Truth Bomb: D4 Without Trade Won't Stop Bots OR Buying Items

You know too little about them if you think they are the same people. It is common sense that most rich people won’t fight children for candies.

I don’t play D3 so I don’t want to discuss anything about D3. I haven’t seen big sellers spam anywhere. Only the sites with literally no business on D2R spam a lot. The problem is spamming is too easy that anybody can do it, they don’t care if they can trade.

Or u know too little. Or more like delusional.

I have. I also played several other games. Games with trade got the same issues. There been several threads complaining about spambots in d2r. U seeing them or not is irrelevant as plenty of ppl do. I saw plenty of websites spam in d2r.

So there is spam.

And still d3 doesnt have the issue but pretty much every game with open trade does. Now u can try come up with excuses to hide the fact but sadly blizzard wont fall for it.

And getting free items doesnt feel like cheating? Both games offers ways to get boosted.

You mad bro ? lol

Why I said you know too little is that the spammers literally got no business on d2r. They just want to spam for nothing. The people who have been selling items to me have never spammed a thing and they got their own sites ( not d2jsp).
I have also seen people spamming others for PK. Whoever want to spam can spam.

I told you I don’t want to discuss anything about D3 because I haven’t played it. D3 and D2R are two different games. Maybe the chat system is better over there, who knows.

Actually it does not feel like cheating. Seeing how trading is a main function of d2r. Getting power leveled by a level 1,200+ paragon is not intended. It may be a personal thing but, getting free items in d2r does not bother me. or ruin the game for me. Not to mention finding someone to give you free bis gear is an RNG in itself.(pretty rare) Just another cool thing about D2r

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Nonsense, simply nonsense.
Without trading jsp and item sellers will become almost irrelevant. Yes, there will be cheaters buying a boosting service here or there but it won’t make much difference, and it will certainly be MUCH better than the cluster D2R and LoD are in regard to cheating.

I hear ya. JSP is poop. Trading items for runes vice versa works well. Don’t see the point in jsp. I guess they get an advantage when it comes to ladder. I’m just glad we have D2r for a raw rng experience.( thank you blizzard. :slight_smile: ).Not feeling the Lost ark looking, Mount riding mmo that D4 is.

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Not rly. However i find it amusing u saying i dont know while u have nothing to back up your claim. Even claiming its common sense while its clearly not just shows how delusional u are. Calling me mad wont change the fact that u lack arguments.

Are there spammers? Did u miss the gold selling sites? Those do not exist in d3. But they do exist in every game which got open trade. Again u being delusional.

So u bought items. Explains why u want trade.

Thats why u cant see the full picture. U only refer to d2 and been blinded. What makes u believe u know more when u werent there when they removed open trade from d3? Some ppl saw it happen and knows what issue went away when they did. U can cover your eyes and pretend its not true.

Others do. Power from boost or power from free gears. From a objective view both is power u didnt work for.

Obviously you can’t read and you are lacking of the ability of understanding. I have to explain every detail to you, well, I have time to spare.
You will definitely sell any in game item include your account to me if I am going to pay 10k+ $. You said you hate trading but you actually love it very much when you can sell your stuffs for big money. The bots owners are smarter than you in making $ so they won’t keep the best items for themselves instead of selling them.
If you disagree with this opinion, you are either too rich or a child. Considering your negative emotional words, obviously you are not too strong that the bots and trading in a video game can still bother you.

Do I have to teach you how to read ? I told you I have not played D3, how can I see if there are gold selling sites ?

Yes I want trade, so what ? Tell me what you scared of.
This is why I know and you don’t know. You have never deal with them and you know nothing about bots. Why are you keep assuming that they will compete with you on ladders and pk you ?
It seems that you are too mad and can’t wait to reply me. You need to calm down in an argument or you lost already.

Botting is cheating indeed. The reason is against the rule, not boost nor free gears that you did not work for. The rules did not state that players can’t get boosted or get easy items.

The issue is that u are delusional. Couldnt care less about your emotional reasoning or conspiracy theories. U have no arguments and make assumptions out of the blue. U cant even argue properly but needs to make up things about me. That way of arguing is common between kids, thats just pathetic and weak. So bye, gl trying convince blizzard. Go tell them u need trade so u can buy gears xD u only fooling yourself.

how do you buy an item if theres no trading? it’d have to be something about selling the whole account i assume. hard to do that in a subtle way i would guess.

bots would def still be a thing for xp/personal loot tho. youre right about that.


Easy fix, do not give them a single red cent for a poor game.

Problem solved.

Calling people delusional is rude. It only show the fact that you are mad and uneducated.
It is okay we don’t agree with each other. Persuading other people is one of the hardest thing in the world, but you don’t have anything support your opinion beside crap talking while you are blaming me for not arguing properly.

I have no will to talk to Blizzard because I don’t care about D4 too much. I indeed need trading in D2R to buy gears. I don’t know what is your problem and what you scared of.

Who knows. Maybe check how its done in d3? OH wait…thats not a issue there…

But then u cant buy 1 item. U be forced to buy a full acc with the characters and the names alrdy picked. Not to mention ppl can resett password after they sold the acc to get it back with all the gears as the person who bought the acc cant transfer the gears to another acc anyway.

You have no ide like always… You just make up you own stuff.‘’

Again you have no ide. its sad to see, how many lies people like you can sprew

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Trade is the best option and Blizzard should allow it in D4. Allowing trade D4 would reflect the real world once again.

Being able to develop an economy reflecting the real world made d2 what is was. This fact is hated by the loud minority which never was happy with D2. Nevertheless D2 was more successful than D3.

It is not probable at all that Blizzard will do that, however. Giving 3rd partys an opportunity at money earning was a mindless oversight that just developed at these wild west times. Nowadays it is just unthinkable that blizzard managers would give the key to earning money away to selected users.

If u say im wrong then im surely right. U never been right. Totally clueless.

U saying d3 have issues with like d2jsp? HAHAHHAHAHHAHH

Go buy all primal gears in d3. Im waiting~
Dont forget to make a tradegame

this is you

1 sec google and it shows you are wrong. So agian. you a full of lies… Clueless like always
No issues in D3 with d2jsp or any other sites… pinocchio says hello :lying_face: :lying_face:

so it shows iam right again, and you are wrong AGAIN… What lie will you make up next

Sounds like you trying to protect your Fg/RMT bussines.

First post on d2jsp for D3

100% Gear share is available to bulk up your materials free with any service,
Any puzzle rings you find while we are on the job I will make it primal-ancient & clear for free.

Powerlevel 1-70 + cube: 50fg

Echoing Nightmare 125 clear: 50fg

Ancient Puzzle Ring clear: 50fg

T16 Full Bounty Game clear: 150fg <20 mins (can run these on repeat if needed)

[Rift Pack] T16 Rifts (GR Keys 4x ea clear): 10fg ea (minimum 10x clears)

[GRift Pack] LVL110 Greater Rift Clear: 20fg ea (minimum 10x clears)

All runs are solo carried by my DH designed specificly for speed carrys ,
You can be sure that you’re getting a quality service thats not wasting your time!

Greater Rift Speed Runs

GR95 = 10fg per clear <2mins
GR100 = 11fg per clear <2mins
GR105 = 15fg per clear <2mins
GR110 = 25fg per clear <2mins
GR115 = 40fg per clear <3mins
GR120 = 70fg per clear <4mins
GR125 = 100fg per clear <5mins

Package Deals:

New to season pack: plvl 1-70 + cube + 1-500 paragon level, ancient puzzle ring clear, echoing nightmare clear, 10x T16 key runs (40 keys), 10x GR110s = 500fg

Gear me up: Non-stop GR110 speed clears + free key runs to gear your characters every slot with it’s BiS item so your character is fully built & ready to tackle solo, includes full gear/material share = 2000fg

Gear my mate up: Non-stop GR110 speed clears + free key runs to gear your mercenarys every slot, includes full gear/material share = 1000fg

Lazy bundle: Non-stop speed clears of whatever difficulty you choose untill we complete a full d3 planner of your choosing (the above two deals inclusive) + cube items & atonement gems = 2800fg

Create your own deal: Feel free to PM me with a custom package you have in mind or for any achievment or service not listed here, we can negotiate a price and come to a fair agreement!

Feel free to check my profile for previous seasonal services & countless vouches.
so fair to say its a issue…
You sir… Are full of lies.


In D3, trading legendaries can only occur for party members when that legendary dropped. As a result, there is no issues with buying gear at all. Buying well-geared accounts or giving someone the password to your account is a fool’s errand as there is a high likelihood that your account will later be co-opted. (Let alone it is against the EULA).

The caveat to the above is paying someone to carry/gear share where the identity of the shared gear is defined by RNG. For the purpose of our discussion, I will not consider this buying gear but being carried as no specific gear is purchased but merely a random chance at items.

For giggles, I checked the D2JSP forum.

Their D3 SC trading forum 1st page of 25 threads ranged from a last post from 32 seconds ago to 5 days ago. Almost all threads were about “services” and not item trading. Only one of these posts has been responded to in the last hour.

In contrast, the D2R SC trading ladder forum has 1202 threads where people have responded in the past hour.

Since 1202 >>> 1, I think it is fair to say that restricted trading in D3 has dramatically reduced d2jsp’s impact on D3 in comparison to D2R with free trade.


Please stop with false accusations. Restricted/no trade hurts d2jsp users and RMT since free trade is not allowed.

The entire first page of threads for d3jsp (~40 threads) spread over two months for their last post where ironically many are actually about D2R or d2jsp.

There are 1202 threads on d2jsp for the D2R SC ladder trading that have been responded to in the last hour.


highlights that you can not buy gear.

This is all we need to know.
1202 >> 1

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Gear me up: Non-stop GR110 speed clears + free key runs to gear your characters every slot with it’s BiS item so your character is fully built & ready to tackle solo, includes full gear/material share = 2000fg

Gear my mate up: Non-stop GR110 speed clears + free key runs to gear your mercenarys every slot, includes full gear/material share = 1000fg

Lazy bundle: Non-stop speed clears of whatever difficulty you choose untill we complete a full d3 planner of your choosing (the above two deals inclusive) + cube items & atonement gems = 2800fg

Create your own deal: Feel free to PM me with a custom package you have in mind or for any achievment or service not listed here, we can negotiate a price and come to a fair agreement!

It shows you can buy gear…

why are you still stalking me?
And why you still lying?


Restricted trade has greatly reduced RMT in D3. That is a fact. Even this example shows that the other party has to be in game to carry/feed another account gear. It is not go to website X and buy item Y.

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