Unable to connect to battle.net (Oct 16th, 2021)

Having the same issue, my psn account is asia. Tried to switch to a US account and I was able to login to battlenet. Unplayable though, it was so laggy.

We have no queue on PS5, this queue that works on PC clearly does not on Playstation.

I can’t play too. If I can’t play the game during weekend that would be awful because one need to work during the week. This is really frustrating.

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Connectivity appears to be completely broken for consoles. Get refunds and move on to games made by competent companies who care about their customers and quality. This game is nothing more than a money grab attempted in the most half-a$$ed, low cost way.


This is really annoying indeed, I used to love this game back in 2000s and I am so hyped that I bought for Nintendo Switch and PS5 but time to time I gather this message like right now on PS5 “An issue ocurred while communicating with the game servers, please check that you are connected to the internet and try again.”
My internet connection is just fine and everything else working. Only D2 complaining about it. Please Blizzard fix these outages in the service. This is really disappointing.

The console clients hasnt been patched yet so they dont understand the queue system and will just time out after a while

So we actually cant play their games after work or on weekends sounds totaly fair . I recommend preorded diablo 4 and 5 right now !

Furthermore where is the excuse to not handle the Problem today. ?

They probably know that sh*t is going down and surely be very careful what to announce „officially“.

It was actually better before the queue system, due the game was dead for a couple hours a day, but at least after that everyone could get on and play.
As per usual us console players get shafted the hardest.


Retweet this and hopefully we’ll get someone to pay attention!

Triyng to login for all day no way to get in

Since the update, can’t connect to server is all I get… what the flip! Now I spent money on a game that has been made unplayable. I only get 1 day a week to play and socialize with my friends. Now we can’t even play the game. When is this going to be fixed, or do you even care? By the number of post with no response from blizzard it seems like you just don’t give a crap about the console customers. Thanks blizzard I already didn’t care for the company, and wasn’t sure I wanted to give blizzard another chance, because of the Cosby room. Now you have shown you really don’t care about your customers at all. Just throw a game out and get money and give no support. Thanks for that!

Same for me, if you got time, just sit and spam it. It eventually let’s you in. Took 5 attempts this morning. 21 just now :man_facepalming: hardly easy to get online though is it… Over half hour to log in… Bloody ridiculous

This has been days now, I’ve done all the troubleshoots multiple times over. I just want to play a game I paid money for :frowning:


This is some Big time bullsht… 1 out the last 5 days bnet has been Working. The
Rest of the days Bullsht
Today there is no updates on Twitter . Disgusting service. Was a Big fan , spent alot og Money om several blizzard games, but now i have a bad taste in my mouth. Unserious crap!!!


i havent been able to play in the morning AT ALL thanks to blizzard not helping console players… here buy our game oh sorry were not helping anyone with a playstation or xbox. Sadness man … Blizzard use to be something exciting now im lucky if Diablo 2 resurrected EVER works… took my money and i feel robbed


Same problems. Damn blizzard. I purchased game and can’t play even offline


its due to the Que system they have implemented on the backend/PC but not yet on console. Us console players can only log in if there is no que on PC, as we have no que system to join the que, we can only log in when no que exists.


Yeah that’s what I’ve been reading, thanks that makes perfect sense.

Retweet this bound to get someones attention

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