What really is the point of the Queue?

Like you might as well just divert the effort creating this useless queue system to stuff like adding server capacities or other issues. Because of the way I feel about it so far, it is absolutely no different than the server overload blackout.

You start up the game and get placed in 200 or 300. Then 2 or 3 hours later you play a few games and it crashes then oops, hey back at 200 again.

We got trolled, well played.


They could have updated the network code… or they could have saved money.

Guess what the answer is.


Blizzard just want to make us quit playing D2R and problems solved. And with the queue your D2 copy isnt able to get a refund anymore because the time spent at it.


The que is not actually you waiting in line to login, it’s waiting for people to get off the game so the number of players can stay equal to or less than the arbitrary number their tech team decided is the number of people playing is allowed to be, you’re waiting for other people to logoff/client crash when you’re in the que.

EDIT: They’re “hoping” to eventually increase the number of allowed players as they figure out whatever beta testing issues they are having post hard release.

The queue is to fix the fact that they didn’t have the ratio of resources to the amount of games sold correct.

You would think that this day and age when you bought a game, you would be given space to play it. Quality at Blizzard has followed Diablo down to hell.


This… So, when someone else gets crashed from one of the many bugs in game, you get to feed off their misery and be pushed up a few spots in line. Its like a new soul feeding game from Blizzard. Your fear shall fuel the hellforge…

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they dont want to invest on servers, so the queue is more like screw u customers you have to wait to play, wait to create a game and pray for not having a crash after u wait 2 hours to log in

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Thus why this quene thing is useless, should’ve just added more server capacity. And honestly, I doubt this game has 1 million concurrent players at a time but imagine if they had implemented accordingly with 1mill anticipation player base… as a big company like bilz should … but unfortunately not the case here.

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Blizzard doenst give a f man, tell me have u ever seen a single post from blizzard answering people or giving a feed back about what is happening or how are they working to fix it, or at least a single f post from them saying " We know about this issue and we’re working to fix it"
They just dont care

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Yeah, they should’ve planned for twice their projected players (if they had confidence the game they made would be good and people would tell their friends). Instead they planned for 1/4 of the copies sold, seems like a terrible business model, but I am not and have never been the CEO of a company, so what would I know?

Instead of dealing with the large amounts of Chinese and Russian (yes, they are Chinese and Russian because they are speaking Chinese and Russian) bot accounts, they would rather penalize the average player.
Seriously, log onto Ebay or other websites and you can see actual thousands of items for sale right now. When you log into battle.net and go into the lobby you also see the botters spamming the channels with their garbage advertising.
Now imagine these bot accounts spamming Meph/Pindle runs and relogging over and over.
This is the reason we have a queue.

I think they have over 1 million chat spam bots. Much less players.

I guess you don’t remember 2 weeks ago when server crashed and rolledback all weekend.

It is still basically doing that now. Its just on a single player level instead of everyone. It is an illusion of a fix.

captcha’s are a thing and exist right? I’m not imagining them? besides that, all those russian and chinese farmer/bots as you claim would’ve presumably been planning this and purchased their copies in advance in order to ensure their business can run, correct? how is it their fault blizzard has messed this up at seemingly every turn? server capacity without any alternate mode of playing for people who actually paid money to try to enjoy the game is the real issue IMO

Well there is no such thing since the queue, its pretty stable once you get in.

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yeah, that exact thing has happened to me twice in the last 8 hours, it’s very hard to not completely wash my hands of blizzard and activision, take the $44 loss and think of it like a lesson, lesson that everything woke turns to sh!t.
if the bot accounts/vendor accounts are the issue, why can’t they buy a couple items, track the IPs and perma ban those people/games? seems like the unid gheeds on ebay for $10 wouldn’t be making that person money if they lose all their stuff and have to drop another $44 on another copy of the game?

unless the game crash and u have to spend 2 hours again into the queue

When they threw out the last vestiges of locally stored characters, except for perpetual offline sp everyone was forced online.
Maybe they realised then that this change would require massive changes to how the dbase and backend worked to not break down, but the suits upstairs still forced release as planned.

This is just wild speculation on my part ofc.

Nothings been fixed, you queue to take the spot of someone who crash