Vote for Summoner Druid PT2

We need to make our voices heard,
We need to show that Summoner Druid if they dont allow us to have multiple summons out or make them something like “If we invest more basic skills to increase the summon number of Spirit wolf or Dire wolf so at least to have like 8 Dire wolves active and not just 3, OR to have an option when reaches 20 pure skills and not from +all skills to give the option of multi summon them with another pack or bear”. That way we will be a pure summoner zoo keeper.
This isnt a hybrid spec which doesnt work, but a whole tree which doesnt work. Druid summ isnt in any tier list and according to analyst it will barely be

Saw both Rhykker (he was hosting a D2 analyzer as well) and Dbrunski admiting that isnt much and wont make any difference if it stays as it is. While necro is the jack fo all trades.

So plz leave outside the arguments and IF you agree with us plz vote for this. Is the only way our voice to be heard.

There is already a topic on general disqussion but since it is PTR is better to make it here

So, plz we need our voice to be heard so things to change to a better playstyle… plz support us


Summon druid really need some love and gatting more summons behind Hard points would prevent others spec from having more power creep ! Also please consider giving more (Hits) to the ravens … only 5 will force us to stop every 1 second just to recast them over and over again.

Spirits also need more than 25 % physical reduction, they will still get randomly one shot by elemental attack or 1 diablo fire nova etc…


Agreed, summon druids need a lot more love to work. Either allow all summons at once or rework the summons completely.


Alright Dr Doolittle… Calm down, and test the new druid summon tree balance fixes before you get the whole community to vote on whether the game is more fun with an entire dog-kennel, lol :joy:

Personally I HATE the summon necro’s design philosophy. The summon spam is just visually abhorrent on the screen…

I much prefer the Druids Aesthetics - he is a loner, wanderer, vagabond with either a bear, or a small pack of loyal wolves. He also gets a vine and a spirit (which is basically an aura that buffs the whole party, everyone loves having a druid in the party).

That set-up is elegant, and simple…


I really bored to keep saying the same things again and again. Plz check the vote on general chat to see what’s happening etc and how many asking for it.

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Agreed, summon druids need a lot more love to work. Either allow all summons at once or rework the summons completely.

they did. you spam the new and improved raven and swap your summon set depending on the correct situation

edit; they reworked the class to have the most dmg come from raven(as like youd spam tornado) and have your pets act as a passive dmg… as like hurricane

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Just like, Just like… Nothing is alike anything… If you play Druid summoner u already know. if not dont comment for things u dont know…

If necros are able to have a great, massive army of undead, druids should be able to command a bunch of wild animals, not just 1 pack of this Wolf or that Wolf or a Grizzly and one living stick, and one spirit that is fragile as an old mans phart. And now spam birbs that you can even aim at things, because they just attak whatever they like.


Maybe give the changes they made a chance before begging for more? This hasn’t even gone into PTR yet and you already want to complain. Necro and Druids aren’t meant to have the same playstyle. If you want a horde of minions then play a necro. Druids are meant to have a functional variety of pets.

The single biggest holes in summoner druid at the moment, before 2.4 are:

  • Nothing to do while standing behind your wall of pets other than cast a tornado and pretend its helping(being fixed with ravens)
  • Pets dieing to fast on hell (their HP is getting buffed)
  • No counter to Phys immune (wolves are now frost damage, Act3 merc now has enchant skill)

since u didnt read any of our first comments on general topic, we are many players who played this spec for hundreds or thousands of hours, there are youtubers and analysts for D2 who already know that these changes wont make druid to solo Hell for example. We already know that bro. I mean calculating +30% dmg buff for 3 wolves, we do know it wont change much.

“already know”

No, they don’t know, because they haven’t played any of this yet. Youtuber status doesn’t make people somehow clairvoyant. The whole point of PTR is to test the changes. If you actually let the patch hit, test it, get to lvl 60+ and find the changes aren’t substantial enough, then report that feedback.

But what is most important to keep in mind here is the intention of these patches. These patches are trying to make underplayed classes more appealing, or fix giant holes with builds that would otherwise be very satisfactory to play. These changes aren’t trying to create a new meta, and druid Summoner is already a good and well loved and played class. You should know this, seeing as there are so many of you with hundreds or thousands of hours played on this class.

This would only be viable, to swap our summons situationaly, if we didn’t have to summon wolves one by one, and spirit and dire wolves would have the same number of wolves. And we would still need a Grizzly out always to tank.


Unless they increased the base damage to ravens by like 6-10 times they’re still going to be trash though. It’s not entirely a guess at this point and we can get a pretty good idea of how a skill is going to perform when they give us the synergy numbers and base it off the current skill while making some estimates.

Judging by the other changes ravens will probably only get 2-3 times their current base damage which is still bad. I plan on testing out the skills when the ptr is out but based on the info we were given it’s not going to make much of a difference.


Just like, Just like… Nothing is alike anything… If you play Druid summoner u already know. if not dont comment for things u dont know…

lol. my point is, to me, they seem to have revamped it and you don’t like the direction they took. im going to play raven druid and enjoy it. that or a slightly better singer barb

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Yes i dont like it cause it already exists on PD2 and i have played it. casting ravens every 2 secs isnt summoner but it looks like with Necro from D3 who casts skeleton mages which does much dmg but lasts few secs.,

Enjoy something from being strong and able to solo hell has huge diference, i do enjoy it but i cant compete anything else in the game. I cant progress after Act3 cause i have only 3 wolves OR 1 bear and they die 2 shoted. Now they took buffs on dmg and hp obv but we already know, is just maths, that still wont solo the game, for example to kill baal on hell like a hammerdin, or sorc, or java etc.

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Ok. I get your point of view. Its fair.

If you plan to play zoo-summon and not focus on ravens and their (lets hope) more present blind and dmg, I totally see that it wont be a fun zoo-druid for you. I guess they could try something that lets you summon all animals, lower their stats %to the number of summons up, and give them shared “auras” to assist with a more consistent survivability and dmg output.

I guess i can say that im lucky they revamped it in a way that I like: “The Birds” 1963 type :stuck_out_tongue:

edit: lets hope that ravens are good dmg atleast xD and that they make some kind of thing that if you summon the wolverine sage you can summon all summons and they have an “wild ecosystem balance” aura

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In addition to this patch’s changes, we need 20 hard points in a summon skill to grant that pet in addition to other summons.
20 points in Spirit wolf means you can have 5 spirit wolves AND 3 Dire wolves or 1 Grizzly.
20 points in Spirit Wolf and either Dire Wolf or grizzly means you can have all 3 out at max size.
This is the best way to balance Summon Druid. Even with this, they only get 8 pets compared to the Necro’s what, 30+?


30? i have reached 40 ez. others said even more.
I suggested 4 things on my topic in General threads.
Either give all summons at once, Or 1 pack of wolves + Bear, OR by investing pure points on wolves to let increase the number of wolves from 3 to 7-8 for example and to have only 1 pack. OR give Bear cleave dmg at least cause atm it single hits the mobs which is outdated and just sad.

Hope our voices to be heard tbh


Feel like “all summons” would be OP in PVP when telestomping folks?

May be a little different from a summon Necro because the Druid summons have more crowd control it seems.

Come on bro, there is a way to fix it, “reduced dmg vs players”.
OOOOORRRR i suggested 4 things. any of them will improve Druid by far :smiley:

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