This game desperately needs p8 (& more slots+stash, ploot, classic shared stash, charm inventory, etc.)

In order for that to work, they need to significantly increase the Drops and difficulty of the game on P8. Have you ever been in a group with 7 other end-game geared people clearing CS or Throne? Stuff dies the second it enters the screen, P8 objectively easier then solo P1 with 8 players in the same area.

The reason people want P8 is because the game is currently tuned for solo or MAYBE duo play on P8 (depend on your class/build) yet getting to play on P8 reliably right now is a mission in itself (game crash, find Baal runs (which end every 3-4 min), find split farming groups on discord (which takes time), etc. The time invested is almost not work the reward.


This is possibly the worst logic in the thread.

You’re talking about questing when we’re talking about loot, and you’re not even right.

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It had free trade for the entire duration of my playtime.

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I just want to say:

Still zero logical counter-argument; still the majority want it. Your move Blizzard.

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If you want players8 simply play single player. easy enough.

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Dream on kid. Lucky for you and your gang of misfits, Diablo Immortal will drop soon, and you’ll be too busy bathing in loot to disturb us with your nonsense.
Game has other issues that need addressed and I trust the guys from VV understand very well what makes this game tick and won’t tarnish the legacy of this genre defining classic.

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If you want 8 player difficulty, either find a game with 7 other people or play single player. Having it enabled for online play causes too many issues.

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Like the current issue of having a player co-opt a quest game currently so that they can get more player count. The current implementation causes issues.

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Definitely needs more character slots and shared stash space. Charm inventory would also be a massive QoL improvement, but nowhere near as big as just having more character slots and shared stash space! I’ve been prepping today for the new ladder, and I just don’t know what I’m supposed to do about the lack of space. I’ve got room for 5 ladder characters. I don’t want to delete my non-seasonal characters. And I’m definitely not buying a second account. It’s enough to make me lose most of my interest in the season. I’ll still play, but probably only until I run out of space for characters, and then that’s it until they give us more space.

You people seem to forget one very important aspect.

This game was mad 22 years ago! A different climate and a different time. Whole different generation of some kinda people now as well as a totally different perspective of game play.

Things change with time. In this case the game is pretty much the same as it was, basically. It’s the people that have changed.

With Ladder, more and more people realizing changes are needed: player x command, more+better drops, more exp, etc.

Over grind is not challenging neither is it fun, it’s robotic and boring. There should be grinding but there’s just way too much in it in current D2 especially for 4-monthed Ladders.

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Getting desperate, aren’t we, my smooth brained friend. That nagging feeling, that lust for Bis items that you saw in your favorite youtuber stream is overwhelming. The entitlement and greed is gnawing at your soul.
Go back to grinding. Kill fast and efficient and don’t focus only on bosses. Pick up all the rare items and identify them. You might stumble across a fortune. This is the way. It is boring for you because you don’t understand the game. Shoo away now.

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Can you broadcast your brain insecurities any louder? Getting sadder by the day lol.

Appreciate the free bumps.


Can you please elaborate on this? I am mildly intrigued.

Nothing surprising here. Nothing surprising about you not playing D2R too at its current state yet defending it. Back to ignoring you, enjoy seeking attention by flaming online strangers on video game forums when you don’t even discuss that video game. :rofl:

Give me more bumps though.

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How did you come to this conclusion? I am enjoying it immensely. Just rolled a Faith and a Pride and enjoying my bowazon reaping and tearing in p7+ games with only 579 life.
D2 was the game of my childhood. Too bad back than I didn’t understand the game, didn’t play efficiently and was unlucky. You remind me of 14 year old me. Full of insecurities and entitlement. Not being good enough to amass my own wealth and just crying and asking for handouts and searching for shortcuts.
Fortunately the wheel has turned and in less than 400h played I was able to roll my own Enigma and Infinity. But still haven’t ever ever drop a SOj. And I might never do. That’s the beauty of the D2 loot system. No matter how much you grind, it is possible never to drop a certain item, albeit statically improbable.
So once again…what are you babbling about!?


Hardcore Ladder is already dead and already everyone is playing private. It’s almost like the game has anti-social design that makes people want to play exclusively private.

The one game that had like 3 players, one person got pissed because someone was just leeching and ninja’d all loots so they literally said: “this is why usually play private only”.

Changes are desperately needed.

Majority still wants; still zero logical counter-argument.


It is clear that your brain skipped gyrification.


Blizzard don’t have heart or talent to change anything, they just remade a classic d2 with forced online accounting and play.


Vechain may get off calling people idiots and “purists”, but Zahramar would accuse a needle of not having a valid point. The only reason I don’t post more often is because I run out of popcorn.

Edit: That and I’m currently enamored with Elden Ring after having previously sank over 600hrs into DS3.