Unable to connect to battle.net (Oct 16th, 2021)

Terrible customer service, terrible company what a let down!

As is the issue for every other console in the world, we can’t connect to battle.net.

Clearly you’ve limited the amount of people able to play online at once. Took me 20mins to get in this morning, my net went down for 10sec, now I’m getting the same nonsense at this morning… So tell me, how is this a fix? From everyone not being able to play, to just some isn’t a damn fix. The fact you sold this broken piece of frankly, sub par crap willingly and knowingly is as corrupt as it gets. And then to refuse refunds even though you know you mislead us all into buying it, worse gaming company going. You’ve lost a whole lot of fans over this, and you fully deserve to, you’re a shadow of what you once we’re Blizzard

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right! lets screw the playstation people out of playing the game cause only pc players deserve support? thats what you are showing us console players.
Honestly ANY information would be helpful…


This happened last weekend and again this morning, 16 Oct where I received a communication error and am unable to load my character and play.

I ran the looking glass diagnostic and have a very large spike in signal and packet loss on the 5th hop from Blizzard enroute to my home near Seattle using Comcast/Xfinity
5 ( 935.793ms 935.794ms 935.795ms

5.| 0.0% 10 1204. 649.7 83.8. 1377. 483.0


I am also unable to connect on Nintendo Switch.

EU Console players can’t connect since 9,5 hours. Since Blizzard introduced „Queueing“ for PC Players.

Me too. It’s ridiculous. I ant properly play a game I’ve paid for… Its just dont make sense.

I am not able to connect to the servers as so many others too. I play on Xbox.

#lessons learned
As you stated within your public LL you are aiming to improve and learn out of past mistakes please consider the following:

  • create a public service health page hosted independent from your gaming infrastructure. For good example see the Microsoft pages.
  • improve timeframes for communication if critical game services are affected (there is now message on public twitter for BlizzardEU regarding this issue. First step with highest priority should be the acknowledgement of a known rising in issue reporting

Best regards

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I bought this game, looking forward to be able to play an old gem with my friends, which I have never been able to back in the day due to the lack of hardware.
Now I’m sitting here, unable to play at all, the game I paid for.
After a full week of server problems every single day.
This is so disappointing.

 Are the servers for Xbox down? Unable to connect fir the last two hours.  I just bought the game and haven’t been able to play it

Hi! Please tell what is wrong with D2Resurrected game on PS4 servers. Cannon conect to server fór several days. Will be this problem fixed soon? Thanks for answer. Radim alias salamandra1976

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How come the EU servers keep crashing? Did yesterday after beating Baal, now after the latest update its doing it all over again? Any clue when this issue will be fixed.

The same on Xbox

Server down for 5 days in a row… UNBELIEVABLE.

Hi Diablo ps4 server down? 16.10.2021

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You should see my friend on pc has a que placement of 269 lol so I can only imagine what we are in for, Blizzard needs to get it together how long has bnet been around, indie online games have better servers, should really be ashamed of themselves

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So with the implementation of the Queue system on the backend and on PC, if there is any queue on PC then console players just get “an issue occurred” message, as the system is trying to queue us but can’t as we’ve yet to have the que system implemented on console.

If you’re on console and were hoping to play this weekend, good luck, as it looks like we can only connect when there is a 0 player queue on PC, which will never.

Thanks blizzard, glad i didn’t give you another £35 for a pc copy just for easy trading.

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11 hours at least bnet has not been working. Where is the support??? This Forum was made for discussing issues so you noobs could fix em. You dont even reply???

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Worst game release, support ever. It’s beyond the joke, I’ve never encountered anything THIS bad!!

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They just dont care anymore…

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