is meaningless, fights go on until some arbitrary system dictates that healing is nerfed enough for people to die.

The BM rules, which are the “arbitrary rules” you’re referencing, are healthy for a metagame. Let people run rampant and you have just a cheese fest where no one actually has any skill. This isn’t competitive in any way, shape or form. Why would you want PvP - a competitive format - to be uncompetitive?

If you want to play the way you’re talking about, join a random public duel game with BM rules, and you’ll see why it isn’t any fun. Oh, the joys of getting jumped by three+ people all teaming on you, then killing you when you don’t have any gear equipped. The FUN in that! Woohoo!

Actually sounds more fun that arranged dueling to me. :slight_smile: Yawn.

Jhaerik isn’t interested in a balanced fight. He wants to pummel a helpless victim.

D2 still has the purest system of dueling out of all video games. It mimics real life, you can be a savage or agree to rules. Simple as that. Cry babies and snowflakes can play d3 or d4…or literally take blizz’s advice and only play with people you trust so you never have to cry about getting PKd…

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Totally agree 100% with this. And this is just one of those things that makes D2 so “dark”… not bodies on the floor and blood. It’s this. There’s nothing like learning the game and someone hostiles you, and you have no clue what is happening. Then you learn… and there are other things out there besides the demons. Sometimes people are the worst of all :slight_smile:

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Didn’t you get the memo? This is the “woke” version of D2 LOD…

Or be pummeled. Crying about it either way isn’t what PvP is about. I used to run around Badlands/Arathi/stranglethorn as a 30-40’s priest/warrior duo trying to sneak in elemental kills while trying to annoy the farming 60’s enough to make it worth less of their time. Side effect of my duo buddy having to work. We’d get our rears handed to us over and over, but eventually get a few cheeky kills, and generally annoy people into leaving for farm. :stuck_out_tongue:

People these days just cry too much when they don’t win, crying “but my even fights” when they lose. If you enjoy PvP then you have to also enjoy losing. Hell the main reason ganking was fun on WoW was getting away with it, then killing the other max levels who came to counter gank, even if you died, or only managed to kill one of them then get camped, it was fun.

PvP just ain’t for the mentally weak. You gotta take your licks and keep on trying to kick butt.

Imagine playing a game you know there is PvP, then crying about losing a fight… Sounds like those top lane mains on LoL that cry about ganks because they wanna live in an island top lane and farm for 25 minutes.

I mean I TERRIBLE at LoL, but I keep going back to it because I enjoy the game. People that can’t take losing don’t do that for a decade.

there is hope in darkness

Hi Devs, can we please remove the immunity frame or re-work it so the game isn’t a wack-a-mole with those with the most burst damage win? Some stuns are healthy for the game, right now it is anti-stun and very painful to team duel.

Lmao right? Pvp in this game post enigma has always just been one exploit or another be it stun lock, wep switch, desyncing, etc.

People crying they cant stunlock: youre pathetic.