They gave in already

It’s simple they already did when they gave it new graphics. Bang on about how they have not changed when they did. The core game is still their and will be. Please go find them 3 discs and install that, your problem will be solved.

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Just by looking around the general discussion, there’s already two threads there that wanna change the core game. I’m not sure if they are casual or not, but it seems like they are.

One wanna change how the burning soul attacks.

The other one wanna change how immunity works.

Remember how the tomb vipers used to attack? After Blizzard changed it due to complaints, those vipers are like a joke now. They used to provoke lot of thinking on the players how to tackle them, but now Nihlathak is just a faceroll. Blizzard says it’s a bug, OK, but maybe it was the design intention from the original D2 team, who knows, I certainly don’t know. Why does the game have to become easier and easier?

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No matter what they do, Enigma will always be at the forefront. Same as CTA and Grief.

As far as Enigma goes… They could do changes to sets/complete set bonuses which require chest armors that make you want to wear them more than Enigma…

If that happens, kind of makes me feel like a powercreep train is coming. :grimacing:

Not if they introduce jools with auto replenish teleport charges. To balance that out the sorc teleport needs to get a cooldown of 15 seconds, or maybe 1 minute if were at it. These are changes that some people are seriously asking for….

So nobody mentioned the patches they had from D2 to D2 Lod that they added and changed stuff. So what’s the difference here if they decide to change and add.


The intentions. D3 „scrambled eggs“ every season is the most off putting approach to keep active players engaged. If that’s coming to D2R, then d2 would be pretty much dead for me. All IMO ofc

yeah this is a sad day
$15 expansion incoming with 2acts and a new character

Of course he supports those things. Those mean content for his videos, which means more video views, which means more advertising hits, which means more $$$ in his pocket. It may not be 100% of his motivation, but it’s certainly not 0%.

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What a day! I’m so glad these ridiculous people are not being heard. You guys are a minority and calling of selves “true fans” is a blasphemy.


I agree these are not changes that need to be made and are core to the Hell experience.

Additionally, burning soul’s lighting attacks and Hell immunities are solvable through player intuition. The first is solve by lighting resist/absorb and the second by lower resist curse/amplify damage/conviction aura or sporting a 2nd damage type which are all intuitive solutions that a player can reasonably come up with without seeking help from the community.

This one being “fixed” makes sense to me because the attack are visually poison and you turn green but the damage was applied as physical damage per tic where as poison is applied over seconds and does not stack. How on earth could a player look at that and determine that then needed to get reduce damage by x gear and % damage reduction? My first instinct was to get 90+% res poison and 75% reduction in length. The only way a player could figure this out is through trail and error, someone data mining the game or Blizzard explicitly stating it was a bug they failed to correct.

Just for example sake to point out how broken those vipers were; 50 poison damage attack hitting you 24 tic/sec over 5 seconds comes out to 500 damage with -100% resist(poison damage does not stack, only resets poison timer). 50 physical damage attack hitting you 24 tic/sec over 5 seconds comes out to 2100 damage with 50% reduced damage and damage reduced by 15. So you could have max penalty with poison damage and maybe stand a chance but have crazy physical damage resist and still get wrecked.

I would agree the “bug” was over corrected though… I would have preferred to see the physical damage reduced by 80-90% but keep it there to keep them deadly and also apply a heavy poison and keep the physical/poison damage closer to 50/50 like Diablo’s lighting attack.

Its quite opposite. Purist wont stay long. People who actualy care and want to keep playing welcome changes and new content.

I am so glad we are getting better skill balance and much more. Only fool is against such a great improvents. I am glad they dont listen people like you who would let this game to die pretty fast with your “no change” agenda.


Thanks for the explanation. I do realize those vipers attack super hard, that’s why I brought it up. What I had in question was perhaps they were designed that way, by the original team. There are certain places of the game that should just give players a hard time to play through, a “hell experience” maybe. Maybe it was a “working as intended” vs. a bug. But certainly the complaints had influenced the new developers to “fix” this. That led me to my last question previously, why does the game needs to become easier and easier?

Bye bye. Evolution is inevitable. They didn’t give in, they hired new management. Face it, if you were given the Diablo franchise, you would make it to your vision as well. I welcome change and look forward to new builds that don’t rhyme with enigma hammerdin.


Yes I think they were designed that way but I have a feeling the 40+ physical damage per tic that insta killed my 10,000hp werewolf when multiple vipers stacked might make me disagree this was completely intentional. Once you’re farming Hell anyways poison is pretty much a non issue with proper gear so it would make sense to build in physical damage as a way to make them scarier. I think there is a happy medium somewhere, either lowering the physical damage, slowing the physical tics or disable the damage stacking like they did for player’s firewall(which I think was a terrible fix for a bug they introduced with D2R, faster tic rates).

From what I saw on the news for the PTR I am cool with them so far. I need to learn more about them before I give my feedback on them. I do believe that if done right they can make balance changes that would work. Where there would be more viable builds, better synergies, etc…

I can support changes that would make D2R better and more fun to play. Just as long as they don’t go too far and change this game into something that it isn’t nor should be.

Time to move on. Its for the better. The remaster made this classic looking better than the current modern ARPGS. WIth some changes like those… D2 can be king again! Cant wait.

Op serously get a life … Im not a new players and im happy with the change … i’ve played the game for 20 years, won’t hurt to get some new changes !

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Already? Hasn’t it been like a decade since D2 got some honest to god balance changes?

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All these purist tears taste so good glad i have a reason to play this game again POE season was fun!!

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