Why are QOL features so controversial

Stacking Currency - all this does is reduce the need to mule and the need to cycle through mules to get items. Reduces server load, save the player time, is this not a win win?

Loot Filters - Isn’t the goal of D2R to modernize the game without changing the core too much? Loot filters are very common in ARPGS, streamline the looting process, and allow players to customize what they are looking for. Even if you don’t allow customization couldn’t we at least take basic steps? Gems can be colored? Audio ques when uniques drop? Etc? How is this not in the game?

Players 8 - This is simply a difficulty setting just like D3 and other titles have, if players want more of a challenge why restrict them? I simply don’t understand the issue.

Balance - why is fixing broken, op stuff so upsetting for people. Hammerdin is busted because of conc aura bug, TP has needed a cooldown forever. But we nerf werebear lol? What are we actually doing. If your fixing bugs and op things nothing comes to mind more than hammerdin and TP.


This would be abused massively by any kind of item dupe to the point where you can take one el rune and make an unlimited amount of zods

This was introduced to single-player because they couldnt play group content so no reason online since there is group content


Lol what? Being able to stack runes would be exploited? Dude where have you been for the past 20 years, the game has always been exploited! Update the game to make it more enjoyable for the players who play this game, so many naysayers with tunnel vision only want to prevent crap like botters… no matter what is updated or not, botters and hackers are always going to try to bot & hack


Duping issue or Bnet item ID apparently? Currency tab is best option, one tab, load it all up, never worry about mass mules for those mass stored items ever again.

100% agree, a much needed QOL that one of the mods got right, that was the only part of that mod I enjoyed.

Its not about challenge, its about the loot exploitation.
Im all for it though, playing offline its a big advantage when you need it, both exp wise, loot drop wise, challenge wise. It needs to be restricted to solo online play only if anything.

Subjective. What some call balance, others dont. Melee needs huge boosts and items that rival the caster’s meta vs bringing casters down to melee.


Because we lost Blizzard North, and the franchise has been sinking ever since.


In terms of balance though can’t we all at least acknowledge that concaura is not supposed to impact hammers? Cant we agree that hammers are OP? Same with TP? I am certainly not advocating for reworking the entire game in order to try to balance everything WOW style but at least close some of these absurd gaps, especially hammers since that’s basically a bug anyway.


Largely the Dev’s don’t care. Acti-Blizz doesn’t care. They left fools who were only allowed to basically trace an already existing video game in charge of future updates. Which is hella stupid. TZ and Sunders are both bad. I get that people find TZ fun, they’re bad for the coop meta and the game list. I get that noobs finally can farm the entire map with their meme builds, but sunders are a poor way of class balancing.

The devs don’t listen to what the actual players want. You know those who actually play the game. They think they know better than us. They think they know better than what the past devs did. On top of that Acti-Blizz really doesn’t care to spend money. It won’t increase sales or generate revenue. Yall already bought the game. They only care about the continuing support of the bot meta. Where they let botters free farm the first 2 months of ladder, ban them in a few waves pretending like they care about botters, then all of a sudden they list the game on sale for half price just after the ban waves. Making the players happy isn’t a priority as it would generate zero dollars in revenue.


I see this response a lot and it saddens me that so many people have such little faith in Blizzard’s ability to create a working system for this mechanic. “we should not make something good just because it can be abused by some people” :roll_eyes:


I mean he is just wrong. There is no evidence that a system supported to stack items that doesn’t exist even has the slightest bit of potential to have issues with duping. Now, that being said it probably might be able to be abused, just like there is probably 300 ways to dupe in the game right now that people haven’t figured out yet. Every single game has had abuse issues and they’ve never stopped improvements from be implemented. Blizz doesn’t do these because the active playerbase gets them no money.


this one is a no brainer
people against this are usually trolling

some have concerns about this giving some advange in online grouping
so im gonna say the same as those against nerfing enigma say
“if you dont like it dont use it and leave others in peace”

this one is really controversial
there are points defended on both sides but one thing is for sure, blizzard could do more to improve grouping

also very controversial
what is good for x isnt for y
another thing that is for sure is the fact that melee desperately needs attention


All QoL options should be opt-outable. If you choose not to use them that is on you.

Stacking currency, Loot Filter are easy ones.

I get the qualm about P8, I would use it, but I think it is another thing that takes away from pub games and cooperation. I couldn’t care to truly argue against it. Perhaps max benefit from P7 is the P7/1 drop rate rather than the players 8/8 drop rate? I don’t know. Just always liked working together.

As for balance I don’t think it is controversial. Some builds and skills are trash. Not everything has to operate in the exact same way, but everything should have potential to at least be good. Meanwhile there are some S tier builds and builds that even with the most god tier gear couldn’t even hit C tier. Some of the abilities need to just work differently, some of them need a way to improve the maximum damage. Just depends.


My issue with the current P1 drop rates is that they are punishingly low. When you kill a normal monster, you have a 62.5% of not getting anything and that is just not a good feeling for defeating a monster.

There is also the matter of loot tables dropping so much trash loot in Hell mode. Stuff that one does not need to see on the floor. It clutters your vision of the world and you can’t see the beauty of the game, because 50% of the screen is littered with gold amounts for each pile of gold on the floor.

I think Blizzard should prioritize & focus 100% of their time, energy and resources on Material stacking and Loot filter for the next patch. It’s not that we are not grateful for what the current team has brought to the game, it’s about prioritizing mechanics that have a negative impact on our replay value.


While I agree with your sentiment on loot filters and no drop chance and I agree with them, and I do think the devs should have been working on them this entire time. I can say with 100% confidence that I’m not grateful for what the current team has brought to the game. They’ve made only 2 good changes from LOD other than graphical updates. Those are shared stash tabs and the new change for traps. Other than that their ideas and changes have either been to fix their own mistakes or straight up garbage. FHR change, TZ, Sunder, most of the runewords. We could all do without them. QoL update would have been priority #1. Fixing the 99 grind is cool in a way, but TZ are not a good or even decent way to do it. It splits up the playerbase and stops the coordinated effort of everyone grouping up for baal runs. I like TZ I find them fun to play, but they bring so much chaos into a coop portion of the game. And sunders are not a way to balance any of the weak classes. Now it has got even worse with what is happening. Noobs are using their trash builds + sunder and able to farm the entire map, but they don’t see just how slow they’re farming and how weak their build is and how low their damage output it. They’re just happy to farm everything which I get. But now you’ll see even more posts about my meme tribrid druid build doesn’t find me items. Well, thats true. When you kill slowly, and farm areas where your damage type isn’t peak. With a non optimal build that has low damage and doesn’t hit the BPs, then sure you won’t find as much as you should. Oh and it isn’t like even at that rate those meme builds could farm P8 which is a huge advantage.

I think these copy/paste devs should have been fired the second the copy/pasting with a graphical update was done. Let them work on the next remake becuase leaving people in charge of content updates who don’t understand the game, and never did understand the game, and can’t even manage to read the forum or feedback from PTR and truly understand what is happening leads to BS being put into the game.

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This would really be nice to have. Both for accessibility and just plain readability. Having a gem mixed in with the myriad other white items makes it frustrating to see, especially if you have to move around to finagle with the item nameplates.

This is one of those that can potentially have consequences on the ladder runs to 99, but could also make SSF (solo self found) much more enjoyable. Question is does Blizzard believe the pros outweigh the cons? That’s hard to gauge given their radio silence on this particular feature.

A lot of things would make this game more enjoyable and accessible at the same time. KB/M users have been asking for a D3 style skill bar setup so we don’t have to deal with the janky injection method that Quick Cast uses currently. Controller users need a force stand still bind so they can strategically place themselves before firing off a spell or ability. It really does help with aim. And a properly working lock on feature would also help for controller users.

Most of what the game really needs is purely in the functionality department. It’s nice to have new content, but making what exists more accessible and customizable would be a large boon for players no matter what control method they use.

There are no confirmations of dupes in D2R. The server interactions don’t work the same way as in D2C. It’d be nice to not have misinformation spread all over the place. That and the El to Zod “argument” is a red herring given just how many Els would be needed (you’d find multiple Zods in the time it would take to hypothetically dupe that rune enough to make a single Zod).

For online it would be necessary to create an SSF-only mode that locks players to SSF mode and prevents trade or grouping. A lot of us want this. Getting both levels the playing field for solo players vs. group players. It won’t give us as much EXP as a group would even with /players 8, but that’s just how the EXP formula works for solo vs. multiple players.

Most of us would love some of the Path of Exile features to be shamelessly copied for D2R. I’d especially love both the currency tab and D2R using the same type of controller setup for vendors the PoE uses. GGG may be essentially owned by the slimy Tencent corporation, but the devs there got it right with the console UI and controller setup. There’s no shame in copying what provides the most accessibility and ease of use.

Customizable filters would really help with the visual clutter. Being able to search for bases with ease would be very welcome. And one could still see all items by using a keybind for “view all items” when using a filter.

This is entirely untrue. Blizzard Albany devs really do care about their work. They put out a pretty decent update when they created D2R. Having to work with limitations they normally don’t have (due to the game’s engine and file size restrictions) and still coming up with what we have now is nothing short of amazing. Sure it could still use some improvement, but so could a lot of other games.

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Nobody trusts blizz to introduce this without massive bugs and a lot of development time.

It reduces the experience and feeling of the game. Some also argued about increased gaps between noobs and vets

Simulating other players doesn’t belong to multiplayer and it is not a difficulty setting because even D3 differentiate between torment level and players joined.
Stop lying about that. P8 would kill multiplayer.

Everybody has a different opinion how balance would look like in D2.

You don’t even know what qol means

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Your blind faith is sweet, but they really don’t care. If they bothered to look at the forums they have largely ignored the requests of the QoL updates that everyone has been asking for since launch. They have barely scraped the surface of some other requests and then with HASTE developed their own poor way doing it. Meanwhile they simple could have asked what users would have thought about it and they could have saved the effort from trash concepts such as TZ and Sunder charms and FHR patch. They’re all flat out bad for the general gameplay of online MF and PvP. If they cared about their work they could literally just all take 30 minutes and read the forum and see how their changes would actually be received. If they had any sort of IQ they could have figured out exactly why Hdin seemed so OP when they released TZ, instead of having to rush out trash sunder charms which btw didn’t actually cure class imbalances. The games engine nor file size had NOTHING to do with what they’re able to do. They let braindead idiots copy/paste a game with minor graphic updates, and made it run 20x worse than it used to be in charge of patches. They have no idea the entire premise behind what they implement in the game. The FHR concept made no difference for PvM mostly and for PvP it changed an entire meta and not for the better. It took a skill gap out of play.

And as for my opinion this game from launch didn’t really need much improvement. Revert back to launch, add the QoL update everyone wants, edit the XP dropoff after 95 so people can go back to baaling like normal and hell even add XP to the other mobs along the way while you’re at it. Then take a break, sit down, ask the forum, PTR players, make a poll and figure out how to balance out weaker classes to make them viable. Probably somewhere before that modify conviction to work for every damage type OR make new runewords that once made allow other classes to act similarly to how a light sorc is in end game. Boom game is done, sure you could add content or whatever but done enough that everyone can try and enjoy it in their own way without changing so much that you wind up affecting how others play.

But these devs could never handle that. They took 2 days and decided that sunder charms were the way to balance out weak classes which have been weak for 20 years. Honestly they’re incapable of making good moves so nothing surprises me other than they finally got their second thing right with this patch which was the change for traps. I’m sure they’ve found a way to mess that up too.


Gatekeeping. Everything on that list is alleviated with multiboxing. If players received features that reduced stash bloat or increased character slots, it would directly impede on the bonuses gained by having multiple accounts. That’s who’s pushing back against it.


You are way to hostile bud. Take a breath man.


I’m pretty tired of people trying to change facts to fit their narratives. Especially with already exhausted topics like p8.

It’s also very annoying when people don’t even know the basics of what they are discussing.

So why are you just targeting my mood instead of the arguments that I stated?

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Modders (of PoD and MXL) somehow managed to implement it. With a skeleton crew (often a single modder) and no salary.