The Whirlwind Compromise

I agree. Spells received massive damage buffs in 1.10, combined with their large aoe, the potential to have an infinity on a mercenary (a decrep merc takes longer to apply and overrides things like lifetap), and the inherent danger of being in melee range (especially after the leech nerfs many years ago) there’s a pretty big imbalance. I’d love to see melee in general get some buffs to close the pvm gap with casters, and WW should be a part of that.

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I simply don’t understand will this skill is still nerfed

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Agreed, it baffles me why WW hasn’t been fixed yet.

Cmon Blizzard, its not too late to fix WW.

They have the opportunity to solve a problem which is here since 1.10…

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Agreed, I dont understand the reasoning to keep such an iconic skill of WW in the broken state.

yes, it’s totally broken, you need to use a super expensive weapon to do something with it

Blizzard, Make WW Great Again!

this modification is totally necessary

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Bump for visibility.

16 likes in the first message of this build

Bump for MWWGA!!! Do it!

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Blizzard, Make WW Great Again!

absolutely agree 100%

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Let’s make our voices heard.

Blizzard, listen to the people

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Blizzard, Make WW Great Again!

Assassins too would appreciate some WW buffs… especially at the lower levels.


definitively ww needs improvements

Agreed, this is a great change all around.