2.5 map system thoughts

I love POe, played for 10 years, have a diamond supporter pack, 3 botw, private discussions with Bex and Chris

I love PD2 and all it’s improvements to the game

But I would hate Maps in D2R. It doesn’t fit the game

I would rather have a endgame mechanic that makes the current areas harder and more rewarding

With some rare ingredients that drop from time to time which allow you to open a gate to a boss

  • cube something in harrogath corner to face Bul Kathos revived by nilatak

  • cube something near the tainted glasses of act 4 to turn it into a portal that leads to Diablo 1 hell architecture map filled with sucubus and doom knights

  • cube something in town with at least 95% game cleared to turn all remaining monsters into clones of bosses (boss mod)

But there could also be endgame activities on top of that, stuff that doesn’t alter the game much while staying true to it

Having Natalya give you contracts to clear areas where empower monsters are gathering for an attack on a town makes total sense gameplay wise and with D2.

Having Anya personalize your gear to look different makes sense in a world where magical transmutation exists. Those who created the Unique items made them look different to have an Aesthetic value, you are that legendary hero now, you should too

There is also the expansion way of adding endgame content

  1. go back in the time of diablo 1 tristram through the memories of Aidan

  2. discover the areas during the travels between acts

  3. continu the journey of your hero up and through to the event of immortal

I would pay so much money just to have more playable content for D2R. But they don’t want money it seems

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