Seems like this could apply to you as well. You don’t want anything in “your” game changed. Are you gonna threaten to hold your breath if they do put changes into the PTR?
“No one agree’s with any of the 50 redundant repeat threads asking for the same nerfs/proposing the same terrible ideas so insert whiney attempt at an insult waaaaaahhhhhh I’ll make another thread about the same thing and try to word is like it’s something new and different tomorrow”
what i would appreciate is if blizzard could reenable and include the missing content from diablo 2 classic/lod. at least they could try to restore some of the content. I think the guild stuff is fairly pointless now but id like the organ hunt crafting, the missing rune words, some of the op uniques for the very late end game and of course the proposed 6th act. i however would not want this to be a regular update to the game but another game mode, lets name it ressurected for clarity sake. the purists can keep playing classic and lod and the rest plays the new /old included content. everyone should be happy since these were originally david brevik’s team ideas…so its not like you can pull the oh, nu blizzard sucks card willy nilly. this mode should also be allowed to be accessed by character transference. if you want to switch your lod character to ressurected you can do that but you cant go back after you have done so. This seems like a neat, clean proposal that would make old and new fans happy
edit: one of the nuisances in d2 is that the stepping off stone from mid level to end game gear. there is just this massive gaping hole of a cut off point. i always experience this when i reach hell. you are really forced to go rune hunting as soon as you can because there is only a handful of uniques worth keeping at some point, like shako or HOZ for example. you practically sift through endless waves of junk because you do need the charms, skillers and the shako to at least make it a bit further into hell so you are able to farm runes in order to build good gear, really good diadems etc also tend to drop far later into hell.
gotta agree runewords in a way hurt this game drasticly considering how easy it is to make spirt for example and how STRONG it is perhaps in stead of new runewords that are eather A) OP AS HECK just to compete with the already strong Runewords or B) BS coz they cant compete
we should just focus on making uniques and such better over-all.
IMO remove lvl req on all uniqes. its dumb that this really great gear drops and you cant use it till lvl 50 but by that time there are 3-4 way better things to use
So in order to support more changes that would actually improve the game he has to support any changes suggested even ones that wouldn’t do anything for the game at all. Or make it worse than it is now.
Since Activision/Blizz has shown they don’t understand what makes D2 so successful, even though not perfect, I don’t trust them to attempt to balance D2R.
Same here, I have other games on this computer that I can play. Also it might get me to reconsider buying and playing D4.
Let’s say that the devs of D4 pull off a miracle. They make D4 so great it gets all kinds of awards without adding even one expansion like D3 needed to make it playable.
Then my concern will be will they mess it up during an expansion.
So you are like others here and think that every suggestion made for D2R is an improvement. Where it is impossible for anyone to come up with a bad idea.
You realize we’ve been telling you to stop trolling and shut up on every one of your threads and you get offended. I have no problem reading your ideas and considering them, then when I reply that they are not for this game you get offended and have to somehow prove me wrong. Imagine for a second that people are different and have different opinions. Someone saying that your idea is bad, is called criticism, and you’re supposed to take it with a grain of salt, and perhaps use it to better your idea, but it does not mean that it’s time to throw out an insult.
I would have to see the ideas you’re referring too. It literally does seem like Blizzard is making (old) set items better just like he described. Just not in the WAY he described.