Why are you ignoring pvp

They also nuked single player too. This game favors multiplayer PVE. That’s the way it is. They don’t do holistic game balance. I guess if we don’t like it, we just play something else. I presume D4 will also be this way and as such it is likely I won’t purchase it.

Make fhr like it was 2.3 dude chlidish from the devs. Its a remaster


Please no more ignoring fix your game! this will not change anything for pvm!


Please help out the pvp side of the game by reverting your immunity frame release. 2.3’s pvp was far superior.


Diablo 2 is not a PvP game.



What’s the purpose of this comment? We’re talking about a change that only affects PvP, and a lot of PvPers are asking for it to be reverted.


again, pvp was already ruined in 1.1 with the introduction to enigma… don’t care what you say… since then pvp is a joke.


making game better isnt going to make new players buy new copy of D2R.
No point for Blizzard to put resource into D2R when they make $$$ by focusing on D4 or anything else that sells. I guess they can ban bots and make them buy more copies during sale.

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Devs don’t even play d2r, what makes you think they would understand all aspects to PvP and know how to balance it properly…

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Bingo. D2R most likely was a stop gap and a recovery from the flop of Diablo Immortal. They went back to something they knew would sell to tide them over until D4. A lot is riding on D4 I would imagine.

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You think pvmers are the ones buying gear from other pvmers?

Without pvp the pvmers have 0 reason to mf

Use you’re brain kiddo


I only pvp. you are right. but improving pvp isnt going to make pvpers buy more copy of D2R is what im saying.

i rebuttal your idiotic comment with this one

you think pvmers are ONLY selling to pvpers? use your brain kiddo.

see it goes both ways.

especially in HC.

pvp’ers make up probably 0.01 of the playerbase. and is extremely unimportant.


Hope this new patch reverts their poorly implemented immunity frame.


Because pvp in this game is another word for griefing.

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There is a lot of legitimate PvP. The issue comes from non-consensual PvP.

Please fix FHR on May 4th when ladder resets. PvP Community around the world is begging for it for a year.


Of course, the developer’s brainless intention that D4 will flourish only when D2r is not fun.

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In order for there to be consent, there has to be a system by which people agree to consent in order to engage in the activity.

No, consent is not bound to a “system”. You can agree to terms and pvp without the need for additional technology. Just because you probably can’t doesn’t mean other people aren’t honest.

I hope they fix this issue with pvp.

For anyone that has only had bad experience in pub pvp games (which means you were interested enough to try), please find a group, give it a good shot of real people that enjoy pvp without being bad mannered. I assure you once you find it and experience it, you will have fun. There’s no reason to knock something you haven’t really tried.