Why are QOL features so controversial

yeah but also with a very small playerbase without lots of guys trying to dupe stuff :slight_smile:

I mean the guys in all those mods did a lot more changes than the D2R crew did and look how they butchered whirlwind and shifters in D2R. Or look at the sunder charm hork disaster on S2 start… I mean that are not some serious changes that would explain such bugs on Blizz side.
Do you really trust those guys to implement a stacking mechanism that isn’t exploitable without taking months to just focus on it?

Simple answer is the game was meant for the player to decide which items have value! Not which items get the most forum gold!

Loot filter would be nice.

My vote is to remove sunder charms, they add nothing and are now 100% useless.


Trash takes.

Yes, until you find a good pally spirit base which could take you 30,40,50 rolls you need to collect the runes for it. That is already 1 char dedicated to ONE spirit hitting 35FCR. Space is needed to do your own thing. You worrying about JSP in a QoL thread just shows how jaded you are about the site and it’s players being better than you. Having the ability to swap out gear and save up to make something decent or trade for something decent should always be an option. Space should be unlimited.

Sunder charms by far don’t add “nothing” even though I hate them as well, removing them is awful when they’ve done nothing to balance out bad abilities. Until that is done sunder charms should stay no matter how little thought process was put into making them.

At least you’re consistent with your bad opinions tho.

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Its meant for the player to manage limited space. Stackable runes would be nice but its fine as is. It would be too convinient to have stackables for those using jsp.

You may have good intentions, but your wants don’t mean much.


Lmfao you’re so focused on a trade site that you’d refuse a good QoL update option. And to consider the space fine as is, unless you delete all of your NL chars at the end of ladder there isn’t enough space if you’re a good player who builds multiple characters and tries to do most of the content in game. If you think otherwise it is simply becuase you’re not good.

Btw people at JSP aren’t concerned with space like you think they are. They can tradeoff excess and bank space in forum gold lol.


We don’t need it? Perhaps thats the reason.

There is no reason to make changes to a game, with poor gameplay in mind. If you don’t find a lot thats cool, you have plenty of space. Those that do find a lot and need a lot and have many characters, need more space than you do because they’re better than you. Simple concept, hard to realize it’s need when you’re not effective enough to ever have had that need before.


they strip away the RPG from the game.

it’s like WoW adding LFG, a button you click that teleports you to a dungeon far away instantly with no travel time over the map. So you are placed in a dungeon you had no travel story leading up to, and literally grouping with RANDOM people you’ve never spoken to, and somehow in an RPG you’re supposed to be battling the monsters iin that dungeon together as if you we the Vikings in the movie The 13th Warrior.

Same thing with a loot filter, it just turns treasure hunting into Amazon Delivery conveyor belt. If treasure is piled up on top of each other, you will have trouble sifting through and processing it.

Players 8 is different, because it was implemented as a form of increased difficulty for groups, otherwise we’d just blast the game and get bored. So it’s more of a difficulty slider than anything, and since the old devs decided to put it in for single player, it should be implemented online simply to keep difficulty scaling. In fact it should just be changed even more imo. Change the command to /difficulty and scale it up to 20.
/players 8 = /difficulty 8

Balance is simple to answer. It’s like this. Do you want one homogenized class to choose from, or 7 unique classes? You see, when classes are unique, they have weaknesses and strengths that dont align to other classes, so it’s ridiculous to think that they should or even could be balanced accordingly. Some classes will simply be better at several situations and weaker in others.

So, being the genious that i am, i’ll explain how you keep a balance in an RPG. You take any task, you make sure every class can complete that task alone. Some are able to complete it very very fast, some very very slow. You take another task, you do the same check, and so forth until every task in the game has been checked. Now you go through those checks and make sure every class is capable and no class is left behind with a lot more problematic tasks than the other classes. Then you tweak them slightly until you have balance, and still maintain a unique class identity for each.

Balance in an RPG should never be about “Well that class can shoot lightning bolts, so every class needs a lightning bolt!”

So at the end of the day, 96.8% of all QoL requests literally kill the RPG in the RPG game.


How is filtering [Greater Healing Potion] to [HP3] putting loot on an “amazon delivery conveyer belt”? What is this nonsense? A loot filter just controls what the text reads on a dropped item, it does not change if items are dropping or when they drop.

This is the one QoL change with some actual merit to the counter argument that it will kill multiplayer. I don’t think it change much of anything, solo players will play solo with or without it, and group players will still need a group on early seasons. By the time players can solo crush /p8, the season is winding down anyway.

Balance isn’t simple, but adding runewords like Mosaic, which is technically half a runeword because you always need 2 of them for the ultra unique and specific affix to be viable, it’s a clear sign that skills should be changed in the tree and not by an item. This current team is completely lost on balance, or even on making D2 items rather than D3 items. Imagine if this dev team was adding Chaos to the game, it’d grant +.5 to Whirlwind so that you had to wear two of them. They’re already committed to locking MA into this one item forever, the least they could do is let them combine it with various off hands.

Not remotely true. And to speak to LFG in WoW, when first implemented during ICC back in 2009-10 WotLK, it was a near perfect system. It solved every grouping issue that players had; it really just saved players from themselves, because getting 1 or 2 randos in a dungeon group is fine, just run the damn dungeon.

When Cata tried to expand this to LFR, the whole concept fails because it doesn’t scale. 5 random people works, 25 random people does not work as well. It also led to the stratification of content difficulty, because now LFR needs its own special difficulty, because it’s populated by players who are terrified of either the content or of other players. LFR was never, NEVER, QoL. LFR was an idiot trap. The QoL was quarantining them in LFR and away from other players.


literally just cancelled yourself in the gamer community.


No I didn’t. Anyone who actually played WoW during that year knows this is true. LFG was never a problem during WotLK when it was introduced. The concept itself didn’t fail until they tried to scale it to full raids. That was always a losing idea. Somehow, over the past 15 years, Cata apologists have shifted the blame to WotLK, which is still the most popular and successful expansion that the game has ever seen, from start to finish. It’s ridiculous.

Dont blame me, you ddid it to yourself, i didnt do anything.

LFG was added on the back end of a monumentally successful WotLK, which had 13 million subscribers, and after LFG was added, the game population declined down to what we see today as 300k subscribers. It’s no coincidence that WoW Classic and Classic WotLK have more subscribers than retail.

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Lol, no it didn’t. It was in the game for nearly a full year. WotLK didn’t decline until Ruby Sanctum; and it declined because Arthas was dead, Ruby Sanctum was one boss that didn’t matter, and prepatch was imminent. Everyone used Dungeon Finder, it wasn’t called LFG. It was a perfect system for putting 5 people up against dungeon mechanics.

WotLK is the only reason Cata had legs.

Yeah bro, I’m sure the the WotLK version of Dungeon Finder is the only thing that happened to the game over 15 years. Jesus dude, do you read the things you write before you post them?

you can try and deny the facts all you want, politicians do this all the time, but everyone who played knows the truth and the facts are there for anyone to look at.

WotLK 13 million subscribers
LFG added
Population drops and never recovers.
Down to 300k subs today. thnx to LFG.

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Sure, and the earth has pollution today thanks to man discovering fire. Worst patch, imo.

That’s not how this works. At all.


Nah dude, let him dupe 14 trillion El runes.


Except for the players 8 thing, i agree. Most builds in the game can’t do players 8 efficiently solo, and most of the builds that can, can only do it after expensive end-game gear are achieved.

I rather see them nerf the op builds that easy can farm players 8 solo and add a loot allocation option so loot get distributed fairly and give people an actual reason to teamplay for that players 8 loot.

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I have to congratulate you for being the smart person here and unlike many here, use the proper QOL instead of the bad one

Ingredient stacking >>>>>>> currency tab

+1 mate

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If i had to chose i would prefer currency tab over ingredient stacking, without doubt. What’s the proper and bad one if have to chose between currency tab and inventory stacking are matter of opinion. Currency tab would increase overall QOL for me more then ingredient stacking. For me, the main problem right now are not inventory space and the amount of times i have to go back to town for stashing things in my chest, but amount of time spending sorting things in my chests.

The whole point of a currency tab are to make it easier to manage the ingredients when stashing them. They are always in the same spot no matter what and you just ctrl-click stransfer them to same spot every time. Even if you have 0 of them in inventory from the past, ctrl-click, done, same spot as always. And considered in games like PoE where currencies tabs exist, the currency tab are almost always the first one people get so i would claim it’s an overwhelming unity amongst players currencty tabs, in fact, do make ingredient management easier.

Nothing that say we can’t have both though since they are similar to eachother. But if i had to chose. Clear as day without doubt, currency tab over ingredient stacking.