It was hell the past 20 years, its still Hell. We dont have unlimited mule accounts anymore.
Time for 2023 QOL and a currency tab for all the hoarding goodies.
I literally don’t understand how anyone could really even be against it lol. Like we had unlimited space in LOD. And if you don’t need the extra space, then don’t use it? Thats one less mule for you to keep track of.
There’s already too much stash space and too many character slots:
…What we’re suggesting doesn’t affect how you play/enjoy the game. What you’re suggesting completely changes how we play/enjoy the game. Why is your way the correct way, again?
It’s a joke, mate. I have no interest in how other’s play the game.
The reality of the matter is that Blizzard is intentionally limiting character slots for reasons other than just making life miserable. Whether or not (some) of the players want something has practically no bearing on their decisions.
It’s a shame a currency tab hasn’t been added by now, despite the devs being amendable to it over a year ago. There is some talk about duping, but didn’t Diablo 3 add stackables pretty early on, even before removing trading? I don’t remember a big duping scandal back then.
Personal/Instanced loot systems are also common. In a game where die-hards claim to love competitive loot and the thrill of clicking first, loot filters change that dynamic, even if access is equal which proponents in favor of claim is still fair. If one player’s setting allows them to see that Jah or Ber before another player, that playing field will never be equal.
They won’t do this due to it removing an element of what drives people to play together, which is primarily the only reason to play in a party; increased xp/faster and/or lazier runs to level. Though, I’d imagine it would be a relatively simple thing to add, and at this point, they probably should since I doubt Personal Loot is on the table.
Balance is harder in D2 without going in and changing much of the game to fit that balance. Synergies are a pretty big reason to this, because when there are no (or limited) synergies, monster immunes are fairly balanced, but Casters lag behind severely unless you reduce monster health. Builds like Hammerdins, Runewords like Enigma and Infinity are so iconic to Diablo 2’s retail history, you really would change the game too much to nerf them.
Maybe fixing the memory data issue in the stash with 2.6 is a building block that needed to be done before the devs could realistically tackle this qol features. Maybe future updates could see things like currency tab, charm inventory, shared stash for Classic Resurrected, etc. At this point, I’m doubtful and wouldn’t have much hope.
Sorry, I was all amped up from other posts. My bad!
Lol, no worries. We are still friends
Do you really think there is a reason or just happenstance?
Like I can see these devs making the new account system and looking at the old one. Seeing that and being like well 20 characters is WAY more than 8. Not even realizing we could make an unlimited amount of accounts in LOD. It wasn’t a conscious choice they just did it. And then when they were confronted about space issues, they defaulted to the “space costs money” and “hoarders will hoard” as a deflection that they weren’t smart enough to think about the fact that we had unlimited space in LOD. It just simply happened and they dodged a real response. Because we were able to hoard 20 years ago AND space is cheaper now, so IMO they’re not valid excuses to not do it.
Thought I fully agree that players wanting something isn’t a big deal to them unless noobs are rage screaming about it. That is why sunders are in the game as well as the CM nerf. Not saying I care about the CM nerf, but it was the most whined about thing, not the most important thing for them to fix.
Yep, any sort of technical limitation is pure bs.
Some decisions are made by the people we call les devs .
Some are made by other people.
The other people look at numbers all day and don’t care about people, least of which the players.
The other people always have the last word.
Here’s how many accounts some people buy:
You don’t need rune stacking for this. Supposing that you can dupe runes, this is what it would look like without stacks:
- Dupe El: 2 El
- Dupe El: 3 El
- Cube 3 El: Eld
- Dupe Eld: 2 Eld
It’s very slightly slower when you get to the high runes and want to start keeping some instead of only making them to cube up to Zod, but not by a lot.
Stacking has nothing in practice to do with whatever duping allegations you want to make.
Until they fix the duping exploit then no to stacking
The one that was already fixed? The dupes that couldn’t be permed?
One failure method that couldn’t be used to dupe runes and could only fixate on a 2x3 slot where the items poofed if they left the game? That one?
That was hotfixed in 2 days, and wasn’t a viable dupe method anyway.
Keep trying to make ppl paranoid.
no valid argument, play plugy if u want.
appealing or not, thats how it is.
and rummage around several accounts and hundret chars is fun, sure.
you guys keep crying, it wont happen. stay petty yall
You have an appropriate name for someone who opposes making the game’s interface better for the players.
i do nothing, you guys just askin fo sht.
better or not is just your opinion, just because it get easier to handle doesnt mean its better for this game.
don’t you think stackin that stuff wouldnt be in there already if it was desired? do you think the develepoer back then are idiots?
man guys get over it, you wont get it xD
Awful argument against a QoL change. Thanks for your input I guess? Lol
It is not QoL, it changes the game. There is not much to input about it. You maybe see at as quality of life, but inventory management is part of this game.
Inventory managment was not on the thought process of the origional devs. It was never conceptually a thing that they thought was appealing or fun. Your argument is awful. You said if it was desired it would be in the game. Clearly it is desired. Inventory management by proxy of stackable was never in LOD, but in LOD you had unlimited storage so that wasn’t a concern. It also doesn’t change the game. The game is to gear up and kill monsters and do the quests. Inventory management is only assist in those aspects. No dev ever once sat down and was like you know what would be exiting inventory management and organization. It wasn’t a part of their thought process.