Are servers down or is it just me?
Yeah down for a sec then let me on
Down I think. I can’t play
Can confirm down in EU for at least 40 Minutes.
I cannot login since 4 hours ago on US server. It either says “cannot connect to server” or " cannot communicate with server pls check your internet connection". I can watch Youtube and serve internet, so definitely not my internet connection issue!!
Blizzard is the absolute worst. Just error after error online. Can’t play properly at all.
Same sh*t everyday…
In next week they will plug in queue for console , THAN you will see how great was when servers was just offline
You will beg blizzard to shut down servers than wait in queue 10min or 1h to login and create game haha
Blizzard toke our money for game to hire the bigest brains in IT and pay them to write code for queue instead of change existing game code to play normally
Down for me again… getting over it!
down for me too
ps5 eu
same for me…try to connect with sever 3 hours ago. ps5 kr
Same here 3 hr still cant connect ps4
Same here…ps4 player in TW
im on switch and servers are up for me. NA btw.
PS5 in Japan login has been completely blocled from 13pm till now 17:30.
BLIZZARD please refund.
Blizzard = Worst Company.
Even EA in these days is a way way better company!
Cannot connect onPs5
I am raging.
4hr’s still no connection, thats unreal at Day off
Its impressive. Super impressive. Very good job.
fortunately, or unfortunately; perspectively dependent, you are not alone!
They’re not even going to implement the queue patch for console for a week so it looks like we got shafted.