Why are you ignoring pvp

Why are you ignoring the hundreds of pvp players who are the reason people mf and play this game? We need our stun back. How can a development team be so incompetent and stubborn to not realize you messed up and you need to fix your mistake? How long will you ignore the players?


I’d like to know as well. It’s easy to get into the game to PVM, but once you realize how fun PVP is, you find the true end game. Then all of the sudden more items make much more sense.


The most requested change for PvP is the return of the weapon swap glitch, which is not going to happen.
Basically, stunlock is a very frustrating mechanic, and requiring players to use what is clearly a bug (that players not used to PvP may not even know how to use) to get out of it is absurd.
So they patched the bug out, and then made a change so that PvP wouldn’t transform into a frustrating stunfest.

I think if proper solutions that do not require huge amounts of dev or parallel balance are given to them, they are likely to look into them, and if they have the dev time to implement them, they will. Right now, what they get is almost exclusively requests to revert the changes.


because they had to make sure they destroyed every part of the game, not just some parts.


Please view this link to understand how you ruined PvP.



Its so unfortunate that they made this unnecessary change to the game which ruined so many pvp communities. Our all class community, the melee community, etc.


The fact that some people think it’s fair and fun to stunlock someone to death says a lot about them.

Reminds me of Vanilla WoW, when Rogues could stunlock everyone to death, but at least they had to use a lot of CDs.


It is fair if you know how to duel properly, that was the best part. There was a skill gap in this game, where it was difficult to outplay a stunlock but it was possible.

It also made you play smarter and actually understand the game-sense of a team duel, instead of getting into an extremely sticky situation and knowing that you are free to teleport after ONE damage. Literally a golem smack will put you into a 10 frame immunity where you can do anything you want.

Pvp now is just non-sense with no combinations possible other than paladin, even then the immunity screws up their rotations.


Please revert the changes made to fhr in patch 2.4.

This change was made for PvP only and that community has been vocal for a year now that this game would be better with that change reverted.

This is a remaster of a game people played for 20 years and the intent should not be to remove mechanics that made the original so successful. Thanks.


isn’t pvp just whoever knows how to glitch wins? Using teleport to melee hit from a far or tele-stomp someone off screen is kind of broken in a “this isn’t fun after 30 minutes” kind of way



Pvp hahahaha in a pvm cult classic with zero pvp balance intention.


The “hundreds” of pvpers, what about the other 5M people who experience the other parts of the game butchered by terrible decisions and shoddy work on the new patches ?


This is the wrong perspective… it’s about making FHR valuable so you have to be mindful of filling that void when gearing your pvp character. You stack some FHR so you don’t get stunlocked. It’s people that make comments like this that don’t want to think about defenses and just glass-cannon the game.


What? Oh I get it, you didn’t play the game before D2:R, got you. I didn’t know anyone during D2:LOD that did not play PVP in some form.

The game was kept alive for so long because of PVP and how fun it is. All these negative arguments surely must be from people that have had a frustrating experience with either bad mannered (BM) players, or just public PVM games being ruined by pkers, and I’m sorry that has put a bad taste in your mouth, but go try some actual pvp between agreed parties.

The silver lining in this game is pvp, whether you like it or not. And if you don’t, you are specifically choosing to opt out of the most enjoyable part of the game, and that’s ok too, you just don’t get to have an opinion on something you don’t know. (I know that’s false, because everyone has opinions on what they don’t know nowadays)

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You realize pvp players are pvm players that got bored of doing their millionth Pindle run. Killing monsters that die in less than 1 second over and over and over again for 20 years gets booorring. Excuse those of us that actually want some challenge from the game.


i would disagree with that completely, i have played since 1.00. i have played every patch. and as soon as enigma hit the field. pvp was ruined. if you like that sort of pvp fine. by all means enjoy it. but that was the end of any sort of “fun” pvp in d2.

giving every class teleport was, and still is. cancer. telestomping necros, hammerdins, barbs… it’s just disgusting. i haven’t pvpd in AGES because of it and i still play the game a lot more than most people. pvp is dead, and anyone still hanging onto it is reaching.


I hate to tell you all this but PVP is and always has been a minority preference. I’m not saying it shouldn’t be considered in the game. I’m also wondering why single player is constantly ignored as well. But, I used to run a MUD with 2,000 players and we had a system that catered to both PVP and non-PVP. Players had to opt-in to a PVP experience they could only experience with other people who opted in. I’d say at best 10% of the player base chose to do that and I might be generous. Those that did like the PVP aspect, loved it but most preferred co-op or PVE only. Sorry but that’s just the way it is.


It’s a minority for sure, but they randomly did a PVP only change that nuked that game.


And they did a bunch of PvE only changes that sucked too. I mean it’s basically just some interns that have never played the game thinking they are “fixing bugs.”

I still just wanna roll back to 2.2 and then have them never, ever touch it again. TBH I’m just keeping my fingers crossed for a D2R p-server to eventually come about. :stuck_out_tongue:

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