Whay about the lobby?

Those comments are the REASON for the WONDERFUL fix we currently have in place. Saying that they are irrelevant is the equivalent to saying that the original diablo game had no influence on the rest of the Diablo lines. Blizzard SAVED you from further misery and YOU owe them big now.

what the hell are you on about archerā€¦ honestly. they need to fix the lobby. give us back our chat channels.

i used to have a chat channel, i would tell everyone i played with, if someone wanted to play with me all they had to do was hang out there or be on my friends list.

now we have LOBBY. and we canā€™t even change the LOBBY weā€™re in. itā€™s stupid.

the games not showing up properly is a whole other issue.

i have two pcs right beside each other, and THEY DONā€™T EVEN FIND THE SAME GAMES.

they always have a different game list up. itā€™s not even people near you, itā€™s just random AF. so stop argueing that blizzard have done the best they can with all the whining, theyā€™ve done jack$## as far as iā€™m concerned. (not really a big deal the way i play diablo) but itā€™s something they NEED to fix.


The location based game list is the dumbest decision yet.

How is this better than Realms?

Instead of 4 Realms, we now have 50 different ā€œSUBā€ realms based on region. What the hell were they thinking?

Itā€™s the same system that made D3 feel like a single player game. If the game doesnā€™t find anyone near you, it just throws you in your own game. Oh well, guess youā€™re playing by yourself.


2 servers in California (20 years ago) vs 10+ servers today. Completely outrageous and irrelevant comments.

You realize games like League Of Legends connects everyone in NA to a single server right? Theyā€™ve done this for the last 7 years or so. And thatā€™s a competitive PVP game where Deync actually means something.

You think I wouldnā€™t be willing to play in 200 ping if it meant being able to do some exp runs or play on P8 Mf runs in a PVE game? LUL.

Also I wouldnā€™t be surprised if you played only single-player. For some reason these guys always feel the need to come into these threads and talk down to people like they donā€™t know what theyā€™re talking about.

THANK YOU BLiZZZARD FOR FIXING THE LOBBIESā€¦ they work great now and just because the angry little trolls are upset because they cant whine about desync does not mean you should waste time by unfixing what you have so fabulously correctedā€¦ We the player base who know the history of the game and enjoy playing with people online who are simular ping in non-pingy lag fests are the minority on the forum because we are normally playing and LOVING the game.

Bro you play SINGLE-PLAYER!

lol no i play LOD and classic multiplayer doing a CS run right now.

Why do you seem to be against them making improvements when Classic is being hit the hardest by Bnet 2.0?

I donā€™t know anything about networking and I understand that it might not even be possible with their system and may never happen, but that doesnā€™t mean they canā€™t try right?

And once again one of the most competitive PVP games on the planet for the last 12 years straight connects all of NA to a single location. So why is it hard to think Blizzard shouldnā€™t be able to do that in the year 2022?

Iā€™m playing with 4 other people right nowā€¦ no issues at all, no lag, good load timesā€¦ classic is running GREAT!

Well said, well said.

How about we shake hands on this:

Blizzard can try to reroute all servers to a single-game list, implement a ping filter so it sorts lowest ping to highest ping, top to bottom, and we all can play how we would like to?

You literally are the worst kind of troll. ā€œOMG, it works for ME! Therefore there is no issue!ā€

No, they donā€™t ā€œwork greatā€ for everyone. We arenā€™t whining, we are asking for a fix to the game that needs fixing. If 1000+ people are ā€œwhiningā€ about the same issue, guess what, itā€™s warranted.

You also have no idea what the issue actually is, and since you donā€™t seem to care to understand it, well I can only assume you just like trolling the forums.

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I hear you on that, however we modern gamers can do so much more on reddit, Discord and other platforms that we simply cannot do on D2R lobbies, even without the spamming.

There arnt there are like 1% of the player baseā€¦ the rest of us cant be bothered with forum trolls like you attempting to shape the game YOU want it to beā€¦ i can only assume you want to break a working feature in order to further drive population away from the gameā€¦ shame on you. :rage:

There fixed it for you.

Youā€™re acting like the game was completely unplayable for the last 20 years, when it was actually fine. Was anyone here unable to play this game online? This isnā€™t even a competitive game for christs sake.

You are basing your views on 20 year old technology. This is the year 2022 man. :rage:

This isnt diablo 2 bucko, this is D2R a COMPLETELY new game with resolutions for all the old issues in place. I played the old game with all its flaws and IM OVERJOYED that the new game has resolved themā€¦ STOP TRYING TO MAKE IT THE OLD GAME AGAIN! The piece of crap died and should stay dead.

Iā€™m not trying to shape the game. Iā€™m trying to bring light to something that needs to be addressed. The old D2 game didnā€™t have this issue.

What ā€œfeatureā€ am I trying to break? The ability for players to play together?

This ISNT the old D2 game! Its a new game with new AMAZING lag reducing and desync reducing features!!!

There is nothing stopping you from networking and playing with other playersā€¦ it happens dailyā€¦ I do it all day long.

Once again, the ā€œit works for me, so it isnā€™t a problemā€ argument. And the ā€œThe desync is goneā€ argument, which literally has nothing to do with lobbies.

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