Hey its pretty clear by your sneak peak that you are already considering full zoo for druid. We’re here, we’re testing things anyways, please let both wolves and bear stack. I have never seen good dps on a summoner druid. This is 11 units total. Necro is many many times this. LETS TRY IT!


Hopefully they do this. All 3 summons at once is about equal to melee skeletons and skeletal mastery. Maybe even less.

I would love a full zoo, but how about we test the changes they made before telling them to do something else?

i believe that they want you to be a raven caster that has a cold dmg option, a better phys dmg option and a very tanky 3rd option. and im all for it. if you go full summons, with the new changes. you get like 46 oak sage, 53 raven and all 46 wolves and bear. plus lvl26 1point wonder vines which would give 26% hp a corpse or 29%mana a corpse

Dont tell anybody but you can actually test both at the same time.

  1. Test just ravens and a 5 stack of wolves
  2. Test a full zoo
  3. Test ravens and a full zoo

I am not telling them to do something else, they literally talked about this in their preview, and they said well lets hear about it on the forums, thats what the PTR is for.

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i aggree with you. i guess the big difference is some people want to play a zoo summoner and others (like me) enjoy 1-5 summons with great raven dmg.

we cant have both because theyll have to nerf something (or not… looks at paladin)

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there is a topic on PTR and on General for this specific matter, plz support us

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+1 for Full Zoo.
Give Druids the feeling of a real summoner. If we invest 80+ points in summons, we should have more than 3 wolves and a few birds.

Give Grizzly a small AoE swipe.
Let us use Grizzly and our choice of wolves.

Give Us The Zoo. :wolf: :wolf: :wolf: :bear: :bird: :bird: :bird:


Give ravens the soft point synergy like wolves and grizzly. And make a backwords synergy, ravens increas other summons attack speed by x% or something.

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Full zoo but only for pure summoners. For example you can summons additional zoo if you got it on 20lvl or somethink like that. Wind dudu is strong enough in pvp right now. And with new fhr mechanic even more. Dont need to boost him more.

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Years ago I actually tried it in a mod I made. It is pretty glorious.

Full zoo time lets go! Add a hardpoint restriction if needed.


full vines and full sprits too.

The 3 vines are weak so, it wouldn’t even be that big a buff. The 3 spirits benefits the summoner the most, it does nothing to elemental, and shapeshifting only gets partial buff from it.

Having all the summons is the perfect buff for druid overall.


I am not sure if this will be OP (since spirits die easily), but I think spirits and vines should provide an aura based on whatever skill points are invested in their respective spirit/vines skill. You will still summon only 1 spirit and 1 vine, but they will provide all aura (based on whatever you invested). So for example, if you invest 20 in oak sage, and 1 in HoW and 10 in SB, then the one spirit you summon should provide all aura based on those skills (if that makes sense). Vine you summon will be able to poison and also heal life/mana if you invest in those skills

Spirit barbs really need to be looked at. Their thorns damage are abysmally low. If anything, it should really be just scrapped and replaced with a different spirit. Maybe guardian like spirit that reduces damage?

Vines also need to be significantly revamped or buffed. At the moment, they are mostly only a one point wonder. I think each skill should make you want to invest in them (and promote build diversity) rather than one point wonder unless you are just putting it there to get another skill.

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