Unable to connect to battle.net (Oct 16th, 2021)

The forum was made that the Konsole plebs can talk to each other. Game is working as intended for PC players . NOW GO and pre-order diablo 4 and 5 on Konsole.

Not a single blue post, not even a tweet acknowledging there is an issue.

Retweet this bound to get someones attention.


Their response is to say nothing, and send someone in to close all tickets so they delete In 7 days, making it look like this never happened…

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So glad i have a full time job and little time to play.
And not mention the useless blues that drop off uniques and act bosses…
I feel like I’m wasting my time.
Can us console players get a chat lobby and game creator with password… oh wait cant play it anyway…


Seems your queue system has locked us console players out. A fix please! We aren’t able to connect at all!


Same. I can’t connect


It’s already 7,5 hours and counting -.-


I finally got in by retrying, but it shouldn’t be like that. I am scared to leave the game now.

no luck here, and I’ve been trying for ~45 minutes. . .

Same here in Asia region . I guess the queue mechiasm impact all the console users.

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Same here. How to report tech problems with console wersion?

You: "the queue System keeps the Konsole players totally logged out from the game ,can you fix it ?

Tech- guy: its working as intended for PC players .So evrything is fine

You : but we are customers too or not?

Devs. : sry we already spend your money on online Poker and girls > so no new stuff .
By the way , Do you enjoy our fantastic Match making arcade Version?

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We will have to wait for a patch, so tuesday or wednesday. Or play late at night when no queues.

The new queue system was implemented, but the console clients havent been patched yet, so Im guessing the authentication process times out after a while since the client doesnt know how to handle the queue


No connection for console player, no official announcement, no reply, all staff on vacation?


Same. No connection on ps5

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All staff are waiting for queue on PCs :grinning:


What is going on with BN servers? Is there any official info about the connections issues? Is there any console support where we can reprot the problem? Im rally a great fan of D2 but this is ridiculous.


  1. They added a queue systems, which is implemented on pc, and not on console. We are instead experiencing that we can’t connect, unless extremely patient and/or lucky.
  2. Yes, there is a subforum for console technical support, further down in the forums.
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