Had this issue for three days in a row. Got annoyed. Tried the various fixes but only one worked for the moment. Entirely exit the battlenet client and restart it. Sometimes the bug’s there, sometimes not. Only way to deal with it that worked for me though. Ticking the chat allowed button did nothing, nor did any resolution magic a solution.
The /who command lets you know who can see you and whether the bug is still in effect so to those mention it, thank you. It’s something to do with how the battlenet client’s channel system works rather than in D2 specifically I think.
Also worth noting with some further tests that it’s more prevalent than I thought. As someone else affected with the bug may be able to be seen by you, but not see what you type and vice-versa. Depending on who gets what channel. Doesn’t seem to be a rhyme or reason to it other than however Blizzard is doing their chat system is utterly broken. The more folks I meet and actually try talking to and get talked to by is kinda shining a spotlight on a BIG glaring problem with the system that didn’t exist in the old game.
After all, in a multiplayer game, when people are trying to type and no one is responding because they have the bug… what kinda message does that send about the community? I’m wondering just how many folks realize it’s happening and how many people are having negative experiences from it. I can get it reliably hit with my growing friends list now. Don’t think I’ve not had it hit a single day now that I have people to chat with and am watching actively for it.
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doesn’t work… even in single player
Continuing the discussion from Unable to see in game chat:
This just got me too…
From the posts here I take it that there is no solution, right?
Everything worked fine until now, wanted to trade, no chat… sucks blizzard
Can we have an official response on that please?
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Can confirm this and thinking the same
same problem here in europe. got all checked as enabled, even on website, bug still persists
I thought it is a problem on my side only. After reading the thread, I am more disappointed. I am pretty sure in game chat was working in D2 original. At that time, no fancy chat/video calls. It was almost the only way to communicate with friends. Mr. Blizzard, can you in-game chat resurrected? Much appreicted!
Bump for visibility. Can vouch the chat bug has randomly affected my games as well.
Original poster here:
Not sure what changed but since 2.4 patch I have had 0 issues with chat bug.
I hope its solved for everyone else, my game experience has gotten dramatically better!
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Found a fix if someone else finds this and it works for them also.
Disable online chat, close the game down completely and restart game.
Enable online chat, close the game down completely and restart game.
Hopefully the 3rd restart allows you to see chat, worked for me just now.
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Believe or not. After the ladder open, it is working…I didn’t change anything.
This worked for me as well. Thanks for sharing
After reading every single post, and trying every single thing suggested, nothing worked. Except this. Can confirm it also worked for ME. Hopefully it is the solution for everyone else!
This is some bs for real. I tried everything and its still messed up. Why is this game so full of buggy glitchy shi!?
SAME HERE. Joined a room and I’m trying to trade but the chat will not appear. It will only go through if i specifically whisper them. This is awful, how is this not fixed? The game went through a massive update but the simplest thing, CHATTING, can’t be fixed? What is this malarky?
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same no chat at all in game
still there is no ingame chat since release
August 10th 2022
I had chat before this, tried pretty much everything in this thread to fix chat - sometimes it’s on and I can see it but mostly it’s off and what I type and likely what others type will not appear.
I know you’re a trash company but could you at least fix bugs? Thanks.