Why are you ignoring pvp

Because it’s not worth investing time into such a small group of niche players

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Especially seeing as how there is no pvp in D2

This game has never been balanced around pvp. It’s the game the phrase pk’er came from iirc. And that’s exactly opposite of pvp being balanced.

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Stunlock is not an exploit, it’s a mechanic designed into the game since the beginning.

You cannot ignore what does not exist. There is no pvp mode. There never was … they intended for there to be, hence the hostility mode. However, it NEVER came to be … by the time the original devs wanted to expand the game including pvp all money from starcraft and d2 went to wow … the original programmers all left and certain things never came to fruition, namely, pvp.

So when you refer to something that does NOT exist, it won’t get attention nor “fixed” … as there is NO pvp mode.

There are plenty of REAL pvp games out there, go play one, or are you so bad at pvp that you need to hide in D2 and “pretend” to play pvp?

One of the programmers went on to be part of GW [which is ANet and much superior to BNet hence A & B] and they have a REAL pvp mode: 1v1, 4v4, 8v8, Guild v Guild … but to compete there you have to have actual skills, not exploits. So, you may not do so well, LMFAO!


but they made the change in 2.4 for PVP only, it doesn’t even affect pvm? So they do think of PvP, they just went too far with their “edge cases”

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revert back to what it was in 2.3

Stop ignoring pvp scene. It’s obvious we need changes - D2 LOD classic fhr + some small cosmetic changes to some overpowered skills to make all characters balanced

So true the subject needs to stop being ignored, pvp lives matter!

Wasting time, no obs camera, no scores, no strategy, only spam teleport an skills. If you want a real pvp then try street fighter, League of legends, Mortal combat, etc. Real pvp games.

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You cannot ignore what does not exist.

Makes this topic obsolete.

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Please bring back FHR…revert the FHR changes you made. Or at least remove the immunity you introduced…

you spend a lot of time commentating on smtg that doesnt exist, according to yourself. Did you get pked in a chaos run and it gave you PTSD ? Or did you try pvp and you sucked so you are trying to pretend it doesnt exist

A whole community keeps being ignored… Please revert back the FHR changes!

absolutely agree bump

bump! agree with author, it costs not so much his changes!

My guess is the current devs do not have PvP in mind because their overlords do not want it. The og people did balance the game for pvp and pvm but the current trend is a safe place to loot demons and big damage numbers.

Member how we were gonna have PvP in D3? I member! Then it never happened, but wait! Brawling was eventually introduced which amounts to nothing because big numbers = better right? The big number thing is where they dropped the ball! How do you balance a lvl 70 doing 200k dps vs a level 70 doing 4m damage?

The fix is NO PVP. Oopsie daisies, gotta remove a core element that defines Diablo because it cannot cope with massive numbers.

Let’s stay positive and hope the Devs can look into reverting or editing how often or quickly the immunity frame appears.

Yeah the next patch could be a good opportunity for that, lets keep the hope alive !

The only reason latge groups of people play this game is for PVP please listen to our critiques