Unable to connect to battle.net (Oct 16th, 2021)

They have implemented a queue system on the backend server. But only support for it on the fronted for PC. So you will not be able to play as long as there is a queue in the backend or until they patch in the queue system to console.

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Not entirely true, I got in, but I guess I was very lucky.

It just means you tried to connect at the right moment when there was no queue

I know, I was extremely lucky.

Same here, and I just bought it :frowning:
EU Server, I keep trying but nope.

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Trying since 9 hours. EU PS5.

I’ve got 0 issues with drop rates, as that can be countered with knowledge about mf and mf locations etc. No amount knowledge on our end will help this game to be playable though, making drop rates and everything else irrelevant :man_facepalming:

Can i Say something about this days?
To begin with, I haven’t seen such a thing even in 2000 with the first versions of Diablo. WoW and Diablo have always had these problems, they have never been so many since force me to ask a company lawyer and a professional lawyer for a refund. Now I am forced.I didn’t even want to, I love your games and I’m a huge fan of yours. Once I was bitter and wanted to fight you by saying that you had stolen my life. You are the creators of Dreams and your team is an unrivaled elite team. Now anyone who knows Sony’s policy knows that games that don’t work must be refunded as long as the customer proves it.I think that in the state of things there is no need to prove anything. He has this point I am asking that Diablo II be included in the PlayStation plus free games lineup. A little to bring new recruits and get good publicity. What do you think?

They cant handle the server load for people who actually paid. How would having more players help?


Yeah you are right. I think Is a good move for a future if they fix server issue.

I havent been able to access battlenet since 8am CEST on both ps4 and ps5 clients. Seems like the implementation of the queue system for PC players worsened the connectivity for console players. Haven’t seen this extreme of an outage yet and is certainly not expected of a game released in 2021…dissappointed to say the least.

Just the regular connecting to battle net screen with the usual “error has occurred. Try again” but I don’t see any queue number… Sooo no weekend playing for this game I guess.

Yeah it’s pretty baffling. Will probably work late at night when there is no queue xD

Yep, not seeing queues here either. Just day 8 in a row of connection and server issues. I’ve never seen this level of incompetence with any game. Totally inexcusable to charge people full price for this piece of trash that can’t even be played consistently. So infuriating.


So with the implementation of the Queue system on the backend and on PC, if there is any queue on PC then console players just get “an issue occurred” message, as the system is trying to queue us but can’t as we’ve yet to have the que system implemented on console.

If you’re on console and were hoping to play this weekend, good luck, as it looks like we can only connect when there is a 0 player queue on PC, which will never.

Thanks blizzard, glad i didn’t give you another £35 for a pc copy just for easy trading.


I’ve got on for the second time today, I don’t advise the effort required. This morning took 5-10mins to get in. But to get in just now… That took 30+mins of trying…

P.s not a troll, I genuinely an in, but the effort required is hardly worth it

Its embaracing that they didnt make PC clients send separate requests that puts them in a queue and keep the console clients requests and server responses as is.
If they use the same servers I think it still would be a mess only implementing the queue system on one platform since the other platforms would probably overload the servers if the influx is not balanced on all platforms.

Great explanation though!

Finally in!!! 30 minutes before work (PS5)

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I also just got in since trying on and off since 8am EST. Now I got about an hour before I gotta get going too. What a joke.


PC is running and consoles are not.
Anyone able to play the game online Ps5/4??