The loot in this game is literally killing my motivation

I’m only halfway through nightmare on my level 52 zon. I don’t really understand why folks want to rush to end game and get all the best items so quickly. Why not enjoy the game?


So, same like in other arpgs. Thats not endgame, that is Standard. Thank you that you stated the fact that D2 dont have really endgame content :slight_smile:

Again, just because you don’t define it as endgame doesn’t mean that’s not what it is.

I’m not sure what you’re expecting here. Something that you do that makes credits roll? Perhaps if you further outlined what you expect/desire, your comments would make a little more sense to me.

Again, that all is totally standard in a arpg.

Look at D3: totally crap Game but even that crappy rifts are Endgame Content. Or Grim Dawn: rifts (way better as D3 rifts), crucible (Arena Mode) and some Hidden Quest paths/Secret Bosses.

Looting, Farming, Item perfection etc means arpg… That is THE Standard.

“We already have countess”
Meanwhile, the actual loot table:

| Rune / |  % Chance to    |  Odds per run  |  # found per |  
| Item   |  Drop each run  |  on /players1  |  100 runs    |    
| Key of |  7.3336%        |  1:14          |  <unknown>   |
| Terror |                 |                |              |
| El     |  49.46%         |  1:2.41        |  40.345      |
| Eld    |  32.97%         |  1:3.42        |  26.897      |
| Tir    |  27.48%         |  1:4.03        |  22.414      |
| Nef    |  18.32%         |  1:5.85        |  14.943      |
| Eth    |  19.24%         |  1:5.59        |  15.690      |
| Ith    |  12.82%         |  1:8.21        |  10.460      |
| Tal    |  16.04%         |  1:6.64        |  13.075      |
| Ral    |  10.68%         |  1:9.78        |  8.717       |
| Ort    |  11.23%         |  1:9.33        |  9.152       |
| Thul   |  7.480%         |  1:13          |  6.102       |
| Amn    |  6.858%         |  1:15          |  5.593       |
| Sol    |  4.570%         |  1:22          |  3.729       |
| Shael  |  3.622%         |  1:28          |  2.952       |
| Dol    |  2.411%         |  1:42          |  1.968       |
| Hel    |  1.864%         |  1:54          |  1.517       |
| Io     |  1.235%         |  1:81          |  1.011       |
| Lum    |  0.9457%        |  1:107         |  0.769       |
| Ko     |  0.6247%        |  1:160         |  0.513       |
| Fal    |  0.4821%        |  1:212         |  0.387       |
| Lem    |  0.3145%        |  1:318         |  0.258       |
| Pul    |  0.2440%        |  1:423         |  0.194       |
| Um     |  0.1540%        |  1:635         |  0.130       |
| Mal    |  0.1395%        |  1:739         |  0.111       |
| Ist    |  0.0907%        |  1:1109        |  0.074       |
| Gul    |  0.0007923%     |  1:123870      |  <unknown>   |
| Vex    |  0.0005183%     |  1:185805      |  <unknown>   |
| Ohm    |  0.0004812%     |  1:216650      |  <unknown>   |
| Lo     |  0.0002970%     |  1:324975      |  <unknown>   |

Note, the Countess can only drop up to an Ist with her
special rune drop - the Gul, Vex, Ohm, and Lo are only
possible from her item drop, and therefore have much worse
odds of appearing.

Incase you can’t figure it out…this means over 1000 runs for a single Ist rune, and a few runes that she can’t even drop, ever, two of which are the most sought after runes in the game. Ber and Jah. You don’t even want to know how many runs it would take to farm enough Ist runes to make a single Jah rune. We’re literally talking about 10 years of playing the game for a single Rune from Countess.

tl;dr: The rune drop rate buff for all of the other monsters in the game was sorely needed and arguably should be increased more for people who aren’t literal bots. Every single person I met with an Enigma on old bnet got it from some form of cheating, often from multiple forms of cheating. (This also goes for several other items which have absolutely insanely bad drop rates).

The reality is…There are a lot of items that are completely out of reach for legitimate players of the game, even after 10+ straight years of playing every single day. It’s not about “instant gratification”. The loot system is fundamentally flawed.

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Diablo 2’s loot system is as good as it is BECAUSE of how flawed it is. Can you imagine the dopamine hit you get when a Zod rune drops during a Pit run? You have to take the extreme highs with the extreme lows if you want to enjoy Diablo 2. Every session in D2 is like pulling on the slot machine with an infinite number of different outcomes.

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HELL NO. Do not increase the loot drops. That what ruin D3.

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it takes thousands of runs not hundreds to find a piece of good gear in d2, that’s just the way it is atm.

magic find bruh, u will then find items

even optimal magic find 400-600 will not net you more than 1 valuable item in over a thousand runs on average.

what? once you have 200+ MF uniques and set items drop quite often… now are they all “good”? No but they are drops. That’s what I’m talking about, I’m not sayin when you get MF then every drop is gonna be god tier

Weird, I already have a legit Enigma in D2:R. And I have a full time job!

i think it’s actually more tuned for duping than bots, which requires an even lower drop chance because once you find 1 item you can just copy it and in the case of 1.10 runewords became top items and duping runes and making those into runewords permed the items so it flooded the economy with things like enigma.

i some how doubt that, i don’t think i have seen anyone not using a site like jsp with an enigma. but i suppose you could have gotten extremely lucky with a ber and jah drop already.

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Yep, got a Ber sunday after my buddy found a Jah saturday. Also had my own 3os Dusk Shroud to use. Lucky for me, my buddy is quitting for New World so I just let him use it on his pally for a few days before the launch.

I do admit it is extremely lucky. But I think anyone who plays this game at a decent pace for a few months, an Enigma should be attainable.

your buddy just gave you a jah rune? he’s must be a d2 newb eh?

I gave him the Ber and base so he could use it for a few days first. Like I said, he’s quitting for New World and gave it and some other stuff to me.

We leveled together and were sharing loot as need before greed the whole time.

If he gets back on D2 and wants to use it, ill give it to him.

We’re adults, video game items aren’t life changing things. We’ve been around the block a few times.

A free jah, damn that’s like $150+. My brother found a Jah and Vex doing like 20 cow runs(lucky beyond words) and traded them both on jsp for like $200+ in FG.

As for me, things have gotten a BIT better. Found a Pally Combat GC, key of destruction, Fire skills Gc, a 16 life 11 cold resist sc, 5 resist 10 life sc, 2 lidless walls and a 33 resist vipermagi. Still running mostly pindle, shenk and eldritch like a bot with some Nilathak mixed in. I think I’m just salty that I haven’t found any good runes, even my hellforge gave me an IO rune lol.

Totally stupid and not true, simplicity ruined D3, or instant respec. Yeay D3 drops are too high, but it’s not the reason it’s ruined. Besides correct stats primal ancient are quite rare.

The problem is the calculation of the base items, and that’s not affected by MF. There are more then enough unique / set drops, IMHO even too much, but they are all crap normal ones, exceptional are still very reasonable, but many elite are way too rare. Chance of falling down an TC in drop calculation is too high for the highest few TC’s.

Yup. This is why I can’t play D3 or newer games more then a month or two at best, and D2 still holds my interest after 2 decades of playing it (off and on tbh).

I don’t even bother logging into D3 for new leagues anymore. But I still play d2…

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on saturday that would have been worth over 1k actually based on some of the images people have posted in a discord i am in of sold items. I am not for RMT but if i was quitting the game for another one i wouldn’t give hundreds if not thousands of dollars to a buddy. i love my friends an all but i got bills to pay