Important to mention beforehand, people that enjoy the race have all the rights to do!
But I feel a lot of people would welcome more stuff to do, new tools(rw&builds) is fun but it would be great to have stuff to do with them. It’s like getting a 10000$ gaming computer but only have Tetris to play
The grind to 99 is not for everybody… nor is Competitively tackling it
they should really add new ladder contents, but most important aspect is to give something to do for as many people as possible, competition is secondary. Activity first, competition second
stuff like:
- Holy grail Ladder
race to the first with all items. To ensure the validity of the entries, it only accounts items that were first picked up by you.
So no selling of unid items to trick the holy grail.
Comes with the introduction of the Holy grail tab
- The 9 circles of hell Ladder
where hell becomes harder each time you complete it.
On the last Hell act bosses are harder than regular ubers
- PVP ladder
every account starts with 100pts, each time you kill somebody you gain 10% of his points if hostility is mutual and 1% if not
- Bounty Hunter Ladder
: each hour the game asks players on the server to kill X type of monster, they are then considered p10&mlvl85( placeholder values), giving more Xp and more items and also giving Points toward the bounty leaderboard
Ie: Go to Natalya and she say “I got report from the order that there is an insurgeance of Urdar, go kill them and they’ll reward you”
Diablo 2 already has this theme, it’s the first quest of the game, clear the den of all monsters including their boss
Got any other ideas of additional ladder types, share it
Note: to clarify, those are all running together on the same Ladder season, they aren’t ladder choices you make when you create your character, your ladder character can engage in all of those at once
important: don’t forget to reply to posts you like or are interested in the discussion, it’s a welcome behaviour considering the lack of bumping feature on this crappy forum system