This game desperately needs p8 (& more slots+stash, ploot, classic shared stash, charm inventory, etc.)

I keep getting more and more notifications that people liked my post since Ladder started, I wonder why.

Still absolute zero counter-arguments; still majority wants those changes. Your move, Blizzard dear.

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39 people out of the 2000 than viewed the thread…that’s like less than 2%…
More and more, indeed.
Pathetic. :clown_face:

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I have avoided it long enough. Time to install it. :))

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Imagine being ignored for hours and still doing it, on a day of Ladder reset of your favorite game too. I am not judging, it’s their life. I appreciate the bumps and reporting them.

Going to follow me around with their wounds because they don’t understand a video game they have played for two decades and I have showed everyone they are wrong. Video games are serious business. :rofl:

BTW, that’s more likes than any purist topic ever.

Oh, still zero logical counter-argument; still majority wants it.

Amaze me. For what?

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It’s good to see the majority agree with me and are liking my posts!

Hopefully Blizzard listens to us soon, as there are zero logical counter-arguments against our request.

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No. They don’t. Only 39 people out of 2000 that viewed this post liked it. That’s a puny 2%.


Our topic is having more likes than any purist topic disagreeing with us.

Majority wants it, hopefully soon!

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Can substantiate this statement?
It seems more and more than you have the cognitive capabilities of a paramecium.

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In Hardcore just about everyone I met wants those changes, and you can tell some purists spend all day every day arguing with strangers online instead of playing the game they claim to enjoy.

Changes are so needed!

p.s: I can’t see hidden ignored posts!


HC players told you that? Hard to believe.
Yet I will play along. How many exactly? 3?

Yet you answer… :man_facepalming:

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I have to go now, sadly.
So one more post asking Blizzard politely to listen to majority, please? :pleading_face:

They’re making fun of serious children brain and mental disease too (have done it multiple times past 48 hours). I hope a ban is coming very soon.

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What majority, my lissencephalic friend?

So soon? You have yet to substantiate your majority argument.
You accuse others of lacking logic and arguments…


Imagine thinking the view count represents unique individuals. :clown_face:


I want the ability to add p8 so I don’t have to go in and ruin other people’s games in order to enjoy myself. P1 is stupid easy, boring, for most of normal and nightmare.

Yeah I can do it offline, but that’s not online, is it?


Yeah I don’t bother with some people, thinking is not their most strong point so they just go on insulting. Regardless, has way more likes than most (any?) purist topics.

It’s very needed. It results in more fair Ladder too.

Hardcore is already dead by the way, with more than 95% already playing in private games. I wonder why?


You wish. I want no drop removed because its retarded game design. Punish people for not MFing with others while there is no personal loot.

But if we cant have increased drops at least add the difficulty without exp and + drops.

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Looking for a counter argument to /p8 online? How about this: Blizzard does not have the server capacity for everyone to play solo online. Blizzard WANTS players to play in groups because it decreases the number of games the servers have to deal with at once. They will not (possibly cannot due to ongoing supply chain issues) invest in more servers.

Your other requests revolve around limited bag space. I FEEL (this is an opinion) that having extra bag space (possibly in the form of microtransactions for stash tabs like PoE) would be useful but not required. I FEEL (also an opinion) it would be interesting to have a separate inventory for charms (smaller than the current inventory so people would have to be selective about the charms they run).

I see a lot of potential for D2:R to become distinct from its source material without going overboard.

Stoners dont value complexity… lol. Thats not true.

Not to mention blizz in their infinity ruling wisdown decided that we can only see 20 games at a time, many hours old.