Imagine getting so hurt by a post you report it.
Imagine accusing somebody of reporting the despicable troll you are while he’s Suspended (most likely reported by you) a week on the forums for telling an harasser that his personal attacks are of a lunatic nature
I agree, another example, when is the last time you saw someone using a full Cathan’s set? Or Hwanin?
Yeah there is so much bad items to rework
Why add new
It’s even more respectful to the original game imho
So, you’re still upset then? Sorry to hear that.
Really hope they hope they just dont do it on just a few items… 95% of uniques/set/rare/magic are bad since 1.10
If Blizzards track record is anything to go by, they will buff a few items a lot.
Then next ladder they buff a few other items even more. Flavor of the Month design. Hallelujah.
Stop bumping week+ old topics just to try to get more traction for your bad ideas.
If thats true, revert all the uniques that were changed already back to their former glory (grandfather, windforce, vamp gaze, valor, etc.
Making all the gazillion worthless uniques actually viable and fun to find is a bad idea? Or at the very least reverting the butchered 1.07/1.08 uniques back to their former status?
Also, people can bump whatever they want. You are not an authority…on absolutely anything.
Edit: lmaoooo your entire post log of almost 1000 is all just toxic, angry, worthless, waste of time troll replies. Whats the matter bro is reddit down or something? Thats a lot of time spent in anger on something like a video game.
Edited: added possible improvements